Information for Contributors. Manuscripts of articles in English, French or German (with a half-page abstract, one-page summary, and keywords) should be submitted in electronic form. The electronic format should be PC, in MS Word, and submitted via e-mail attachment. Tables, illustrations and music examples should be supplied electronically on separate pages in Acrobat PDF format (at 100% size) at 300 dpi for grayscale images and 1200 dpi for colour illustrations. Legends should be supplied separately within the text. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to publish each of their illustrations and/or music examples. Credits and acknowledgements should be included in the legends.
All articles submitted for publication in the International Review of the Aesthetics and Sociology of Music are blind peer-reviewed. Two positive reviews are needed for an article to be published. The process is anonymous: reviewer(s) receive(s) an article where his/her author’s name is not mentioned, and the author gets the review(s) without mentioning the reviewer(s) name(s). All corrections and changes in the text of an article are made by the editor and the author is informed about them.
Bibliographical Coverage. The International Review of the Aesthetics and Sociology of Music is covered in: Current Contents, Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Scopus, Academic Search Complete, RILM, Hrčak, The Music Index Online, Elsevier Science Bibliographic Databases, EBSCO, and JSTOR.
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