Music Migrations: from Source Research to Cultural Studies

Mainz, Johannes Gutenberg University, 24-25 April 2014

Music Migrations: from Source Research to Cultural Studies

Workshop of the HERA-project Music Migrations in the Early Modern Age: the Meeting of the European East, West and South (MusMig)

musmigmainz2014In early modern times music migrations have considerably contributed to the dynamics and synergy of the European cultural scene at large, stimulating innovations, changes of styles and patterns of musical and social behaviour, and contributing to the cohesive forces in the common Euro-pean cultural identity. In order to offer insight into musico-cultural encounters in spatial (European East, West and South), and in temporal terms (17th-18th centuries, i.e. Baroque and Classicism) the first workshop of the HERA-MusMig project will discuss the different types of sources as well as the theoretical and technical framework within which it will be possible to form a network of migratory musicians and to reconstruct their routes and goals; secular and sacred centres with centripetal attractiveness; the cultural transfer of certain musical forms and styles; individual and social migratory motives. In addition to panels on methodological approaches and on music migration between Eastern and Western Europe special attention will be given to the potential of Digital Humanities as a tool to study biographies and networks of migratory musicians.
