Musical Networking in the ‘Long 19th Century’
The project “Networking through Music: Changes of Paradigms in the ‘Long 19th century’ – from Luka Sorkočević to Franjo Ksaver Kuhač (NetMus19)” (financed by the Croatian Science Foundation 2017-2021) started from the presumption that the analysis of the structure of musical networks at various levels rests on the relationships between different components, some of which may not always have direct connections with music. These connecting components can be individuals, but also institutions, musical works, music publications, etc. Such networks have been documented through a series of case studies. As part of project tasks and achievements, along with numerous presentations at scholarly meetings, published works in journals and proceedings, and in two books, a final project symposium was organized under the broad aegis of “Musical Networking in the ‘Long 19th Century’”. It was held 2–5 June 2021 and – like most symposia at that time, due to the Covid threat – was held exclusively on a digital platform.