Indeks IRASM (1970- )


INDEX (1970-       )



ADILEH, Mu’tasem: Arabic Music between the Hammer of Technological Creativity and the Anvil of Cultural Identity (A Critical Study) (Sažetak: Arapska glazba između čekića tehnološke kreativnosti i nkovnja kulturnog identiteta. Kritička studija), 42/1 (2011) 145-163.

ALBERSHEIM, Gerhard: On the Psychology of Music (Sažetak: O psihologiji glazbe), IV/2 (1973) 213-227.

ALBINSSON, Staffan: Early Music Copyrights: Did They Matter for Beethoven and Schumann? (Sažetak: Što su značila rana glazbena autorska prava za Beethovena i Schumanna?), 43/2 (2012) 265-302.

ALFONSO-GOLDFARB, Ana Maria – BROMBERG, Carla: A Preliminary Study of the Origin of Music in Cinquecento Musical Treatises (Sažetak: Uvodna studija o podrijetlu glazbe u glazbenim traktatima 16. stoljeća), 41/2 (2010) 161-183.

ANASTASIU, Ioana – LORENZO, Oswaldo – HERRERA, Lucía: Social Duffusion of Music in Spain Through the Popular Press (Sažetak: Društveno širenje glazbe u Španjolskoj putem popularnog tiska), 38/1 (2007) 71-89.

APPEL, Bernhard: Grossstädtische Wahrnehmungsmuster in Gustav Mahlers Symphonien. Ein soziologischer Versuch (Summary: Urban Big-City Views as Elements of Gustav Mahler’s Symphonies; Sažetak: Uzorak velegradskog shvaćanja u simfonijama Gustava Mahlera), 16/1 (1985) 87-102.

ARBO, Alessandro: Entendre comme. Réflexions sur un thème de Wittgenstein (Summary: «Hearing (Something) as». Comments on a Wittgenstein’s Remark; Sažetak: Čuti kao. Razmišljanja na jednu Wittgensteinovu temu), 33/2 (2002) 149-169.

ARBO, Alessandro: Herméneutique de la musique? (Summary: Hermeneutics of Music?; Sažetak: Hermeneutika glazbe?), 31/1 (2000) 53-66.

ARBO, Alessandro: Jugement esthétique et ontologie musicale (Summary Aesthetic Judgement and the Musical Ontology, Sažetak: Estetički sud i glazbena ontologija), 45/1 (2014) 3-19.

ARBO, Alessandro: Typologie et fonctions de l’“entendre comme“ (Summary: Typology and Functions of „Hearing-as“, Sažetak: Tipologija i funkcije „čuti kao“), 43/1 (2012) 95-106.

ARCE, Daniel Mendoza de: Contemporary Sociological Theories and the Sociology of Music (Summary: Suvremene sociološke teorije i sociologija glazbe), V/2 (1974) 232-249.

ARICAN, Tunca: Dance Culture in Turkey: A Case Study in Ankara and Istanbul (Sažetak: Plesna kultura u Turskoj: Primjer Ankare i Istanbula), 43/1 (2012) 209-225.

ARNOLD, Ben: Music, Meaning, and War: The Titles of War Compositions (Sažetak: Glazba, značenje, rat: naslovi ratnih kompozicija), 22/1 (1991) 19-28.

AUDBOURG-POPIN, Marie-Danielle: La place de la musique dans un manuel d’enseignement général: le Paedagogus de Thomas Freigius (Summary: The Place of Music in a Manual of General Education: The Paedagogus by Thomas Freigius; Sažetak: Mjesto glazbe u jednom udžbeniku opća nastave: Paedagogus Thomasa Freigiusa), 24/1 (1993) 45-57.

AZADEHFAR, Mohammad Reza: Domination of Social and Cultural Inhabitancies over Music Training School: the Case of Western Music Performers Living in Iran (Sažetak: prevlast društvenih i kulturnih boravaka nad glazbeno-obrazovnim školama: slučaj zapadnih glazbenih izvođača koji žive u Iranu), 45/2 (2014) 261-273.

BABAOUĞLU BALKIŞ, Lale: Definig the Turk: Construction of Meaning in Operatic Orientalism (Sažetak: Definiranje Turčina: konstruiranje značenja u opernom orijentalizmu), 41/2 (2010) 185-193.

BAČIĆ, Marcel: Klangraum – Raumklang (Summary: The Space of Music – Music of Space; Sažetak: Prostor glazbe – glazba prostora, 11/2 (1980) 197-217.

BAILEY, Candace: Orlando Gibbons, Keyboard Music, and the Beginnings of the Baroque: New Considerations of a Musical Style (Sažetak: Orlando Gibbons, glazba za instrumente s tipkama i početci baroka: nova razmatranja o glazbenom stilu), 37/2 (2006) 135-156.

BAIN, David Lance: An Oblique Introduction into the Music of Africa (Sažetak: Jedan posredni uvod u glazbu Afrike), 14/1 (1983) 23-31.

BARKER, Thomas: The Social and Aesthetic Situation of Olivier Messiaen’s Religious Music: Turangalîla Symphonie (Sažetak: Društvena i estetička situacija sakralne glazbe Oliviera Messiaena: simfonija Turangalîla), 43/1 (2012) 53-70.

BARRON, Lee – INGLIS, Ian: (Re)constructing the Carnival: Continuity and Change in Contemporary British Popular Music (Sažetak: (Re)konstrukcija karnevala: kontinuitet i promjene u suvremenoj britanskoj popularnoj glazbi), 33/1 (2002) 95-112.

BARROW, Lee G.: Guilt by Association: The Effect of Attitudes toward Fascism on the Critical Assessment of the Music of Ottorino Respighi (Sažetak: Kriv zbog veze: posljedica stavova prema fašizmu na kritičku prosudbu glazbe Ottorina Respighija), 42/1 (2011) 79-95.

BARRY, Barbara R.: Chronicles and Witnesse: A Survivor from Warsaw through Adorno’s Broken Mirror (Sažetak: Kronike i svjedoci: Preživjeli iz Varšave kroz Adornovo slomljeno zrcalo), 41/2 (2010) 265-291.

BARRY, Barbara R.: In Adorno’s Broken Mirror: Towards a Theory of Musical Reproduction (Sažetak: U Adornovu slomljenom zrcalu: prema teoriji glazbene reprodukcije), 40/1 (2009) 81-98.

BARRY, Barbara: Is Anybody There? Texting in Schubert’s Musical Stratosphere (Sažetak:
ima li tamo koga? Tekstiranje u Schubertovoj glazbenoj stratosferi), 46/2
(2015) 273-289.

BAR-YOSHAFAT, Yonatan: Kenner und Liebhaber – Yet Another Look (Sažetak: Znalci
i ljubitelji
– Drugi pogled), 44/1 (2013) 19-47.

BAUER, Hans-Joachim: Statistik, eine objektive Methode zur Analyse von Kunst? (Summary:
Statistics as an Objective Method of Art Analysis?; Sažetak: Statistika, objektivna metoda analize umjetnosti?), VII/2 (1976) 249-263.

BEAUD, Paul:
Musiques, Masses, Minorités, Marginaux (Summary: Kinds of Music, the
Masses, Minorities and Fringe Groups; Sažetak: Muzika, mase, manjina, periferne grupe), V/1 (1974) 155-167.

BEAUFILS, Marcel: Musique et nuit (Sažetak: Muzika i noć), I/1 (1970) 69-82.

BEK, Josef:
Die tschechische Musik-Avantagarde (Summary: Czech Music Avant-garde; Sažetak:
Češka glazbena avangarda), 14/1 (1983) 79-92.

BENIĆ ZOVKO, Marija: Twelve-Tone Technique and Its Forms: Variation Techniques of Arnold
Schoenberg’s Variations for Orchestra Op. 31 (Sažetak:
Dvanaesttonska tehnika i njezine forme: varijacijske tehnike u Varijacijama za
orkestar op. 31
Arnolda Schönberga), 38/1 (2007) 39-53.

BENITEZ, Joaquim M.: Avant-garde or Experimental? Classifying Contemporary Music (Sažetak:
Avangardno ili eksperimentalno? Klasificiranje suvremene glazbe, IX/1 (1978)

BENNETT, Fionn: Can an „Anthropological Ontology“ Supply Music with an Acceptable
Semiology?: A Philosophical Appraisal of Musicology According to Jean Molino
& Jean-Jacques Nattiez (Sažetak: Može li „antropološka ontologija“
pružiti glazbi prihvatljivu semiologiju?: Filozofska procjena muzikogije prema
Jeanu Molinou i Jean-Jacquesu Nattiezu), 44/1 (2013) 119-136.

BERGAMO, Marija:
Versuch zum musikalisch Nationalen (Summary: Some Ideas about the
National in Music; Sažetak: Promišljanje o glazbeno nacionalnom), 20/2
(1989) 169-181.

BERGER, Gertrud: Die historische Dimension im musikphilosophischen Denken von Andreas
Liess und Theodor W. Adorno (Sažetak: Historijska dimenzija u
muzičko-filozofskom mišljenju Andreasa Liessa i Th. W. Adorna), II/1 (1971)

BÉRIACHVILI, Georges: Frisson esthétique: à la recherche d’une explication théorique
(Summary: Aesthetic Frisson: in Search of Theoretical Explanation, Sažetak:
Estetički drhtaj: u potrazi za teorijskim objašnjenjem), 47/1 (2016) 63-85.

BERTHIER, Nicole: L’amateur de musique. Une approche sociologique (Summary: The
Amateur in Music. A Sociological Approach; Sažetak: Ljubitelj glazbe.
Sociološki pristup), VIII/1 (1977) 23-38.

BEZIĆ, Jerko: Die Akkulturation als eine Fortbestandsmöglichkeit der Volksmusik (Summary:
Acculturation as a Possibility for the Survival of Folk Music; Sažetak:
Akulturacija kao mogućnost daljeg življenja folklorne glazbe), V/1 (1974)

BIRENBAUM-CARMELI, Daphna: Overtones: The Social World of the Israeli Philharmonic
Orchestra (+ Sažetak), 22/1 (1991) 81-98.

BLACKSTONE, Lee: Remixing the Music of the Spheres: Listening to the
Relevance of an Ancient Doctrine for the Sociology of Music (Sažetak:
Novo preslagivanje glazbe sfera: osluškivanje važnosti stare doktrine za
sociologiju glazbe), 42/1 (2011) 3-31.

BLAUKOPF, Kurt: Musical Institutions in a Changing World (Sažetak: Glazbene
ustanove u svijetu koji se mijenja), III/1 (1972) 35-42.

BLAUKOPF, Kurt: Tonsysteme und ihre gesellschaftliche Geltung in Max Webers
Musiksoziologie (Sažetak: Tonski sustavi i njihov društveni značaj u
sociologiji muzike Maxa Webera), I/2 (1970) 159-167.

BLAUKOPF, Kurt: Westernisation, Modernisation, and the Mediamorphosis of Music (first
published in: / prvi put objavljeno u: International Review of the
Aesthetics and Sociology of Music
, 20/2 (1989) 183-192) (Sažetak:
Pozapadnjenje, modernizacija i mediamorfoza glazbe), 25/1-2 (1994) 337-345.

BLAŽEKOVIĆ, Zdravko: Einige musikalische Ereignisse im Zagreb der sechziger und siebziger
Jahre des 19. Jahrhunderts in ihrer Abhängigkeit von den politischen
Verhältnissen (Summary: Certain Events in the Zagreb Music World of the
1860s and 70s as Dependent on the Political Situation; Sažetak: Neka
glazbena događanja u Zagrebu šezdesetih i sedamdesetih godina 19. stoljeća u ovisnosti
od političkih prilika), 18/1 (1987) 31-50.

BLAŽEKOVIĆ, Zdravko: The Economic Position of Zagreb Musicians in the Sixties and Seventies
of the Nineteenth Century (Sažetak: Materijalni položaj zagrebačkih
glazbenika druge polovice 19. stoljeća), 15/2 (1984) 129-140.

BONTINCK, Irmgard: Mass Media and New Types of Youth Music. Methodological and
Terminological Problems (first published in: / prvi put objavljeno u: International
Review of the Aesthetics and Sociology of Music
, VI/1 (1975) 47-56) (Sažetak:
Masovni mediji i nove vrste omladinske glazbe. Metodološki i terminološki
problemi), 25/1-2 (1994) 165-174.

BOOTH, Gregory D.: Traditional Practice and Mass Mediated Music in India (Sažetak:
Tradicionalna praksa i glazba posredovana masovnim medijima u Indiji), 24/2 (1993)

BOSE, Madelon: The Sound and the Theory. A Novel Look at Word and Music (Sažetak:
Zvuk i teorija. Novi pogled na riječ i glazbu), X/1 (1979) 57-71.

BRIX, Lothar: Gedanken zur Musiksoziologie (Summary: Some Thoughts about the
Sociology of Music; Sažetak: Razmišljanja o sociologiji glazbe), IX/2
(1978) 311-345.

BROMBERG, Carla – ALFONSO-GOLDFARB, Ana Maria: A Preliminary Study of the Origin
of Music in Cinquecento Musical Treatises (Sažetak: Uvodna studija o
podrijetlu glazbe u glazbenim traktatima 16. stoljeća), 41/2 (2010) 161-183.

BROOK, Barry
S.: The Symphonie Concertante: Its Musical and Sociological Bases (first
published in: / prvi put objavljeno u: International Review of the
Aesthetics and Sociology of Music
, VI/1 (1975) 9-28) (Sažetak:
Koncertantna simfonija: glazbene i sociološke osnove) , 25/1-2 (1994) 131-148.

BROWN, Leslie Ellen: Thomas Reid and the Reception of Music: Sense vs. Reason (Sažetak:
Thomas Reid i glazbeno primalaštvo: osjećaj protiv razuma), 20/2 (1989)

BUCH, Esteban:
Critique de la faculté de juger de la Musique (Summary: Kant’s Critique
of Judgement
on Music; Sažetak: Kantova Kritika rasudne moći
o glazbi), 24/1 (1993) 59-68.

BUELOW, George J.: Originality, Genius, Plagiarism in English Criticism of the Eighteenth
Century (Sažetak: Originalnost, genij i plagijatorstvo u engleskoj
kritici u 18. stoljeću), 21/2 (1990) 117-128.

BUETTNER, Stewart: Cage (Sažetak: Cage), 12/2 (1981) 141-151.

BUJIĆ, Bojan: «Navigating through the Past»: Issues Facing an Historian of Music in
Bosnia (Sažetak: «Plovljenje po prošlosti»: problemi s kojima se susreće
historičar glazbe u Bosni), 37/1 (2006) 67-84.

BUJIĆ, Bojan: Josquin, Leonardo, and the Scala Peccatorum (Sažetak:
Josquin, Leonardo i Scala Peccatorum), IV/2 (1973) 145-163.

BUŽAROVSKI, Dimitrije: Generative Ideas in the Aesthetics of Music (Sažetak:
Generativne ideje u estetici glazbe), 17/2 (1986) 163-184.

CABALLERO, Carlo: Dancing out of Formalism: On Peter Kivy’s Theory and Its Limits (Sažetak:
Poigravanje s formalizmom: o teoriji Petera Kivyja i njezinim ograničenjima), 44/2 (2013) 277-301.

CALKINS, Susan: Modernism in Music and Erik Satie’s Parade (Sažetak:
Modernizam u glazbi i Parade Erika Satiea), 41/1 (2010) 3-19.

CAMARA, Evandro – DASILVA, Fabio B.: Music and Society in Brazil: the Recent
Experience (Sažetak: Glazba i društvo u Brazilu: suvremeno iskustvo), 15/1 (1984) 15-29.

CANGUILHEM, Philippe: Tel père, tel fils? Les opinions esthétiques de la famille
Galilei (Summary: Father and Son: Aesthetic Views of the Galilei Family;
Sažetak: Kakav otac takav sin? Estetički nazori obitelji Galilei), 23/1
(1992) 27-42.

CANONNE, Clément: Du concept d’improvisation à la pratique de l’improvisation
libre (Summary: From the Concept of Improvisation to the Practice of
Free Improvisation, Sažetak: Od pojma improvizacije do prakse slobodne
improvizacije), 47/1 (2016) 17-43.

CARLTON, Richard A.: Changes in Status and Role-Play: The Musician at the End of the
Eighteenth Century (Sažetak: Promjene u statusu i ulozi: glazbenik
krajem osamnaestog stoljeća), 37/1 (2006) 3-16.

CARLTON, Richard A.: Florentine Humanism and the Birth of Opera: The Roots of Operatic
«Conventions» (Sažetak: Firentinski humanizam i rođenje opere: korijeni
opernih «konvencija»), 31/1 (2000) 67-78.

CARLTON, Richard A.: Folk-Song, Chant, and the English Symphonic Renaissance. A Case
Study of Ethnic Musical Identity (Sažetak: Narodna pjesma, crkveno
pjevanje i engleska simfonijska renesansa. Studij jednog slučaja etničkog
glazbenog identiteta), 24/2 (1993) 129-142.

CARLTON, Richard A.: Man as a Musical Animal (Sažetak: Čovjek kao glazbena
životinja), 27/1 (1996) 79-86.

CARLTON, Richard A.: The «Satanic» in Opera and in Popular Belief (Sažetak:
«Sotonsko» u operi i popularnom vjerovanju), 35/2 (2004) 139-149.

CARLTON, Richard
A.: The Pedagogical Dilemma of Expressive Arts (Sažetak: Pedagoška
dilema izražajnih umjetnosti), 30/1 (1999) 15-25.

CARLTON, Richard A.: The Public Marketing of Music (Sažetak: Javno trženje
glazbe), 26/1 (1995) 123-132.

CARLTON, Richard A.: The Symphony in Sunset (Sažetak: Simfonija u sumraku), 34/1
(2003) 45-56.

CASTELŌES, Luiz E.: A Catalogue of Music Onomatopoeia (Sažetak: Katalog
glazbene onomatopeje), 40/2 (2009) 299-347.

CAVALLINI, Ivano: L’idée d’histoire et d’harmonie du Padre Martini et d’autres penseurs de
son temps (Summary: The Ideas of History and Harmony of Padre Martini
and Other Thinkers of his Age; Sažetak: Ideja povijesti i hramonije kod
Padre Martinija i drugih mislilaca njegova doba), 21/2 (1990) 141-159.

CAZDEN, Norman: The Definition of Consonance and Dissonance (Sažetak: Određenje
konsonance i disonance), 11/2 (1980) 123-168.

CAZDEN, Norman: The Systemic Reference of Musical Consonance Response (Sažetak:
Sistemski odnos u prijemljivosti glazbene konsonance), III/2 (1972) 217-245.

CERVANTES, Xavier: Les arias de comparaison dans les opéras londoniens de Handel:
Variations sur un thème baroque (Summary: The Similar Arias in
Handel’s Operas: Variations on Baroque Theme; Sažetak: Varijacije na
baroknu temu: Aria di Paragone u Händelovim londonskim operama), 26/2
(1995) 147-166.

CHANTLER, Abigail: Revisiting E. T. A. Hoffmann’s Musical Hermeneutics (Sažetak:
Ponovno razmatranje glazbene hermeneutike E. T. A. Hoffmanna), 33/1 (2002)

CHANTLER, Abigail: The Sturm und Drang Style Revisited (Sažetak: Ponovno
razmatranje pokreta Sturm und Drang), 34/1 (2003) 17-31.

CHAPLIN, Keith: „A Harmony or Concord of Several and Diverse Voices“: Autonomy in
17th-Century German Music Theory and Practice (Sažetak: „Harmonija ili
složnost više različitih glasova“: Autonimija u njemačkoj glazbenoj teoriji i
praksi 17. stoljeća), 42/2 (2011) 219-255.

CIPRA, Milo:
Die Analyse im Musikunterricht (Summary: Analysis in Teaching Music:
Informal Notes and Reflections; Sažetak: Analiza u muzičkoj nastavi:
neobavezne primjedbe), V/1 (1974) 85-90.

COESSENS, Kathleen: Musical Performance and „Kairos“: Exploring the Time and Space of
Atristic Resonance (Sažetak: Glazbena izvedba i kairos:
istraživanje vremena i prostora umjetničke rezonancije), 40/2 (2009) 269-281.

COLLINS, Timothy A.: «Reactions Against the Virtuoso». Instrumental Ornamentation
Practice and the Stile Moderno (Sažetak: «Reakcije protiv
virtuoza»: praksa instrumentalne ornamentacije i stile moderno), 32/2
(2002) 137-152.

COLLINS, Timothy A.: Musica secreta strumentali. The Aesthetics and Practice of Private
Solo Instrumental Performance in the Age of Monody (ca. 1580-ca. 1610) (Sažetak:
Musica secreta strumentali. Estetika i praksa privatnih solističkih
izvedbi u razdoblju monodije (oko 1580. – oko 1610)), 35/1 (2004) 47-62.

CORCORAN, Frank: Two Hardy Referentialists and the Debate on Expression in Music (Sažetak:
Dva smiona referencijalista i rasprava o izrazu u glazbi), 18/2 (1987) 237-245.

CREMADES, Roberto LORENZO, Oswaldo – HERRERA, Lucia: Mass Media
Influence on the Musical Preferences of Spanish Adolescents: A Sociological
Analysis (Sažetak: Utjecaj masovnih medija na glazbene preferencije
španjolskih adolescenata: sociološka analiza), 42/1 (2011) 125-144.

CREMADES, Roberto – LORENZO, Oswaldo – TURCU, Ioana Ruxandra: Raï
Music as a Generator of Cultural Identity among Young Maghrebies (Sažetak:
Raï glazba kao proizvođač kulturnog identiteta mladih stanovnika Magreba), 46/1 (2015) 175-184.

CUPERS, Jean-Louis: Le termes en -isme et les mouvements musicaux (Summary:
Terms Ending in -ism and Musical Movements; Sažetak: «-izmi» i glazbeni
pokreti), II/2 (1971) 231-242.

CURESES, Marta: Geometric Perspective, Structure and Proportion in Carlos Cruz de
Castro’s Compositions (Sažetak: Geometrijska perspektiva, struktura i
proporcija u skladbama Carlosa Cruza de Castra), 44/1 (2013) 169-188.

CVETKO, Dragotin: Die soziologischen und nationalen Bedingungen für die Wandlungen in
der musikalischen Situation bei den Südslawen im 19. Jahrhundert. Versuch eines
Umrisses (Summary: Sociological and National Conditions of Changes in
the Musical Situation of South Slavs in the Nineteenth Century (An Attempt at a
Survey); Sažetak: Sociološki i nacionalni uvjeti promjena u položaju
muzike kod južnih Slavena u 19. st. (pokušaj pregleda), V/1 (1974) 125-137.

CVETKO, Dragotin: Probleme und Leistungen der slowenischen Musikwissenschaft (Sažetak:
Problemi i dostignuća slovenske glazbene znanosti), VII/1 (1976) 89-101.

CVETKO, Dragotin: The Present Relationship between the Historiography of Music in
Eastern and Western Europe (Sažetak: Glazbena historiografija u Istočnoj
i Zapadnoj Europi), IX/2 (1978) 151-160.

CVETKO, Dragotin: Zum Problem der Wertung der Neuen Musik (Summary: On the
Problem of Evaluating New Music; Sažetak: O problemu vrednovanja nove
glazbe), IV/1 (1973) 5-16.

CYPESS, Rebecca: The Community as Ethnographer: Views of Classical Music in the
English-Speaking Orthodox Jewish Comunnity (Sažetak: Zajednica kao
etnograf: pogledi na klasičnu glazbu u ortodoksnoj židovskoj zajednici
engleskog govornog izričaja), 41/1 (2010) 117-139.

ČIĆ, Emil:
Das Zwiete Vatikanum und die liturgische Idee über die sakrale Musik in
Kroatien (Summary: The Second Vatican Council and the Liturgical Idea of
Sacral Music in Croatia; Sažetak: Drugi vatikanski koncil i liturgijska
ideja sakralne glazbe u Hrvatskoj), 29/1 (1998) 75-90.

DAHLHAUS, Carl: Das musikalische Kunstwerk als Gegenstand der Soziologie (first published
in: / prvi put objavljeno u: International Review of the Aesthetics and
Sociology of Music
, V/1 (1974) 11-26) (Summary: The Musical Work of
Art as an Object of the Sociology of Music; Sažetak: Glazbeno umjetničko
djelo kao objekt sociologije muzike), 25/1-2 (1994) 115-130.

DAHLHAUS, Carl: Formästhetik und Nachahmungsprinzip (Summary: Form-Aesthetics and
the Principle of Mimicry; Sažetak: Estetika forme i princip oponašanja), IV/2 (1973) 165-174.

DAHLHAUS, Carl: Karl Philipp Moritz und das Problem einer klassischen Musikästhetik (Summary:
Karl Philipp Moritz and the Problem of a Classical Aesthetics of Music; Sažetak:
Karl Philipp Moritz i problem klasične estetike glazbe), IX/2 (1978) 279-294.

DAHLHAUS, Carl: Soziologische Dechiffrierung von Musik. Zu Theodor W. Adornos
Wagnerkritik (Sažetak: Sociološko tumačenje muzike. Uz Adornovu kritiku
Wagnera), I/2 (1970) 137-147.

DALMONTE, Rossana: Towards a Semiology of Humour in Music (Sažetak: Prema
semiologiji humora u glazbi), 26/2 (1995) 167-187.

DAMNJANOVIĆ, Milan: Susanne K. Langer: Die Kunst als symbolische Form. Mit besonderer
Berücksichtigung der Musiktheorie (Summary: Susanne K. Langer: Art as a
Symbolic Form. With a Special Regard to the Theory of Music; Sažetak:
Susanne K. Langer: umjetnost kao simbolička forma sa posebnim osvrtom na
teoriju muzike), 18/2 (1987) 217-236.

DASILVA, Fabio B. – CAMARA, Evandro: Music and Society in Brazil: the Recent
Experience (Sažetak: Glazba i društvo u Brazilu: suvremeno iskustvo), 15/1 (1984) 15-29.

DASILVA, Fabio B.: Misleading Discourse and the Message of Silence. An Adornian
Introduction to Villa-Lobos’ Music (Sažetak: Zavaravajući govor i poruka
tišine. Adornovski uvod u Villa-Lobosa), X/2 (1979) 167-180.

DAVIDOVIĆ, Dalibor: Signs… Fragments… Some Observations on the Music of Milo Cipra
(1906-1985) (Sažetak: Znakovi… fragmenti… Neke napomene uz
glazbu Mila Cipre (1906-1985)), 32/1 (2001) 93-132.

DE CLERCQ, Jacqueline: Le public des concerts à Bruxelles (Summary: The
Audience of Concerts in Brussels; Sažetak: Koncertna publika u
Bruxellesu), III/1 (1972) 43-60.

DE CLERCQ, Jacqueline: Les Rencontres Musicales. Une expérience de rénovation du concert (Summary:
«Musical Meetings». An Attempt to Renew the Concert; Sažetak: «Muzički
susreti». Pokušaj obnove koncerta), IV/1 (1973) 69-80.

DE COSTER, Michel: L’art mass-médiatisé. L’exemple de la musique classique enregistreé (Summary:
The Mass-Mediatized Art. The Example of the Recorded Classical Music; Sažetak:
Umjetnost pod utjecajem masovnih medija. Primjer snimljene klasične glazbe), VI/2 (1975) 255-268.

DE SURMONT, Jean-Nicolas: From Oral Tradition to Commercial Industry: The Misunderstood
Path of Popular Song (Sažetak: Od usmene tradicije do komercijalne
industrije: krivo shvaćeni putevi popularne pjesme), 39/1 (2008) 73-92.

DEĞIRMENCI, Koray: ‘Local Music from out There’: Roman (Gypsy) Music as World
Music in Turkey (Sažetak: ‘Domaća glazba odnekuda’: romska (ciganska)
glazba kao glazba svijeta u Turskoj), 42/1 (2011) 97-124.

DEGIRMENCI, Koray: On the Pursuit of a Nation: The Construction of Folk and Folk Music in
the Founding Decades of the Turkish Republic (Sažetak: U potrazi za
nacijom: konstrukcija naroda i folklorne glazbe u osnivačkim desetljećima
turske republike), 37/1 (2006) 47-65.

DEGMEČIĆ, Dunja – POŽGAIN, Ivan – FILAKOVIĆ, Pavo: Music as Therapy (Sažetak:
Glazba kao terapija), 36/2 (2005) 287-300.

DELAERE, Mark: Mutations in Systems in the Natural Sciences and Music in the First Half
of the Twentieth Century (Sažetak: Mutacije u sistemima u prirodnim
znanostima i glazbi u prvoj polovini 20. stoljeća), 21/1 (1990) 3-28.

DELIÈGE, Célestin: Indétermination et improvisation (Summary:
Indetermination and Improvisation; Sažetak: Neodređenost i
improvizacija), II/2 (1971) 155-191.

DELIÈGE, Célestin: Les techniques du rétrospectivisme (Summary:
Techniques of Retrospectivism; Sažetak: Tehnike retrospektivizma), V/1
(1974) 27-41.

DENISOV, Andrey V.: The Parody Principle in Music Art (Sažetak: Načelo parodije u
umjetnosti glazbe), 46/1 (2015) 55-72.

der tonalen Musik (Summary: From
Heinrich Schenker’s Analytical Method to the

DESCHÊNES, Bruno: Apprécier la musique aujourd’hui (Summary: Appreciation of Music Today; Sažetak: Ocjenjivanje glazbe danas), 27/2 (1996) 139-154.

DESCHÊNES, Bruno: Toward an Anthropology of Music Listening (Sažetak: Prema antropologiji glazbenog slušanja), 29/2 (1998) 135-153.

DIEEN, Murray: The „Cellist’s Predicament, or Imagination, Ethics, and Musical Performance (Sažetak: Violončelistova neprilika, ili zamišljaj, etika i glazbeno izvođenje), 40/2 (2009) 283-297.

DIESEN, Rolf – HOLEN, Arne – SELVIK, Randi Margrete: Das Musikleben in einer Landgemeinde (Summary: Musical Culture in a Norwegian Rural District; Sažetak: Glazbena kultura u jednom seoskom predjelu Norveške), V/1 (1974) 191-207. diktaturom), 34/1 (2003) 3-15.

DINEEN, Murray: Lexicon for a Leftist Aesthetics of Music: Hand Wind’s Chart of the Gesetze der Kunst (Sažetak: Leksikon ljevičarske estetike glazbe: nacrt Hansa Winda za zakone umjetnosti), 41/2 (2010) 265-291.

DITZLER, Kirk: Tradition ist Schlamperei: Gustav Mahler and the Vienna Court Opera (Sažetak: Tradicija je nemarnost: Gustav Mahler i bečka dvorska opera), 29/1 (1998) 11-28.

DOĞRUSÖZ, Nilgün – ERGUR, Ali: Resistance and Adoption towards Written
Music at the Crossroads of Modernity: Gradual Passage to Notation in Turkish
Makam Music (Sažetak: Otpor i prihvaćanje pisane glazbe na raskrižjima
moderniteta: postupni prijelaz na notaciju u turskoj maqam glazbi), 46/1
(2015) 145-174.

DOJA, Albert: Socializing Enchantment: A Socio-Anthropological Approach to
Infant-Directed Singing, Musical Education and Cultural Socialization (Sažetak:
čarolija socijalizacije: socio-antropološki pristup na djecu usmjerenog
pjevanja, glazbenog odgoja i kulturne socijalizacije), 45/1 (2014) 115-147.

DOLINER, Gorana: The Folk Idiom in Croatian Music of the 20th Century (Sažetak:
Folklorni idiom u hrvatskoj glazbi 20. stoljeća), 18/1 (1987) 51-73.

DOLINSZKY, Miklós: La certitude du possible. L’éthique du non engagement dans l’art de
Barnabás Dukay (Summary: The Certainty of the Possible. The
Ethics of Uncommittedness in the Art of Barnabás Dukay, Sažetak:Izvjesnost
mogućega. Etika neangažiranosti u umjetnosti Barnabása Dukaya), 46/1
(2015) 117-133.

DÖMLING, Wolfgang: Musikgeschichte als Stilgeschichte. Bemerkungen zum musikhistorischen
Konzept Guido Adlers (Summary: The History of Music as the History of
Styles; Sažetak: Povijest glazbe kao povijest stilova), IV/1 (1973)

DOUBRAVOVÁ, Jarmila: Musical Semiotics in Czechoslovakia and an Interpersonal Hypothesis of
Music (Sažetak: Glazbena semiotika u Čehoslovačkoj i interpersonalna
hipoteza o glazbi), 15/1 (1984) 31-38.

DOUBRAVOVÁ, Jarmila: Sound and Structure in Josef Suk’s Zrání (Sažetak: Zvuk
i struktura u skladbi Zrání Josefa Suka), VII/1 (1977) 73-87.

DREWETT, Michael: The Road From Crisis to Catharsis in the Songs of Roger Lucey (Sažetak:
Put od krize do katarze u pjesmama Rogera Luceya), 42/2 (2011) 379-396.

DUJMIĆ, Dunja: The Musical Transcendatalism of Charles Ives (Sažetak: Glazbeni
transcendentalizam Charlesa Ivesa), II/1 (1971) 89-95.

DUMBAR-HALL, Peter: Semiotics as a Method for the Study of Popular Music (Sažetak:
Semiotika kao metoda za proučavanje popularane glazbe), 22/2 (1991) 127-132.

EINARSDÓTTIR, Sigrún Lilja: Constructing ‘My Bach’. Relevance of Historical Constructions of
Bach for Members ina n English Amateur ‘Art Music’ / Composer-oriented Bach
Choir (Sažetak: Konstruirajući ‘mojeg Bacha’. Relevantnost povijesnih
konstrukcija Bacha za članove jednog engleskog amaterskog
‘glazbeno-umjetničkog’ Bachova zbora orijentiranog na skladatelja), 46/1 (2015)

ENGEL, Gerhard: Zur Aktualität der Musiksoziologie Max Webers (+ Summary; Sažetak), 22/1 (1991) 3-17

ERGUR, Ali –
DOĞRUSÖZ, Nilgün: Resistance and Adoption towards Written Music at
the Crossroads of Modernity: Gradual Passage to Notation in Turkish Makam Music
(Sažetak: Otpor i prihvaćanje pisane glazbe na raskrižjima moderniteta:
postupni prijelaz na notaciju u turskoj maqam glazbi), 46/1 (2015) 145-174.

ESCAL, Françoise: Le corps social du musicien (Sažetak: The Social Body of the
Musician; Sažetak: Društveno tijelo glazbenika), 22/2 (1991) 165-186.

ESCAL, Françoise: Les concertos-pastiches de Mozart, ou la citation comme
procès d’appropriation du discours (Summary: Mozart’s
Concertos-pasticcios. The Citation as a Process of Accommodation to the
Discourse; Sažetak: Mozartovi koncerti-pasticcia. Citat kao proces
prilagođavanja izričaja), 12/2 (1981) 117-139.

ESCAL, Françoise: Musique et science: D’Alambert contre Rameau (first published in: /
prvi put objavljeno u: International Review of the Aesthetics and Sociology
of Music
, 14/2 (1983) 167-190) (Summary: Music and Science:
D’Alambert vs. Rameau; Sažetak: Glazba i znanost: D’Alambert protiv
Rameaua), 25/1-2 (1994) 271-293.

ESCAL, Françoise: Musique et science: D’Alembert contre Rameau (Summary: Music
and Science: D’Alembert vs. Rameau; Sažetak: Glazba i znanost: D’Alembert
protiv Rameaua), 14/2 (1983) 167-190.

ETZION, Judith: Spanish Music as Perceived in Western Music Historiography: A Case of
the Black Legend (Sažetak: Percepcija španjolske glazbe u zapadnoj
glazbenoj historiografiji: slučaj crne legende?), 29/2 (1998) 93-120.

Peter: On Music, Social Structure and Sociology (Sažetak: O glazbi, društvenoj
strukturi i sociologiji), V/1 (1974) 43-49.

EURICH, Johannes: Sociological Aspects and Ritual Similarities in the Relationship
between Pop Music and Religion (Sažetak: Sociološki aspekti i ritualne
sličnosti u odnosu između pop glazbe i religije), 34/1 (2003) 57-70.

EVERETT, William A.: National Themes in Scottish Art Music, ca. 1880-1990 (Sažetak:
Nacionalne teme u škotskoj umjetničkoj glazbi od oko 1880. do 1990. godine), 30/2 (1999) 151-171.

EVERETT, William A.: Opera and National Identity in Nineteenth-Century Croatian and
Czech Lands (Sažetak: Opera i nacionalni identitet u 19. stoljeću u
hrvatskim i češkim zemljama), 35/1 (2004) 63-69.

FABIAN, Dorottya: The Meaning of Authenticity and the Early Music Movement – A
Historical Review (Sažetak: Značenje autentičnosti i pokret rane glazbe –
povijesni pregled), 32/2 (2001) 153-167.

FABIAN, Dorottya: The Recording of Joachim, Ysaÿe and Sarasate in Light of Their
Reception by Nineteenth-Century British Critics (Sažetak: Snimke Josepha
Joachima, Eugènea Ysaÿea i Pabla Sarasatea u svijetlu njihove
recepcije kod britanskih kritičara 19. stoljeća), 37/2 (2006) 189-211.

FALTIN, Peter: Musikalische Bedeutung. Grenzen und Möglichkeiten einer semiotischen
Ästhetik (Summary: The Meaning of Music; Sažetak: Značenje
glazbe), IX/1 (1978) 5-33.

FALTIN, Peter: Über den Verlust des Subjekts in der neuen Musik. Anmerkungen zum Komponieren
am Ausgang der 70er Jahre (Summary: Remarks on Composing at the End of
the 70s; Sažetak: Napomene o komponiranju pri kraju 70-ih godina), X/2
(1979) 181-198.

FALTIN, Peter: Über Gegenstand und Sinn der philosophischen Ästhetik (Summary:
On the Object and Sense of Philosophical Aesthetics; Sažetak: O predmetu
i smislu filozofske estetike), 11/2 (1980) 169-195.

FALTIN, Peter: Widersprüche bei der Interpretation des Kunstwerkes als Zeichen. Drei
monistische Modelle zur Erklärung der Bedeutung von Musik (Summary:
Contradictions in the Interpretation of the Work of Art as a Sign; Sažetak:
Protuslovlja u interpretaciji umjetničkog djela kao znaka), III/2 (1972)

FEDERHOFER, Hellmut: Karlheinz Stockhausens Mozartdeutung. Ein Beitrag zur Ästhetik
Serieller Musik (Summary: K. Stockhausen’s Interpretation of Mozart. A
Contribution to the Aesthetics of Serial Music; Sažetak: K. Stockhausenovo
tumačenja Mozarta. Prilog estetici serijelne glazbe), VI/2 (1975) 229-240.

FEDERHOFER, Hellmut: Musikgeschichtsschreibung und Musiksoziologie (Summary: Music
History Writing and Sociology of Music; Sažetak: Pisanje povijesti
glazbe i sociologija glazbe), 26/2 (1995) 135-146.

FEDERHOFER, Hellmut: Neue Musik und moderne Demokratie (Summary: New Music and
Modern Democracy; Sažetak: Nova glazba i moderna demokracija), 30/1
(1999) 3-13.

FEDERHOFER, Hellmut: Theodor W. Adornos Beethoven-Deutung (Sažetak: Beethoven-Meaning
by Theodor W. Adorno; Sažetak: Beethovenovo značenje kod Theodora W.
Adorna), 35/2 (2004) 127-137.

FEDERHOFER, Hellmut: Zur Rezeption Neuer Musik (Summary: On the Reception of New
Music; Sažetak: Uz recepciju nove glazbe), III/1 (1972) 5-34.

FELLERER, Karl Gustav: Affectus und effectus in der italienischen Monodie (I) (Summary:
Affectus and Effectus in Italian Monody (I); Sažetak: Affectus
i effectus u talijanskoj monodiji (I)), 14/1 (1983) 3-21.

FELLERER, Karl Gustav: Affectus und effectus in der italienischen Monodie (II) (Summary:
Affectus and Effectus in Italian Monody (II); Sažetak: Affectus
i effectus u talijanskoj monodiji (II)), 14/2 (1983) 119-146.

FELLERER, Karl Gustav: Kreation und Rezeption der Musik (Summary: Creation and
Reception of Music; Sažetak: Stvaralaštvo i primalaštvo glazbe), VI/2
(1975) 201-228.

FIGAREDO, Rubén: Today’s Dissonance, Tomorrow’s Consonance: A New Pact between Composers
and Public (Sažetak: Današnja disonanca, sutrašnja konsonanca: novi
dogovor između skladatelja i publike), 41/1 (2010) 91-116.

FILAKOVIĆ, Pavo – DEGMEČIĆ, Dunja – POŽGAIN, Ivan: Music as Therapy (Sažetak:
Glazba kao terapija), 36/2 (2005) 287-300.

FINK, Monika: Ballszenen i Operetten (Summary: The Ball Scenes in Operettas; Sažetak:
Balske scene u operetama), 29/1 (1998) 3-9.

FINK, Monika: Ballszenen i Opern (Summary: The Ball Scenes in Operas; Sažetak:
Balske scene u operama), 28/2 (1997) 169-188.

FINSCHER, Ludwig: Die «Entstehung des Komponisten». Zum problem
Komponisten-Individualität und Individualstil in der Musik des 14. Jahrhunderts
(Summary: «The Making of the Composer». The Problem of the Composer’s
Individuality and the Individual Style of Fourteenth Century Music; Sažetak:
«Pojava skladatelja». Prilog problemu individualnosti skladatelja i
individualnog stila u glazbi četrnaestog stoljeća), VI/1 (1975) 29-45.

FINSCHER, Ludwig: Die «Entstehung des Komponisten». Zum problem
Komponisten-Individualität und Individualstil in der Musik des 14. Jahrhunderts
Bases (first published in: / prvi put objavljeno u: International Review of
the Aesthetics and Sociology of Music
, VI/1 (1975) 29-45) (Summary:
«The Making of the Composer». The Problem of the Composer’s Individuality and
the Individual Style of Fourteenth Century Music; Sažetak: «Pojava skladatelja».
Prilog problemu individualnosti skladatelja i individualnog stila u glazbi
četrnaestog stoljeća), 25/1-2 (1994) 149-164.

FISCHER, Kurt von: Das Neue in der europäischen Kunstmusik als soziokulturelles Problem.
Ein Essai. (first published in: / prvi put objavljeno u: International
Review of the Aesthetics and Sociology of Music
, II/2 (1971) 141-154.) (Summary:
Novelty in European Art Music as a Socio-Cultural Problem; Sažetak: Novo
u evropskoj umjetničkoj glazbi kao sociološko-kulturni problem), 25/1-2 (1994)

FLOTZINGER, Rudolf: Zum Topos von der Völker und Stände verbindenden Wirkung der Musik (Summary:
On the «Topos» of the Effects of Music Linking Together Nations and Strata; Sažetak:
O toposu djelovanja glazbe kao veze između naroda i staleža), 12/2 (1981)

FOCHT, Ivan:
Adornos gnoseologistische Einstellung zur Musik (Summary: Adorno’s Gnoseological
Attitude Towards Music; Sažetak: Adornov gnoseologistički stav prema
muzici), V/2 (1974) 265-276.

FOCHT, Ivan:
La notion pythagoricienne de la musique: contribution à sa détermination
(first published in: / prvi put objavljeno u: International Review of the
Aesthetics and Sociology of Music
, III/2 (1972) 161-172) (Summary: A
Contribution to the Definition of the Pythagorean Concept of Music; Sažetak:
Prilog određenju pitagorejskog pojma glazbe), 25/1-2 (1994) 51-62.

A.: «Schönberg ist Theosoph». Anmerkungen zu einer wenig beachteten Beziehung (Summary:
«Schönberg is Theosoph». Remarks on a Little Known Relationships; Sažetak:
«Schönberg je teozof». Napomene uz jedan manje uvažavan odnos), 30/1 (1999)

FRANKOVIĆ, Dubravka: «Sĕdiljke» ou «besĕde» (soirées ou cercles) à Zagreb
en 1844. Caractères socio-historiques et musicaux (Summary: Sĕdiljke
or Besĕde (Gathering or Conversations) in Zagreb in 1844.
Socio-Historical and Musical Characteristics; Sažetak: Sĕdiljke
ili besĕde u Zagrebu 1844. godine. Društveno-povijesne i glazbene
značajke), 23/2 (1992) 171-176.

FREDERICKSON, Jon – ROONEY, James F.: How the Music Occupation Failed to Become a
Profession (Sažetak: Kako je zanimanje glazbom propustilo postati
profesijom), 21/2 (1990) 189-206.

FREDERICKSON, Jon: Technology and Music Performance in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction (Sažetak:
Tehnologija i glazbena izvedba u razdoblju mehaničke reprodukcije), 20/2 (1989)

FRISHBERG SALOMAN, Ora: Chabanon and Chastullux on Music and Language, 1764-1773 (Sažetak:
Chabanon i Chastellux o glazbi i jeziku u razdoblju 1764-1773. godine), 20/2
(1989) 109-120.

FRONEMAN, Willemien: „Composing According to Silence“: Undecidability in Derrida Cage’s Roaratorio
(Sažetak: „Skladanje prema tišini“: neodredljivost u Derridainu i
Cageovu djelu Roaratorio), 41/2 (2010) 293-317.

FRUEHWALD, Scott: Saint-Saëns’s Views on Music and Musicians (Sažetak:
Saint-Saënsovi pogledi na glazbu i glazbenike), 15/2 (1984) 159-174.

FUBINI, Enrico: Implicazioni sociologiche nella creazione e nella fruizione della
musica d’avanguardia (Summary: Sociological Implications of the Creation
and Reception of Avant-Garde Music; Sažetak: Sociološke implikacije u
stvaranju i potrošnji avangardne muzike),V/1 (1974) 169-179.

FUBINI, Enrico: Yves-Marie André e la tradizione pitagorica nella musica (Sažetak:
Yves-Marie Andrê i pitagorejska tradicija u muzici), II/1 (1971) 37-47.

FULCHER, Jane: Melody and Morality: Rousseau’s Influence on French Music Criticism (Sažetak:
Melodija i moralnost: Rousseauov utjecaj na Francusku glazbenu kritiku), 11/1
(1980) 45-57.

FULCHER, Jane: The Orphéon Societies: «Music for the Workers» in Second-Empire France (Sažetak:
Društva Orphéon – «Glazba za radnike» u Drugom carstvu), X/1 (1979) 47-56.

GARNETT, Liz: Choral Singing as Bodily Regime (Sažetak: Zborsko pjevanje kao
zborski režim), 36/2 (2005) 249-269. Generative Theory of Tonal Music; Sažetak:
Od analitičke metode Heinricha Schenkera do generativne teorije tonalne
glazbe), 19/2 (1988) 181-195.

GHANI, Dahlan Bin Abdul: The Art of Noise: Understanding Digital Sound Effects in
Wayang Kulit (Shadow Puppets) (Sažetak: Umjetnost buke: razumijevanje
digitalnih zvukovnih efekata u Wayang Kulitu (lutkarsko kazalište sjena), 47/1
(2016) 137-149.

GIGER, Andreas: Tradition in the Post World-War-I Vienna: The Role of the Vienna State
Opera from 1919-1924 (Sažetak: Tradicija u Beču poslije Prvog svjetskog
rata. Uloga Bečke državne opere od 1991. do 1924. godine), 28/2 (1997) 189-211.

GILBERT, Shirli: Music as Historical Source: Social History and Musical Texts (Sažetak:
Glazba kao povijesni izvor: socijalna povijest i glazbeni tekstovi), 36/1
(2005) 117-134.

GILL, Russell B.: Romance as Performance: The Case of The Magic Flute (Sažetak:
Romanca kao izvedba: slučaj Čarobne frule), 42/2 (2011) 257-266.

GILLESPIE, Luke O.: Literacy, Orality, and the Parry-Lord «Formula»: Improvisation and the
Afro-American Jazz Tradition (Sažetak: Pismenost, usmenost i Parry-lordova
«formula»: improvizacija i afro-američka jazz tradicija), 22/2 (1991) 147-164.

GIULIANI, Elizabeth: Le public de l’Opéra de Paris de 1750 à 1760. Mesure et définition
(Summary: The Public of the Opéra de Paris from 1750 till 1760.
Measure and Definiton; Sažetak: Publika Pariške Opere od 1750. do 1760.
– mjerenje i određenje), VIII/2 (1977) 159-181.

GLIGO, Nikša: Die Zeit als ein beitragendes Element zur Werkdetermination in der Neuen
Musik (Summary: The Time as a Contribution to the Work Determination in
the New Music; Sažetak: Vrijeme kao doprinos determinacije djela u novoj
glazbi), 28/1 (1997) 19-36.

GLIGO, Nikša: Klang – Zeichen – Wert. Die musikalische Semiotik und ästhetische
Wertung (Summary: Sound – Sign – Value. Musical Semiotics and the
Aesthetic Evaluation; Sažetak: Zvuk – znak – vrijednost. Glazbena
semiotika i estetičko vrednovanje), 31/2 (2000) 185-202.

GLIGO, Nikša: Musical Emblems in Croatian Cell Phones: A Repertoire for Identity
Formation? (Sažetak: Glazbeni amblemi na hrvatskim mobitelima: repertoar
stvaranja identiteta?), 46/1 (2015) 135-144.

GLIGO, Nikša: Schrift ist Musik? Ein Beitrag zur Aktualisierung eines nur anscheinend
veralteten Widerspruchs (I) (Summary: Notation is Music? A Contribution
to the Actualization of an Only Apparently Obsolete Contradiction (I); Sažetak:
Zapis je glazba? Prilog aktualizaciji jedne samo prividno zastarjele
kontradikcije (I)), 18/1 (1987) 145-162.

GLIGO, Nikša: Schrift ist Musik? Ein Beitrag zur Aktualisierung eines nur anscheinend
veralteten Widerspruchs (II) (Summary: Notation is Music? A Contribution
to the Actualization of an Only Apparently Obsolete Contradiction (II); Sažetak:
Zapis je glazba? Prilog aktualizaciji jedne samo prividno zastarjele kontradikcije
(II)), 19/1 (1988) 75-115.

GLIGO, Nikša: Über die Wissenschaftlichkeit der Musikwissenschaft: die Analyse als
ihre Gewährleistung (mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Analyse Neuer Musik) (Summary:
On the Scientific Characters of Musicology: Analysis as Its Guarantee (with
Special Regard to the Analysis of New Music; Sažetak: O znanstvenosti
muzikologije: analiza kao njezina garancija (s posebnim obzirom na analizu nove
glazbe)), 23/2 (1992) 189-206.

GOŁAB, Maciej: Analyse und Werk – Zu den Polemiken über Heinrich Schenkers Theorie (Summary:
Analysis and Work – Polemics on Heinrich Schenker’s Theory; Sažetak:
Analiza i djelo – polemike o teoriji Heinricha Schenkera), 19/2 (1988) 197-215.

GOLUB, Ivan: Juraj Križanić and João IV, or Križanić’s Supervision of the Printing of
João’s Music and Works about Music (Sažetak: Juraj Križanić i
João IV), 11/1 (1980) 59-86.

GOLUB, Ivan: Juraj Križanić’s «Asserta Musicalia» in Caramuel’s Newly Discovered Autograph
of «Musica» (Sažetak: Križanićeva Asserta Musicalia u Caramuelovu
djelu Musica), IX/2 (1978) 219-278.

GOMES RIBERO, Paula: Interface opéra technologie. Réflexio sur les politiques de la
différence dans les dramaturgies de la convergence (Summary: Interface
opera Technology. On the Politics of Difference in the Dramaturgies of
Convergence, Sažetak: Međusklop operne tehnologije. O politici razlike u
dramaturgijama konvergencije), 44/1 (2013) 137-148.

GOSTUŠKI, Dragutin: Réalité, musique, langage. Contribution a l’etude du probleme de la
signification (Summary: Reality, Music, Language; Sažetak:
Realnost, muzika, jezik (prilog proučavanju problema značenja), VIII/1 (1977)

GOTHAM, Mark: Coherence in Concert Programming: A View from the U.K. (Sažetak:
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GOVENDER, Praneschen – RUGGUNAN, Shaun: An Exploratory Study into African Drumming
as an Intervention in Diversity Training (Sažetak: Istraživačka studija
o afričkom bubnjanju kao intervenciji u izobrazbu raznolikosti), 44/1 (2013)

GRANT, Morag
Josephine: Experimental Music Semiotics (Sažetak: Eksperimentalna
glazbena semiotika), 34/2 (2003) 173-191.

GRAY, Catherine T.: Patterns of Textual Recurrence in Kiganda Song (Sažetak:
Obrasci tekstualnog ponavljanja u pjesmi Kiganada), 23/1 (1992) 85-100.

GRAZIANO, Amy – JOHNSON, Julene K.: The Influence of Scientific Research on
Nineteenth-Century Musical Thought: The Work of Richard Wallaschek (Sažetak:
Utjecaj znanstvenog istraživanja na glazbenu misao 19. stoljeća: djelo Richarda
Wallascheka), 37/1 (2006) 17-32.

GREEN, Edward: Biography as Ethics: A Study in the Combat between Respect and Contempt
in the Mind of Felix Mendelssohn (Sažetak: Biografija kao etika.
Istraživanje sukoba između poštovanja i prijezira u svijesti Felixa
Mendelssohna), 37/2 (2006) 157-166.

GREEN, Edward: Donald Francis Tovey, Aethetic Realism, and the Need for a Philosophic Musicology (Sažetak: Donald Francis Tovey, estetički realizam i potreba za filozofijskom muzikologijom), 36/2 (2005) 227-248.

GREEN, Edward: Greatness in Music, Aesthetic Realism, and Chopin’s Waltz in Ab, Op. 69, #1 (Uzvišenost u glazbi, estetičkom realizmu i Chopinovu Valceru u As-duru, op. 69, br. 1), 41/2 (2010) 379-388.

GREEN, Edward: Music and the Victorian Mind: The Musical Aesthetics of the Rev. H.R. Haweis (Sažetak: Glazba i viktorijanski um: estetika glazbe Vlč. H. R. Haweisa), 39/2 (2008) 239-256.

GREEN, Edward: Steiner, Korngold and the Musical Expression of Physical Space – A
Preliminary Note (Sažetak: Max Steiner, Wolfgang Erich Korngold i
glazbeno izražavanje fizičkog prostora. Uvodna napomena), 42/1 (2011) 59-78.

GREEN, Edward: Tonal Symmetry in Leonore: An Instance of an Enduring Principale
in Beethoven’s Compositional Method (Sažetak: Tonalna simetrija u Leonori:
primjer jednog trajnog načela u Beethovenovoj skladateljskoj metodi), 46/2
(2015) 291-320.

GREEN, Edward: What Is Chapter 17 of Guido’s Micrologus About? – A Proposal for
a New Answer (Sažetak: O čemu se radi u 17. poglavlju Guidova Micrologusa?
Prijedlog za novi odgovor), 38/2 (2007) 143-170.

GRIMES, Nicole: In Search of Absolute Inwardness and Spiritual Subjectivity? The
Historical and Ideological Context of Schumann’s „Neue Bahnen“ (Sažetak:
U potrazi za apsolutnom biti i duhovnom subjektivnošću? Povijesni i
ideologijski kontekst Schumannova članka „Novi putevi“ („Neue Bahnen“)), 39/2
(2008) 139-163.

GRLIĆ, Danko: Autonome oder gesellschaftsbedingte Musik. Versuch eines marxistischen
Zugangs (Summary: Autonomuos or Socially Conditioned Music; Sažetak:
Autonomna ili društveno uvjetovana glazba), VII/1 (1976) 125-145.

GRLIĆ, Danko: Philosophie und Musik (Summary: Philosophy and Music; Sažetak:
Filozofija i glazba), IX/1 (1978) 35-52.

GROSSI, Pietro: Computer and Music (Sažetak: Elektronsko računalo i glazba), IV/2 (1973) 279-286.

GUCZALSKI, Krzysztof: «Allerhöchste Allgemeinheit» und «Genaueste Bestimmtheit»
musikalischer Bedeutungen. Ein Versuch, die Paradoxa Felix
Mendelssohn-Bartholdys, Arthur Schopenhauers und Susanne Langers aufzulösen (Summary:
«The Utmost Generality» and «The Most Precise Distinctness» of Musical Meanings.
An Attempt at a Solution of the Paradoxes of Felix Mendelssohn-Batholdy, Arthur
Schopenhauer and Susanne Langer; Sažetak: «Najviša općenitost» i
«najtočnija određenost» glazbenih značenja. Pokušaj razješenja paradoksa Felixa
Mendelssohna-Bartholdyja, Arthura Schopenhauera i Susanne Langer), 34/2 (2003)

GUR, Golan:
The Spectre of the End: Musical Avant-Gardism and the Philosophical Turn (Sažetak:
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GUT, Serge:
Le phénomène répétitif chez Maurice Ravel. De l’obsession à
l’annihilation incantatoire (Summary: The Phenomenon of Repetition in
Maurice Ravel’s Opus. From Obsession to Incantative Annihilation; Sažetak:
Pojava repetitivnosti kod Mauricea Ravela. Od začaravajuće opsesivnosti do
uništenja), 21/1 (1990) 29-46.

HAAR, James:
Classicism and Mannerism in 16th-Century Music (first published in: / prvi
put objavljeno u: International Review of the Aesthetics and Sociology of
, I/1 (1970) 55-68) (Sažetak: Klasicizam i manirizam u muzici
16. stoljeća), 25/1-2 (1994) 5-18.

HAFEZ-ERGAUT, Agnès – YEOLAND, Rosemary: Camille Mauclair: Critique et
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Camille Mauclair: kritika i kompetencije), 37/2 (2006) 213-224.

HAMES, Annette – INGLIS, Ian: «And I Will Lose My Mind…». Images of Mental
Illness in the Songs of the Beatles (Sažetak: «I izgubit ću pamet…».
Slike duševnog oboljenja u pjesmama Beatlesa), 30/2 (1999) 173-188.

HANOCH-ROE, Galia: Beethoven’s Ninth: An «Ode to Choice» As Presented in Stanley
Kubrick’s A Clockwork Orange (Sažetak: Beethovenova Deveta:
«Oda izboru» kako je predstavljena u filmu Paklena naranča Stanleya
Kubricka), 33/2 (2002) 171-179.

HANOCH-ROE, Galia: Musical Space and Architectural Time: Open Scoring versus Linear
Processes (Sažetak: Glazbeni prostor i arhitektonsko vrijeme: otvorena
partitura nasuprot linearnih procesa), 34/2 (2003) 145-160.

HANŽEK, Branko – ROGINA, Mladen – MALETIĆ, Mladen: Vinko Dvořák Sliding
Tones: Do They Exist? (Sažetak: Postoje li klizni tonovi Vinka Dvořáka), 37/2 (2006) 225-232.

HANŽEK, Branko – ROGINA, Mladen: Development of Croatian Acoustics till 1954. On
the legacy of Vinko Dvořák (Sažetak: Razvitak hrvatske akustike do 1954.
O ostavštini Vinka Dvořáka), 42/2 (2011) 331-354.

HANŽEK, Branko: The Genealogy of Science and Acoustics – A Supplement to the
Description of the Role of Vinko Dvořák (Sažetak: Genealogija znanosti i
akustika uz prikaz uloge Vinka Dvořáka), 35/2 (2004) 183-210.

HARTMANN, Andreas: Affektdarstellung und Naturbeherrschung in der Musik des Barocks (Summary:
Presentation of Affections and Mastering of Nature in the Music of the Baroque;
Sažetak: Prikazivanje afekata i ovladavanje prirodom u glazbi baroka), 11/1 (1980) 25-44.

HARWEG, Roland: Kann Man Musik Verstehen? (Summary: Can One Understand Music?; Sažetak:
Može li se muziku razumjeti?, III/2 (1972) 173-186.

HAUG, Andreas: Zu einer Beudeutungsgeschichte des Lauten: das Crescendo in Beethovens
Leonoren-Ouvertüren (Summary: Towards a History of Meaning of Loudness:
Crescendo in Beethoven’s Leonora Ouvertures; Sažetak: K povijesti
značenja glasnoće: crescendo u Beethovenovim Leonora uvertirama), 28/1
(1997) 3-18.

HAUGE, Peter: Robert Fludd (1574-1637) – A Musical Charlatan? A Contextual Study of
His Temple of Music (1617-18) (Sažetak: Robert Fludd (1574-1637)
– Glazbeni šarlatan? Kontekstualno istraživanje njegova djela Temple of
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HEHR, Elizabeth: How the French Viewed the Differences between French and Italian
Singing Styles of the 18th Century (Sažetak: Kako su francuzi shvaćali
razlike između francuskog i talijanskog stila pjevanja u 18. stoljeću), 16/1
(1985) 73-85.

HEINSTER, Hanns-Werner: Zwischen Physik, Psysiologie und Philosophie. Die fünf
grundlegenden Fragestellungen der Musikwissenschaft (Summary: Between
Physics, Physiology and Philosophy. The Five Fundamental ‚Questions‘ of
Musicology, Sažetak: Između fizike, fiziologije i filozofije. Pet
fundamentalnih ‘pitanja’ muzikologije), 45/2 (2014) 213-242.

HEISLER, Paul K.: A Theoretical Comparison of Certified Piano Teacher’s Claim to
Professional Status with the Sociological Definition of Profession (Sažetak:
Teorijska usporedba zahtjeva zaprisegnutih učitelja glasovira za profesionalnim
statusom sa sociološkom definicijom profesije), 26/2 (1995), 239-249.

HEISTER, Hanns-Werner – SINGER, Deborah: Mimetische Zeremonien und andere
gewaltarme Herschaftsmethoden. Zur Rolle der Musik in den Guaraní-Reduktionen
der Jesuiten in Paraguay im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert (Summary: Mimetic
Ceremonies and Other Non-violent Methods of Ruling. On the Role of Music in the
Guarani-Reducciones of Jesuits in 17th- and 18th-century Paraguay, Sažetak:
Mimetičke ceremonije i druge nenasilne metode vladanja. O ulozi glazbe u
isusovačkim misijama (reducciones) Guaraní naroda u Paragvaju u 17. i
18. stoljeću), 44/2 (2013) 213-238.

HEISTER, Hanns-Werner: Geldloses Geschenk und archaisches Zeremoniell. Der
Konzert-Beifall als Honorar- und Aktivitätsform (Summary: Audience
Applause at Concerts; Sažetak: Besplatni pokloni i arhaički ceremonijal.
Prihvaćanje koncerta kao oblik honorara i aktivnosti), 15/2 (1984) 91-128.

HEISTER, Hanns-Werner: Musikprozess und Fuzzy Logic (Summary: Music and Fuzzy
Logic, Sažetak: Glazba i ‘fuzzy’ logika), 43/2 (2012) 377-401.

HELMAN, Zofia: Von Heinrich Schenkers analytischer Methode bis zur generativen Theorie

HENRY, Edward O.: Social Structure and Music: Correlating Musical Genres and Social
Categories in Bhojpuri-Speaking India (Sažetak: Društvena struktura i
glazba: korelacija glazbenih žanrova i društvenih kategorija u indijskom
jezičnom području Bhojpuri), 19/2 (1988) 217-227.

HERRERA, Lucía – ANASTASIU, Ioana – LORENZO, Oswaldo: Social Duffusion of
Music in Spain Through the Popular Press (Sažetak: Društveno širenje
glazbe u Španjolskoj putem popularnog tiska), 38/1 (2007) 71-89.

HERRERA, Lucia – CREMADES, Roberto – LORENZO, Oswaldo: Mass Media
Influence on the Musical Preferences of Spanish Adolescents: A Sociological
Analysis (Sažetak: Utjecaj masovnih medija na glazbene preferencije
španjolskih adolescenata: sociološka analiza), 42/1 (2011) 125-144.

HOLEN, Arne –
SELVIK, Randi Margrete – DIESEN, Rolf: Das Musikleben in einer
Landgemeinde (Summary: Musical Culture in a Norwegian Rural District; Sažetak:
Glazbena kultura u jednom seoskom predjelu Norveške), V/1 (1974) 191-207.

HONEGGER, Mare: La place de Strasbourg dans la musique au XVIe siècle (first
published in: / prvi put objavljeno u: International Review of the
Aesthetics and Sociology of Music
, 13/1 (1982) 5-19) (Summary: The
Place of Strasbourg in the 16th-Century Music; Sažetak: Mjesto
Strasbourga u glazbi 16. stoljeća), 25/1-2 (1994) 233-249.

HOOGERWERF, Frank W.: Cage contra Stravinsky, or Delineating the Aleatory Aesthetic (Sažetak:
Cage nasuprot Stravinskom ili nacrt aleatoričke estetike), VII/2 (1976)

HOOPER, Giles: A Popular Postmodern or a Postmodern Popular? (Sažetak: Popularno
postmoderno ili postmoderno popularno?), 43/1 (2012) 187-207.

HOOPER, Giles: Nevermind Nirvana: A Post-Adornian Perpective (Sažetak:
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HOSOKAWA, Shuhei: Considérations sur la musique mass-médiatisée (Summary: Thoughts
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HOSOKAWA, Shuhei: Distance, Gestus, Quotation: Aufstieg und Fall der Stadt Mahagonny
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HUGHES, Jenny: Idealist Thought and Music Theory in Nineteenth-Century Germany: K. C.
F. Krause, Dissonance, and «Coming-To-Be» (Sažetak: Idealistička misao i
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HURST, Andrea: Derrida’s Quasi-Transcendental Interweaving of Invention and
Interpretation (Sažetak: Kvazi transcendentalna protkanost invencije i
interpretacije Jacquesa Derridae), 36/1 (2005) 159-178.

IMBERTY, Michel: Introduction à une sémantique musicale de la musique vocale (Summary:
Introduction to a musical semantics of vocal music; Sažetak: Uvod u
muzičku semantiku vokalne glazbe), IV/2 (1973) 175-196.

INGLIS, Ian –BARRON, Lee: (Re)constructing the Carnival: Continuity and Change in
Contemporary British Popular Music (Sažetak: (Re)konstrukcija karnevala:
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INGLIS, Ian – HAMES, Annette: «And I Will Lose My Mind…». Images of Mental Illness
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INGLIS, Ian: Ideology, Trajectory & Stardom: Elvis Presley & The Beatles (Sažetak:
Ideologija, putanja i sustav zvijezda: Elvis Presley i The Beatles), 27/1 (1996) 53-78.

INGLIS, Ian: The Politics of Stardust or the Politics of Cool: Popular Music and the British
Honours System (Sažetak: Politika zvjezdane prašine ili politika „cool“
stava: popularna glazba i sustav britanskih počasti), 41/1 (2010) 51-71.

INGLIS, Ian: Variations on a Theme: The Love Songs of the Beatles (Sažetak:
Varijacije na temu: ljubavne pjesme Beatlesa), 28/1 (1997) 37-62.

IRVING, Howard: «The Necessity of Giving Continual and Fatiguing Lessons»: William
Crotch on Music Teaching in London (Sažetak: «Nužnost davanja stalnih i
zamarajućih satova»: William Crotch o podučavanju glazbe u Londonu), 35/2
(2004) 151-167.

IRVING, Howard: Richard Mackenzie Bacon and the Royal Academy of Music (Sažetak:
Richard Mackenzie Bacon i Kraljevska akademija za glazbu), 21/1 (1990) 79-90.

ISHERWOOD, Robert M.: Popular Musical Entertainment in Eighteenth-Century Paris (Sažetak:
Pučka zabavna glazba u Parizu u 18. stoljeću), IX/2 (1978) 295-310.

JAUK, Werner: Sprache und Musik: der angebliche Sprachcharakter von Musik (Summary:
Language and Music: Allegedly Linguistic Character of Music; Sažetak:
Jezik i glazba: tobožnji jezični karakter glazbe), 26/1 (1995) 97-106.

JAYAKRISHNAN, Narayanan – VELAYUTHAM, Chandrasekaran: A Study on the Framing of
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Newspapers in Tamil Nadu (Sažetak: Istraživanje o izvještavanju s
prosinačkog (‘Margazhi’) glazbenog festivala u Chennaiju u novinama na
engleskom i regionalnom jeziku u Tamil Nadu), 45/1 (2014) 77-98.

JOCHYMCZIK, Maciej: Musical Rhetoric in the Oeuvre of Father Amando Ivanschiz on
Example of Selected Works (Sažetak: Glazbena retorika u opusu oca Amanda
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JOHANSSON, Mats Sigvard: Making Sense of Genre and Style in the Age of Transcultural
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transkulturne reprodukcije), 47/1 (2016) 45-62.

JOHANSSON, Mats: The Gendered Fiddle: On the Relationship between Expressive Coding and
Artistic Identity in Norwegian Folk Music (Sažetak: Rodni fiddle: o
odnosu između ekspresivnog kodiranja i umjetničkog identiteta u norveškoj
folklornoj glazbi), 44/2 (2013) 361-384.

JOHNSON, Julene K. – GRAZIANO, Amy: The Influence of Scientific Research on
Nineteenth-Century Musical Thought: The Work of Richard Wallaschek (Sažetak:
Utjecaj znanstvenog istraživanja na glazbenu misao 19. stoljeća: djelo Richarda
Wallascheka), 37/1 (2006) 17-32.

JOHNSTON, Thomas F.: Contemporary Emphases in Northern Eskimo Dance (Sažetak:
Suvremeni naglasci u sjevernoeskimskom plesu), 22/1 (1991) 47-79.

JOHNSTON, Thomas F.: The Role of Music within the Context of an African Social Beer-drink
(Sažetak: Afrički običaji uživanja pive i uloga glazbe), V/2 (1974)

JOHNSTON, Thomas F.: The Social Context of Irish Folk Instruments (Sažetak:
Društveni kontekst irskih folklornih glazbala), 26/1 (1995) 35-59.

JONES, Gaynor G.: Weber’s «Secondary Worlds»: The Later Operas of Carl Maria von Weber
(Sažetak: Weberov Sekundarni svijet: Kasnije opere C. M.
von Weber), VII/2 (1976) 219-233.

JOSIPOVIĆ, Ivo: The Mass Media and Musical Culture (Sažetak: Masovni mediji i
glazbena kultura), 15/1 (1984) 39-51.

JOST, Ekkehard: Anmerkungen zur Rolle der Versuchsperson in der experimentellen
Musikpsychologie (first published in: / prvi put objavljeno u: International
Review of the Aesthetics and Sociology of Music
, IV/2 (1973) 229-244) (Summary:
Notes on the Role of Respondents in the Experimental Psychology of Music; Sažetak:
Napomene o ulozi ispitanika u eksperimentalnoj psihologiji glazbe), 25/1-2
(1994) 63-78.

JULIEN, Jean-Rémy: L’influence des crieurs de Paris sur le récitatif debussyste: une
hypothèse (Summary: The Influence of Parisian Street «Shouters»
on Debussy’s Recitative: A Hypopthesis; Sažetak: Utjecaj pariških
uličnih izvikivača na Debussyjev recitativ), 15/2 (1984) 141-157.

JUNGMANN, Irmgard: Gesang im Mittelalter – Zur Revision eines Geschichtsbildes (Summary:
Singing in the Middle Ages – Towards a Revision of the Historical Image), 32/1
(2001) 3-32.

JUREK, Bohumil: Le Baroque et le Rococo en musique (Summary: Baroque and Rococo
in Music; Sažetak: Barok i rokoko u glazbi), X/2 (1979) 207-214.

JURIĆ, Monika: Paideia and the Neo-Platonic Ideas on Music Education and
Culture in Renaissance Dubrovnik in the Works by Niccolò Vito di Gozze
(Nikola Vitov Gučetić, 1549-1610) (Sažetak: Paideia i
neoplatoničke ideje o glazbenom odgoju i kulturi u renesansnom Dubrovniku u
djelima Nikole Vitova Gučetića (1549.-1610.)), 44/1 (2013) 3-17.

JŮZL, Miloš: Music and the Totalitarian Regime in Czechoslovakia (Sažetak: Glazba i
totalitarni režim u Čehoslovačkoj), 27/1 (1996) 31-51.

KADEN, Christian: Musikalische Normenbildung und ihre sozialen Grundlagen (Summary:
The Formation of Musical Norms and Their Social Foundations; Sažetak:
Stvaranje glazbenih normi i njihove društvene osnove), VI/1 (1975) 57-66.

KADEN, Christian: Sozialstrukturen als Bewegungsmomente des Musikhörens (Summary:
Social Structures as Impetuses of Music Hearing; Sažetak: Društvene
strukture kao pokretački momenti glazbenog slušanja), 15/2 (1984) 175-202.

KAEMMER, John E.: Elements of Research in Aesthetics (Sažetak: Elementi istraživanja u
estetici), IX/1 (1978) 121-130.

KAJANOVÁ, Yvetta: The Rock, Pop and Jazz in Contemporary Musicological Studies (Sažetak:
Rock, pop i jazz glazba u suvremenim muzikološkim istraživanjima), 44/2 (2013)

KALISCH, Volker: Mozart und Kitsch: «Ein musikalischer Spass»? (Summary: Mozart
and Kitsch: «A Musical Joke»; Sažetak: Mozart i kič: «glazbena šala»?), 23/1 (1992) 43-60.

KALISCH, Volker: Zur Rezeption der Max Weberschen Musiksoziologie – aus
musiksoziologischer Sicht (Summary: On the Reception of Max Weber’s
Sociology of Music – From the Musico-sociological View; Sažetak: Uz
recepciju sociologije glazbe Maxa Webera – s glazbeno-sociološkog stajališta), 12/2 (1981) 165-180.

KAMINSKI, Joseph S.: Sound Barrage: Threshold to Asante Sacred Experience through Music (Sažetak:
Zvučni zid: prag iskustva svetosti u Asantea putem glazbe), 45/2 (2014)

KAPKO-FORETIĆ, Zdenka: Komponieren nach Bildern: Botticelli Vertonungen (Summary:
Composing Pictures: Settings to Music Botticelli; Sažetak: Komponiranje
po slikama: uglazbljenje Botticellija), 29/1 (1998) 29-40.

KARPF, Juanita: The Early Years of African Amarican Music Periodicals, 1886-1922:
History, Ideology, Context (Sažetak: Rano doba afro-američke glazbene
periodike (1886-1922): povijest, ideologija, konteks), 28/2 (1997) 143-168.

KASEM-BEK, Jan: Über die Nachahmung räumlicher Erscheinungen in der Musik (Summary:
On Imitation of the Phenomena of Space in Music; Sažetak: O oponašanju
prostornih pojava u glazbi, IX/1 (1978) 79-98.

KASTEN, Anna: Erzählte Geschichten und geschichtete Erzälungen – Georg Büchners
Fragment Woyzeck und seine musikalischen Adaptionen (Summary:
Narrated Stories and Stratified Narrations – Georg Büchner’s Fragment Woyzeck
and its Musical Adaptations, Sažetak: Ispričane pripovijetke i raslojene
priče – Fragment Woyzeck Georga Büchnera i njegove glazbene adaptacije), 43/2 (2012) 303-324.

KATALINIĆ, Vjera: Zu einigen Popularthemen im Jarnovick’s Violinkonzerten (Summary:
About Some Popular Themes in Giornovichi’s Violin Concertos; Sažetak:
Oko nekih popularnih tema u Jarnovićevim violinskim koncertima), 18/1 (1987)

KAUTNY, Oliver: Technoide Zeiparasiten – Die Überlastung der beschleunigten Welt (Summary:
Technoid Parasites of Time – Outwitting the Speed-up World; Sažetak:
Tehnoidni vremenski paraziti – nadmudrivanje jednog ubrzavajućeg svijeta), 40/1
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KAYHAN, Aslı: Musical Changes of Rural to Urban in Popular Culture. A Case Study: Türkü
Bar sin Istanbul (Sažetak: Glazbene promjene ruralnog u urbano u
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KENNAWAY, George: Bookcases, Fish Pie and My Piñata: Musical Scores
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pita i moja piñata: notna izdanja kao upute za nastavu), 42/2 (2011)

KIM, Jin-Ah: Cultural Transfer as a Branch of Research for Music Sociology and Music
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sociologije glazbe i glazbene antropologije), 46/1 (2015) 43-53.

KLITZ, Brian: Black and Pre-Jazz Instrumental Music in America (Sažetak: Crnci i
instrumentalna glazba prije Jazza u Americi), 20/1 (1989) 43-60.

KLUGE, Reiner: Anmerkungen zur Rolle des Recheverfahrens im musikwissenschaftlichen
Experiment (Summary: On the Role of Computing Procedure in the
Musicological Experiment; Sažetak: O ulozi računskog postupka u
glazbenoznanstvenom eksperimentu), VII/1 (1976) 5-42.

KLÜPPELHOLTZ, Werner: Zur Soziologie der Neuen Musik (Summary: On the Sociology of New
Music; Sažetak: O sociologiji nove glazbe), X/1 (1979) 73-87.

KNEIF, Tibor: Bedeutung, Struktur, Gegenfigur. Zur Theorie des musikalischen «Meinens»
(first published in: / prvi put objavljeno u: International Review of the
Aesthetics and Sociology of Music
, II/2 (1971) 213-229) (Summary:
Meaning, Structure and Counter-Figure. The Theory of Musical Thinking; Sažetak:
Značenje, struktura i «protuoblik» – uz teoriju muzičkog mišljenja), 25/1-2
(1994) 33-49.

KNEIF, Tibor: Ideen zu einer dualistischen Musikästhetik (Sažetak: Ideje o
dualističkoj estetici muzike), I/1 (1970) 15-34.

KNEIF, Tibor: Rockmusik und Bildungsmusik (Summary: Rock Music and Educational
Music; Sažetak: Rock glazba i obrazovna glazba), VIII/2 (1977) 237-251.

KNEIF, Tibor: Some Non-Communicative Aspects in Music (Sažetak: Neki
nekomunikacijski aspekti u glazbi), V/1 (1974) 51-59.

KOGLER, Susanne: «Die Geige Spricht» – Zur Aktualität des Komponisten Louis Spohr (Summary:
«The Violin is Talking» – On the Topicality of the Composer Louis Spohr; Sažetak:
«Violina govori» – o aktualnosti skladatelja Louisa Spohra), 32/2 (2001)

KOLLAND, Hubert: Zur Semantik der Leitmotive in Richard Wagners Ring des Nibelungen
(Summary: On the Semantics of the Leading Motive in Richard Wagner’s Ring
of the Nibelungen
; Sažetak: O semantici provodnog motiva u Prstenu
Richarda Wagnera), IV/2 (1973) 197-212.

KOLLERITSCH, Otto: Franz Schuberts literarische Kultur (Summary: Franz Schubert’s
Culture of Literature; Sažetak: Književna kultura Franza Schuberta), 32/1 (2001) 33-46.

KONOLD, Wulf: Peter Cornelius und die Liedästhetik der Neudeutschen Schule (Sažetak:
Peter Cornelius i estetika pjesme novonjemačke škole), I/2 (1970) 187-194.

KOS, Koraljka: Darstellung musikalischer «Alltagsgeschichte» am Beispiel einer
Beschreibung aus 1863. (Summary: A Presentation of Musical «Everyday
Life» on an Example from a 1863 Description; Sažetak: Prikaz glazbene
«svakidašnjice» na primjeru jednog opisa iz 1863.), 34/2 (2003) 127-143.

KOS, Koraljka: Dora Pejačević und Rainer Maria Rilke (Summary: Dora Pejačević
and Rainer Maria Rilke, Sažetak: Dora Pejačević i Rainer Maria Rilke), 43/1 (2012) 3-22.

KOS, Koraljka: Geschichte, Stand und Perspektiven der Forschungen zur
mittelalterlichen Kirchenmusik in Kroatien (Summary: The Present Status
and Perspectives of Research in Medieval Church Music in Croatia; Sažetak:
Povijest, stanje i perspektive istraživanja srednjovjekovne crkvene glazbe u
Hrvatskoj), VI/2 (1975) 289-306.

KOS, Koraljka: New Dimensions in Folk Music. A Contribution to the Study of Musical
Tastes in Contemporary Yugoslav Society (Sažetak: Nova dimenzija u
folklornoj muzici), III/1 (1972) 61-73.

KOS, Koraljka: Style and Sociological Background of Croatian Renaissance Music
(first published in: / prvi put objavljeno u: International Review of the
Aesthetics and Sociology of Music
, 13/1 (1982) 55-82) (Sažetak: Stil
i sociološka pozadina hrvatske renesansne glazbe), 25/1-2 (1994) 203-231.

KOTEK, Josef: Die Rezeption der funktionalen Musik als gesellschaftlicher Aneignungsprozess
(Summary: The Reception of Functional (Light) Music as a Social
Assimilation Process; Sažetak: Primalaštvo funkcionalne (razonodne)
glazbe kao društveni proces usvajanja), IX/2 (1978) 183-218.

KOTNIK, Vlado: The Adaptability of Opera: When Different Social Agents Come to Common
Ground (Sažetak: Prilagodljivost opere: kada različiti društveni čimbenici
dođu do zajedničkog interesa), 44/2 (2013) 303-342.

KOVALEFF BAKER, Nancy: The Aesthetic Theories of Heinrich Christoph Koch (Sažetak:
Estetičke teorije Heinricha Christopha Kocha), VIII/2 (1977) 183-202.

KOZEL, David: Mythological Archetype in Music and Principles of its Interpretation (Sažetak:
Mitološki arhetip u glazbi i načela njegove interpretacije), 47/1 (2016) 3-15.

KRAVAR, Zoran: Esquisses pour une poétique historique du livret (Summary: An
Outline of a Historical Poetics of Libretto; Sažetak: Skice za povijesnu
poetiku libreta), 31/2 (2000) 111-125.

KREMER, Joachim: Kantorat und Musikunterricht zwischen 1766 und 1815 (Summary:
The «Kantorat» and the Music Education between 1766 and 1815; Sažetak:
Kantautorstvo i poduka glazbe između 1766. i 1815. godine), 22/1 (1991) 29-46.

KROIER, Johann: Music, Global History, and Postcoloniality (Sažetak: Glazba, globalna povijest i postkolonijalizam), 43/1 (2012) 139-186.

KŘUPKOVÁ, Lenka: The City of Olomouc and Theatre Directors. Model Example of the Operation
of the Austro-Hungarian City Theatre (Sažetak: Grad Olomouc i kazališni
ravnatelji. Jedan primjer funkcioniranja austro-ugarskog gradskog kazališta), 45/2 (2014) 275-291.

KUČUKALIĆ, Zija: Die Identität des künstlerischen Musikwerks (Summary: The Identity
of the Work of Art in Music; Sažetak: Identitet muzičkog umjetničkog
djela), 18/2 (1987) 181-204.

KUČUKALIĆ, Zija: Romantic Solo-song in Serbia, VII/1 (1976) 103-112.

KUTSCHKE, Beate: Johann Mattheson’s Writings on Music and the Ethical Shift around 1700 (Summary:
Napisi Johanna Matthesona o glazbi i etički pomak oko 1700. godine), 38/1
(2007) 23-38.

KUTSCHKE, Beate: Protest Music, Urban Contexts and Global Perspectives (Sažetak:
Protestna glazba, urbani konteksti i globalne perspektive), 46/2 (2015) 231-354.

LADJILI, Myriam: La musique arabe chez les compositeurs français du XIXe siècle
saisis d’exotisme (1844-1914) (Summary: Arab Music by 19th Century
French Composers Seized by Exoticism (1844-1914); Sažetak: Arapska
glazba u francuskih skladatelja 19. stoljeća obuzetih egzotičnošću (1844-1914)), 26/1 (1995) 3-33.

LANZILOTTA, Pierluca: Eine unvollendete Reise durch die Materie: zu Fausto Romitellis An
Indeks of Metals
(Summary: An Unfinished Journey through the
Materials with Fausto Romitellis An Indeks of Metals, Sažetak:
Nepotpuno putovanje kroz građu: An Indeks of Metals Fausta Romitellija), 45/1 (2014) 99-114.

LASKE, Otto E.: On Psychomusicology (Sažetak: O psihomuzikologiji), VI/2 (1975)

LASKE, Otto E.: On some Developmental Problems of Auditory Imagery (Sažetak: O nekim
razvojnim problemima slušne slikovnosti), VII/1 (1976) 77-82.

LASKE, Otto E.: Verification and Sociological Interpretation in Musicology (Sažetak:
Provjera i sociološka interpretacija u muzikologiji), VIII/2 (1977) 212-236.

LAUDON, Robert Tallant: The Elements of Expression in Music. A Psychological View (Sažetak:
Elementi ekspresije u glazbi. Psihologijsko stajalište), 37/2 (2006) 123-133.

LENOIR, Yves: Folklore et transcendance dans l’oeuvre américaine de Béla Bartók (Summary:
Folklore and Transcendentalism in the American Opus of Béla Bartók; Sažetak:
Folklor i transcendentalnost u američkom opusu Béle Bartóka), 16/1 (1985)

LEONI, Stefano A. E.: Kanz al-Tuhaf (Al-Musiqi). Tha Casket of (Music) Rarities: Ars
Musica and Musica Practica between Islam amd Christianity (Sažetak: Kanz
al-Tuhaf (Al-Musiqi) – kutija s (glazbenim) rijetkostima: Ars musica i Musica
practica između islama i kršćanstva), 27/2 (1996) 167-183.

LEONI, Stefano A. E.: Western Middle-East Music Imagery in the Face of Napoleon’s
Enterprise in Egypt: From Mere Eurocentric Exocitism, to Very Organized
Orientalistic Ears (Sažetak: Zapadne glazbene slike Srednjeg istoka u
svjetlu Napoleonova pohoda na Egipat: od obične eurocentrične egzotike do vrlo
organiziranih istočnjačkih ušiju), 38/2 (2007) 171-196.

LESSEM, Alan: Bridging the Gap: Contexts for the Reception of Haydn and Bach (Sažetak:
Premoštavanje jaza: konteksti za primalaštvo Haydna i Bacha), 19/2 (1988)

LEWIS, George H.: Commitment and Involvement in Popular Music: An Argument for a Mass Behavioral
Approach (Sažetak: Predavanje i uključenost u popularnu glazbu: predmet
pristupa masovnom ponašanju), 11/2 (1980) 229-237.

LEWIS, George H.: Interpersonal Relations and Sex-Role Conflict in Modern American
Country Music (Sažetak: Međuljudski odnosi i problematika uloge spolova
u suvremenoj američkoj country glazbi), 20/2 (1989) 229-237.

LEWIS, George H.: Popular Music: Symbolic Resource and Transformer of Meaning in
Society (Sažetak: Pop glazba: simboličko utočište i mjenjač značenja u
društvu), 13/2 (1982) 183-189.

LEWIS, George H.: Taste Cultures and Culture Classes in Mass Society. Shifting
Patterns in American Popular Music (Sažetak: Kulture ukusa i kulturne
klase u masovnom društvu. Promjenjivi obrasci u američkoj pop glazbi), VIII/1
(1977) 39-48.

LEWIS, George H.: The Creation of Popular Music: A Comparison of the «Art Worlds» of
American Country Music and British Punk (Sažetak: Stvaranje popularne
glazbe: usporedba «umjetničkih svjetova» američke country music i britanskog punka), 19/1 (1988) 35-51.

LEWIS, George H.: The Role of Music in Popular Social Movements: a Theory and Case
Study of the Island State of Hawaii, USA (Sažetak: Uloga glazbe u
popularnim društvenim kretanjima: teorija i obrada slučaja otočne države
Hawaii, SAD), 16/2 (1985) 153-162.

LEWIS, George H.:Folk and Traditional Elements in an Emerging Professional Art World:
Regional Music in the American State of Maine (Sažetak: Folklorni i
tradicionalni elementi u jednom nastajućem profesionalnom umjetničkom svijetu:
regionalna glazba u američkoj državi Maine), 21/2 (1990) 207-218.

LISSA, Zofia: Einige kritische Bemerkungen zur Ingardenschen Theorie des musikalischen
Werkes (Summary: Remarks on R. Ingarden’s Conception of Musical Work; Sažetak:
Napomene uz Ingardenovo shvaćanje glazbenog djela), III/1 (1972) 75-95.

LISSA, Zofia: Historical Awareness of Music and its Role in Present-day Musical
Culture (Sažetak: Povijesna svijest glazbe i njezina uloga u suvremenoj
muzičkoj kulturi), IV/1 (1973) 17-33.

LISSA, Zofia: Musik und Revolution (Summary: Music and Revolution, Sažetak:
Muzika i revolucija), V/1 (1974) 113-123.

LISSA, Zofia: Prolegomena to the Theory of Musical Tradition (Sažetak: Uvod u
teoriju muzičke tradicije), I/1 (1970) 35-54.

LIU, Jingshu: Introduction to the Structural History of Music (Sažetak: Uvod
u strukturalnu povijest glazbe), 41/1 (2010) 73-89.

LORENZO, Oswaldo – HERRERA, Lucía – ANASTASIU, Ioana: Social Duffusion of
Music in Spain Through the Popular Press (Sažetak: Društveno širenje
glazbe u Španjolskoj putem popularnog tiska), 38/1 (2007) 71-89.

LORENZO, Oswaldo – HERRERA, Lucia – CREMADES, Roberto: Mass Media
Influence on the Musical Preferences of Spanish Adolescents: A Sociological
Analysis (Sažetak: Utjecaj masovnih medija na glazbene preferencije
španjolskih adolescenata: sociološka analiza), 42/1 (2011) 125-144.

LORENZO, Oswaldo – TURCU, Ioana Ruxandra – CREMADES, Roberto: Raï
Music as a Generator of Cultural Identity among Young Maghrebies (Sažetak:
Raï glazba kao proizvođač kulturnog identiteta mladih stanovnika Magreba), 46/1 (2015) 175-184.

LUPPI, Andrea: A Myth Debunked: Music Subjected to Politics in Francesco Bocchi’s View
(1581) (Sažetak: Razgolićen mit: glazba podređena politici u nazorima
Francesca Bocchija (1581)), 21/2 (1990) 129-139.

LUPPI, Andrea: Music and Poetry in Vincenzio Martinelli’s Lettere familiari e
(London, 1758) (Sažetak: Glazba i pjesništvo u Lettere
familiari e critiche
(London, 1758) Vincenzija Martinellija), 19/2 (1988)

LUPPI, Andrea: The Role of Music in Francis Bacon’s Thought: A Survey (Sažetak:
Uloga glazbe u misli Francisa Bacona: pregled), 24/2 (1993) 99-111.

MACKENSEN, Karsten: System und Kritik. Zur Krise des Musikwissens bei Johann Mattheson (Summary:
System and Critique. The Crisis of Musical Knowledge in the Writings of Johann
Mattheson; Sažetak: Sistem i kritika. Kriza znanja o glazbi u Johanna
Matthesona), 40/2 (2009) 179-205.

MAGNANI, Luigi: Beethoven and the Aesthetic Thought of His Time (Sažetak: Beethoven
i estetska misao njegova vremena), I/2 (1970) 125-136.

MAJER-BOBETKO, Sanja: Croatian Musical Criticism between the Two World Wars (Sažetak:
Hrvatska glazbena kritika između dva svjetska rata), 18/1 (1987) 75-95.

MAJER-BOBETKO, Sanja: Croatian Musical Journals between the Two World Wars and the
Musical Criticism (Sažetak: Hrvatski glazbeni časopisi između dva
svjetska rata i glazbena kritika), 23/2 (1992) 177-188.

MAJER-BOBETKO, Sanja: Musico-Historical Themes in the Aesthetical System of the
Croatian Philosopher Franjo Marković (1845-1914) (Sažetak:
Glazbeno-povijesne teme u estetičkom sustavu hrvatskog filozofa Franje
Markovića (1845-1914), 34/1 (2003) 33-44.

MAJER-BOBETKO, Sanja: Words on Music in Northern Croatia and Slavonia During the
19th Century and Until the World War I (Sažetak: Riječi o glazbi u
sjevernoj Hrvatskoj i Slavoniji tijekom 19. stoljeća i do Prvog svjetskog
rata), 38/2 (2007) 197-216.

MALETIĆ, Mladen –- HANŽEK, Branko – ROGINA, Mladen: Vinko Dvořák Sliding
Tones: Do They Exist? (Sažetak: Postoje li klizni tonovi Vinka Dvořáka), 37/2 (2006) 225-232.

MANUEL, Peter: Formal Structure in Popular Music as a Reflection of Socio-Economic
Change (Sažetak: Formalna struktura u popularnoj glazbi kao odraz
društveno-ekonomskih promjena), 16/2 (1985) 163-180.

MARK, Desmond: John H. Mueller und sein Beitrag zur Musiksoziologie (Summary:
John H. Mueller and His Contribution to the Sociology of Music; Sažetak:
John H. Mueller i njegov doprinos sociologiji glazbe), VII/2 (1976) 187-202.

MARKS, Paul F.:
The Rhetorical Element in Musical Sturm und Drang: Christian Gottfried
Krause’s Von der musikalischen Poesie (Sažetak: Retorički element
u muzičkom Sturm und Drangu – Christian Gottfried Krause: Von der musikalischen
), II/1 (1971) 49-64.

MAROŠEVIĆ, Grozdana: Culture as a Determinant of Folk-Singing-Style – Group and Solo
Singing in the Karlovačko Pokuplje Region (Sažetak: Kultura kao
odrednica stila folklornog pjevanja – grupno i solo pjevanje u Karlovačkom
pokuplju), 23/2 (1992) 207-221.

MARTORELLA, Rosanne: Occupational Specialization and Aesthetic Change in Opera. Some
Historical Inquiries (Sažetak: Stručna specijalizacija i estetičke
promjene u operi. Neka povijesna istraživanja), X/1 (1979) 89-98.

MARTORELLA, Rosanne: The Structure of the Market and Musical Style. The Economics of Opera
Production and Repertoire: An Exploration (Sažetak: Struktura tržišta i
glazbeni stil), VI/2 (1975) 241-254.

MASTNAK, Wolfgang: Non-Western Practices of Healing-Music and Applications for Modern
Psychotherapy (Sažetak: Nezapadne prakse liječenja glazbom i primjene u
modernoj psihoterapiji), 24/1 (1993) 77-84.

McAULAY, Karen E.: The Accomplished Ladies of Torloisk (Sažetak: Dobro obrazovane
i odgojene dame iz Torloiska), 44/1 (2013) 57-78.

McCOLL, Sandra: Gerontius in the City of Dreams: Newman, Elgar, and the Viennese
Critics (Sažetak: Gerontius u gradu snova: Newman, Elgar i bečki
kritičari), 32/1 (2001) 47-64.

McCOLL, Sandra: Richard Wallaschek: Vienna’s Most Uncomfortable Music Critic (Sažetak:
Richard Wallaschek: najneugodniji glazbeni kritičar Beča), 29/1 (1998) 41-73.

McCREDIE, Andrew D.: Some Concepts, Constructs nad Techniques in Comparative Literature
and Their Interface with Musicology (first published in: / prvi put objavljeno
u: International Review of the Aesthetics and Sociology of Music, 14/2
(1983) 147-165) (Sažetak: Neke ideje, konstrukcije i tehnike u
komparativnoj književnosti i njihov odnos s muzikologijom), 25/1-2 (1994)

McKERRELL, Simon: Sound Performing: Sound Aesthetics among Competitive Pipers (Sažetak:
Zvukovna izvedba – zvukovna estetika među gajdašima natjecateljima), 42/1
(2011) 165-187.

MENDOZA DE ARCE, Daniel: Contemporary Sociological Theories and the Sociology of Music
(Sažetak: Suvremene sociološke teorije i sociologija glazbe), V/2 (1974)

MENDOZA DE ARCE, Daniel: On Some of the Sociocultural Factors Affecting the General
Characterictics of the Western Musical Styles During the Low Middle Ages (Sažetak:
O utjecaju nekih društveno-kulturnih faktora na opće značajke stilova zapadne
glazbe u doba kasnog srednjeg vijeka), 12/1 (1981) 51-63.

MICZNIK, Vera: Textual and Contextual Analysis: Mahler’s Fifth Symphony and Scientific
Thought (Sažetak: Tekstualna i kontekstualna analiza: Mahlerova Peta
i znanstvena misao), 27/1 (1996) 13-29.

MILOŠEVIĆ, Miloš: Les Bugarštica à Perast (Summary: The Bugarštica at
Perast. The Oldest Preserved Melographical Record of Folk Song in Boka
Kotorska; Sažetak: Bugarštice u Perastu. Najstariji sačuvani melografski
zapis narodne pjesme u Boki Kotorskoj), VIII/2 (1977) 255-261.

MILOŠEVIĆ, Miloš: Les plus ancient documents sur le passé musical de Kotor. Construction
d’orgues du 15e au 17e siècles (Summary: The Earliest Archival
Data Regarding Kotor’s Musical Past. Organ Building form the 15th to 17th
Century; Sažetak: Najstariji arhivski podaci iz muzičke prošlosti
Kotora. Izgradnja orgulja od XV. do XVII. stoljeća), X/1 (1979) 113-132.

MIYAMOTO, Naomi: Concerts and the Public Sphere in Civil Society Through Rethinking
Habermas’s Concept of Representative Publicness (Sažetak: Koncerti i
javna sfera u civilnom društvu na temelju ponovnog promišljanja Habermasova
pojma reprezentativne javnosti), 44/1 (2013) 101-118.

MONELLE, Raymond: Music and the Peircean Trichotomies (+ Sažetak), 22/1 (1991) 99-108.

E.: The Classic-Romantic Dichotomy, Franz Grillparzer, and Beethoven (Sažetak:
Klasičko-romantička dihotomija, Franz Grillparzer i Beethoven), 13/2 (1982)

MONTAGNIER, Jean-Paul: Julien Tiersot: Ethnomusicologue a l’Exposition Universelle de 1889.
Contribution à une histoire française de l’ethnomusicologie (Summary:
Julien Tiersot: An Ethnomusicologist a the 1889. «Exposition Universelle». A
Contribution to the French History of Ethnomusicology; Sažetak: Julien
Tiersot: etnomuzikolog na «Exposition Universelle» godine 1889. Doprinos
povijesti francuske etnomuzikologije), 21/1 (1990) 91-100.

F.: Serialism and Its Contradictions (Sažetak: Serijalnost i njezina
protuslovlja), 26/1 (1995) 77-95.

MOORE, Robin: The Decline of Improvisation in Western Art Music: An Interpretation of
Change (Sažetak: Sumrak improvizacije u zapadnoj umjetničkoj glazbi:
interpretacija promjene), 23/1 (1992) 61-84.

María: Music of the Inaugural Ceremony of London 2012: A Performance among
Bells (Sažetak: Glazba inauguralne ceremonije u Londonu 2012: izvedba
među zvonima), 44/2 (2013) 253-276.

MORRIS, Edwin Kent: „Destroying America“: Phish, Music, and Spaces of Aesthetic and Social
Exception (Sažetak: „Razarajući Ameriku“: Phish, glazba i
prostori za estetičke i društvene iznimke), 45/1 (2014) 167-181.

MOTTE, Helga
de la: Über die Gegenstände und Methoden der Musikpsychologie. Ein
geschichtlicher Überblick (Sažetak: O predmetima i metodama psihologije
muzike. Povijesni pregled), I/1 (1970) 83-89.

MUES, Albert: Zur Begründung des Oktavphänomens, der Konsonanz und Dissonanz. Die
Herkunft der Ästhetik des Hörens (Sažetak: Uz utemeljenje fenomena
oktave, konsonance i disonance. Podrijetlo estetike sluha), 17/1 (1986) 91-110.

MULLER, Stephanus J. v. Z.: Music Criticism and Adorno (Sažetak: Glazbena
kritika i Adorno), 36/1 (2005) 101-116.

Oliver: Distinktion, Demonstration und Disziplinierung: Veränderungen im
Publikumsverhalten in Londoner und Berliner Opernhäusern im 19. Jahrhunderts (Summary:
Distinction, Demonstration and Enforcement of Discipline: Changes in Audience
Behaviour in London and Berlin Opera Houses in the 19th Century; Sažetak:
Distinkcija, predstavljanje i discipliniranje: promjene u ponašanju publike u
opernim kućama Londona i Berlina u 19. stoljeću), 37/2 (2006) 167-187.

Oliver: Political Pleasures with Old Emotions? Performances of the Berlin
Philharmonic in the Second World War ( Sažetak: Politički užitci sa
starim emocijama? Izvedbe Berlinske filharmonije u doba Drugog svjetskog rata), 43/1 (2012) 35-52.

MÜLLER, Ulrich: Musikverstehen und Musikstruktur.
Eine systematisch-hermeneutische Untersuchung zum Problem der Objektivität iin
der Musikästhetik (Summary: Understanding Music and Musical Structure. A
Systematical and Hermeneutical Investigation of the Problem of Objectivism in
the Aesthetics of Music; Sažetak: Glazbeno razumijevanje i glazbena
struktura. Sistematičko-hermeneutičko istraživanje problema objektivizma u
glazbenoj estetici), 21/1 (1990) 47-69.

NAPIER, John: A «Failed» Unison or Conscious Differentiation: The Notion of
«Heterophony» in North Indian Vocal Preformance (Sažetak: «Neuspjeli»
unisono ili svjesno razlikovanje: pojam «heterofonije» u vokalnom izvodilaštvu
Sjeverne Indije), 37/1 (2006) 85-108.

NATTIEZ, Jean-Jacques: Linguistics: A New Approach for Musical Analysis? (Sažetak:
Lingvistika: novi put za muzičku analizu?, IV/1 (1973) 51-68.

NATTIEZ, Jean-Jacques: Sur les relations entre sociologie et sémiologie musicale (Summary:
On the Relations between the Sociology and the Semiology of Music; Sažetak:
O odnosima muzike i muzičke semiologije), V/1 (1974) 61-75.

NERCESSIAN, Andy: A Look at the Emergence of the Concept of National Culture in Armenia:
The Former Soviet Folk Ensemble (Sažetak: Pogled na pojavu ideje o
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NETTHEIM, Nigel: How Musical Rythm Reveals Human Attitudes: Gustav Becking’s Theory, (Sažetak:
Kako glazbeni ritam otkriva ljudske stavove: teorija Gustava Beckinga), 27/2
(1996) 101-122.

NEVES, Maria João: The Dehumanization of Art. Ortega y Gasset’s Vision of New Music (Sažetak:
Dehumanizacija umjetnosti. Vizija nove glazbe Ortege y Gasseta), 43/2 (2012)

NEWELL, Robert: Four Tiers on the Foundation of Time (Sažetak: Četiri načela
utemeljenosti vremena), VII/2 (1976) 147-174.

NORRIS, Christopher: Music Theory, Analysis and Deconstruction: How They Might (Just)
Get Along Together (Sažetak: Teorija glazbe, analiza i dekonstrukcija:
kako bi se mogle (barem) slagati), 36/1 (2005) 37-82.

NOSKE, Frits: Forma formans (Sažetak: Forma formans), VII/1 (1976) 43-62.

NOWACK, Natalia: Vereinzelte Entwürfe oder Zeitgeist? Eine alternative Sicht auf den
Beginn musiksoziologischer Forschung (Summary: Isolated Concepts or
Zeitgeist? An Alternative View on the Beginning of Sociology of Music, Sažetak:
Izolirane ideje ili duh vremena. Alternativni pogled na početke sociologije
glazbe), 46/2 (2015) 245-271.

NUTTING, Geoffrey: The Logic of Renaissance Harmony (Sažetak: Logika renesansne
harmonije), V/2 (1974) 251-263.

OFFER, John: An Exemination of Spencer’s Sociology of Music and Its Impact on Music
Historiography in Britain (Sažetak: Ispitivanje Spencerove sociologije
glazbe i njezina utjecaja na glazbenu historiografiju u Velikoj Britaniji), 14/1 (1983) 33-52.

OH, Hee Sook: ‘Das abgelehnte Genie’ – Betrachtungen zur Kritik an der musikalischen
Genieästhetik im 20. Jahrhundert (Summary: „The Denied Genius“: A Study
on the 20th-century Criticism of the Aesthetics of the Musical Genius, Sažetak:
„Poricani genij – Razmatranja uz kritiku estetike glazbenog genija u 20.
stoljeću), 44/1 (2013) 79-99.

OKUBO, Ken: On the Musical Work Game. An Essay on the Concept of the Musical Work (Sažetak:
O igri glazbenog djela. Esej o pojmu glazbenog djela), 32/1 (2001) 65-92.

OLIVIER, Bert: Lacan and Critical Musicology (Sažetak: Lacan i kritička
muzikologija), 36/1 (2005) 135-158.

ONO IMAAH, Napoleon: Music: A Source of Inspiration and Harmony in Architecture – An
African View (Sažetak: Glazba kao izvor nadahnuća i harmonije u
arhitekturi – jedan afrički pogled), 35/2 (2004) 169-182.

ORDÓÑES FLORES, Eva: La plasticité identitaire des genres dans la danse flamenca (Summary:
Identifying Plasticity of the Genres in the Flamenco Danse, Sažetak:
Identificiranje pomičnosti žanrova u plesu flamenco), 42/2 (2011) 317-330.

ORTAKOV, Dragoslav: Approaches to the Study of Macedonian Musical History (Sažetak:
Prilog istraživanju makedonske glazbene povijesti), VI/2 (1975) 307-317.

OTTA, Mineo: Why is the «Spirit» of Folk Music so Important? On the Historical Background of
Béla Bartók’s Views of Folk Music (Sažetak: Zašto je «duh» folklorne
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glazbi), 37/1 (2006) 33-46.

OTTENBERG, June C.: Musical Currents of the Scottish Enlightenment (Sažetak:
Glazbeni tokovi škotskog prosvjetiteljstva, IX/1 (1978) 99-109.

OTTENBERG, June C.: Popularity of the Two Operas in Philadelphia in the 1970s (Sažetak:
Popularnost dviju opera u Philadelphiji u devedesetim godinama 18. stoljeća), 18/2
(1987) 205-216.

PABJAN, Barbara: The reception of Chopin and His Music in Polish Society (Sažetak:
Recepcija Chopina i njegove glazbe u Poljskoj), 41/2 (2010) 343-378.

PADOAN, Maurizio: Music, Language and Society in Antonio Planelli (Sažetak:
Glazba, jezik i društvo u djelu Antonija Planellija), 19/2 (1988) 161-179.

PADOAN, Maurizio: Nature and Artifice in G. B. Doni’s Thought (Sažetak: Priroda
i umjetno u misli G. B. Donija), 23/1 (1992) 5-26.

PADOAN, Maurizio: Tradition and «Modernity» in Il corago (Sažetak:
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PANAIOTIDI, Elvira G.: The Myth of the Isomorphism (Sažetak: Mit o izomorfnosti), 38/2 (2007) 133-142.

PARKER, Beverly Lewis: Art, Culture and Authenticity in South African Music (Sažetak:

PARKER, Mara: „Le plus dous moment de ma vie“: Carlo Graziani and the Quest for Ideal
Employment (Sažetak: „Najslađi trenutak mojega života“: Carlo Graziani i
potraga za idealnim zaposlenjem), 39/1 (2009) 31-56.

PARKER, Mildred: Some Speculations on the French Keyboard Suites of the Seventeenth and
Early Eighteenth Centuries (Sažetak: Neke ideje o francuskoj suiti za
glazbala s tipkama), VII/2 (1976) 203-218.

PAULUS, Irena: Du rôle de la musique dans le cinéma hollywoodien classique. Les
fonctions de la musique dans le film Casablanca (1943) de Michael
Curtiz) (Summary: The Role of the Music in a Classical Hollywood Film:
Function of Music in Casablanca (1943) by Michael Curtiz; Sažetak: Uloga
glazbe u klasičnom holivudskom filmu: funkcije glazbe u filmu Casablanca
(1943) Michaela Curtiza)), 28/1 (1997) 63-110.

PAULUS, Irena: Music in Krzysztof Kieślowski’s Film Three Colors: Blue. A
Rhapsody in Shades of Blue: The Reflections of a Musician (Sažetak:
Glazba u filmu Krzysztofa Kieślowskog Tri boje: Plavo. Rapsodija u
nijansama plavog: razmišljanja jednog glazbenika), 30/1 (1999) 65-91.

PAULUS, Irena: Stanley Kubrick’s Revolution in the Usage of Film Music: 2001: A
Space Odyssey
(1968) (Sažetak: Revolucija Stanleya Kubricka u
uporabi filmske glazbe: 2001: Odiseja u svemiru (1968)), 40/1 (2009)

PAULUS, Irena: Williams Versus Wagner or an Attempt at Linking Musical Epics (Sažetak:
Williams protiv Wagnera ili pokušaj povezivanja glazbenih epova), 31/2 (2000)

PAUSET, Eve-Norah: „Réenchanter la musicologie: un problème français?“ (Summary:
Re-enchanting Musicology: a French Problem?; Sažetak: Ponovno očarati
muzikologiju: je li to francuski problem?), 38/2 (2007) 217-228.

PAUSET, Eve-Norah: Proust musicologue? Le positivisme ambigu ou: De sentir pour ecrire
à sentir est ecrire (Summary: Proust as Musicologist? An
Ambiguous Positivism or from a „Feeling for Writing’ to a „Feeling is Writing“;
Sažetak: Proust kao muzikolog? Dvosmisleni pozitivizam ili: od osjećaja
za pisanjem do osjećanja kao pisanja), 40/1 (2009) 63-79.

PELLIZZONI, Luigi: Fruition of the Musical Message and Perception of Its Structures (Sažetak:
Ostvarenje glazbene poruke i percepcija struktura), 17/1 (1986) 73-90.

PEÑALVER VILAR, José María – MORANT NAVASQUILLO, Remigi – PORTA, Amparo: Music of the Inaugural Ceremony of London 2012: A Performance among Bells (Sažetak: Glazba inauguralne ceremonije u Londonu 2012: izvedba među zvonima), 44/2 (2013) 253-276.

PETROVIĆ, Radmila: Folk Music of Eastern Yugoslavia: A Process of Acculturation (Sažetak: Narodna muzika istočne Jugoslavije: proces akulturacije), V/1 (1974) 217-224.

PICHAULT, Françoise: Vers une théorie sociologique de l’art. Elaboration d’un modèle d’explication et application à l’oeuvre musicale de
Karlheinz Stockhausen (Summary: Towards a Musicological Theory of Art: Elaboration of an Explanatory Model and Its Application to the Musical Work of Karlheinz Stockhausen; Sažetak: Prema sociološkoj teoriji umjetnosti: razrada modela izlaganja i primjena na glazbenom djelu Karlheinza Stockhausena), 14/1 (1983) 53-77.

PICKERT, Dietmar: Ensembleaktivitäten in Musikleben. Strukturen nichtprofessioneller
Musikausübung in der Öffentlichkeit (Summary: Activities of the Music Ensembles
in Musical Life. Structures of Non-Professional Practice in Public; Sažetak:
Aktivnosti ansambala u glazbenom životu. Strukture neprofesionalne glazbene
prakse u javnosti), 28/1 (1997) 111-121.

PINHEIRO, Ricardo F.: The Jam Session and Jazz Studies (Sažetak: Jam sesija
i studije o jazzu), 45/2 (2014) 335-344.

PIOTROWSKA, Anna G.: About Twin Song Festivals in Eastern and Western Europe: Intervision
and Eurovision (Sažetak: Intervizija i Eurovizija: o dvojnim festivalima
pjesama u istočnoj i zapadnoj Europi), 47/1 (2016) 123-135.

PIOTROWSKA, Anna G.: Expressing the Inexpressible: The Issue of Improvisation and the
European Fascination with Gypsy Music in the 19th Century (Sažetak:
Izražavanje neizrecivog: improvizacija i europska fasciniranost ciganskom
glazbom u 19. stoljeću), 43/2 (2012) 325-341.

PIOTROWSKA, Anna G.: Individual Strategies of Seeking Employment Among Early 20th-century
American and European Composers (Sažetak: Pojedinačne strategije u
traženju zaposlenja među američkim i europskim skladateljima početkom 20.
stoljeća), 41/1 (2010) 21-36.

PIOTROWSKA, Anna G.: Modernist Composers and the Concept of Genius (Sažetak:
Skladatelji Moderne i pojam genija), 38/2 (2007) 229-242.

PLATT, Heather: Probing the Meaning of Brahms’s Allusions To Haydn (Sažetak:
Istraživanje značenja Brahmsovih aluzija na Haydna), 42/1 (2011) 33-58.

PLAVŠA, Dušan: Intentionality in Music (Sažetak: Intencionalnost u muzici), 12/1
(1981) 65-74.

PLLANA, Shefqet: Das albanische Volkslied in Kosovo (Summary: On Folk Singing by
the Albanians in Kosovo; Sažetak: O narodnom pevanju Albanaca na
Kosovu), X/2 (1979) 215-236.

POLEDNÁK, Ivan: Zum Problem der Apperzeption der Musik (Summary: Around the
Problem of Music Apperceptions; Sažetak: Uz probleme glazbene
percepcije), 16/1 (1985) 43-56.

POLKA, Brayton: Liebestod. On Love and Death in Wagner’s Tristan und Isolde
(Sažetak: Liebestod: O ljubavi i smrti u Wagnerovu Tristanu i
), 44/2 (2013) 239-252.

PONTARA, Tobias: Interpretation, Imputation, Plausibility: Towards a Theoretical Model
for Musical Hermeneutics (Sažetak: Interpretacija, pripisivanje, plauzibilnost:
prema teorijskom modelu glazbene hermeneutike), 46/1 (2015) 3-41.

PORTA, Amparo – PEÑALVER VILAR, José María – MORANT NAVASQUILLO, Remigi: Music of the Inaugural Ceremony of London 2012: A Performance among
Bells (Sažetak: Glazba inauguralne ceremonije u Londonu 2012: izvedba
među zvonima), 44/2 (2013) 253-276.

POŽGAIN, Ivan – FILAKOVIĆ, Pavo – DEGMEČIĆ, Dunja: Music as Therapy (Sažetak:
Glazba kao terapija), 36/2 (2005) 287-300.

PREMUDA, Noemi: Luchino Visconti’s «Musicism» (Sažetak: «Muzicizam» Luchinija
Viscontija), 26/2 (1995) 189-210.

PRINZ, Mario: Der Orchestermusiker in historischen Kontext (Summary: The
Orchestra Musician in the Historical Context; Sažetak: Orkestralni
glazbenik u povijesnom kontekstu), 26/1 (1995) 61-76.

RANKOVIĆ, Milan: On the Unpopularity of New Music (Sažetak: O nepopularnosti nove
muzike), X/2 (1979) 199-206.

RAZUMOVSKAYA, Maria: Heinrich Neuhaus: A Performer’s Views on the Realisation of Music (Sažetak:
Heinrich Neuhaus: pogledi izvođača na ostvarenje glazbe), 46/2 (2015) 355-369.

REINECKE, Hans-Peter: «Swingkultur» als «doppelter Boden» jugendlichen Lebensgefühls
unter der NS-Diktatur – Hintergründe (Summary: The «Culture of Swing»
as a «Double-Bottom» of Youthfull Feeling of Life Under the Nazi Dictatorship; Sažetak:
«Kultura swinga» kao «dvostruko dno» mladenačkog životnog osjećaja pod

REINECKE, Hans-Peter: Hermann von Helmholtz, Carl Stumpf und die Folegen. Von der
musikalischen Akustik zur Tonpsychologie. Ganz persönliche Anmerkungen zu einem
Kapitel Berliner Wissenschaftsgeschichte (Summary: Hermann von
Helmholtz, Carl Stumpf and the Consequences. From Musical Acoustics to Tonal
Psychology. Very Personal Remarks to One Chapter of Science History in Berlin; Sažetak:
Hermann von Helmholtz, Carl Stumpf i posljedice. Od glazbene akustike do tonske
psihologije. Vrlo osobne primjedbe na jedno poglavlje berlinske povijesti
znanosti), 30/2 (1999) 95-109.

REINECKE, Hans-Peter: Über Musik, Partituren and das Recht ihrer Autoren. Anmerkungen zu
Erich Schulzes Lebenswerk (Summary: On Music, Scores and Rights of Their
Authors. Remarks Concerning the Life Work of Erich Schulze; Sažetak: O
glazbi, partiturama i pravima njihovih autora. Napomene uz životno djelo Ericha
Schulzea), 29/2 (1998) 121-134.

RIJAVEC, Andrej: Notes towards the National and International in Music (Sažetak:
Bilješke o nacionalnom i internacionalnom u glazbi), VII/1 (1976) 83-87.

RIJAVEC, Andrej: The Dimensions of Darijan Božič’s Creativity (Sažetak:
Kompozicijske tvorevine Darijana Božića), X/2 (1979) 237-248.

RINGER, Alexander
L.: Musical Taste and the Industrial Syndrome. A Socio-Musicological Problem in
Historical Analysis (Sažetak: Glazbeni ukus i industrijski sindrom.
Sociološko-muzikološki problem u povijesnoj analizi), V/1 (1974) 139-153.

RINGER, Alexander
L.: Musical Taste and the Industrial Syndrome. A Socio-Musicological Problem in
Historical Analysis (first published in: / prvi put objavljeno u: International
Review of the Aesthetics and Sociology of Music
, V/1 (1974) 139-153) (Sažetak:
Glazbeni ukus i industrijski sindrom. Sociološko-muzikološki problem u
povijesnoj analizi), 25/1-2 (1994) 79-92.

ROGINA, Mladen – HANŽEK, Branko: Development of Croatian Acoustics till 1954. On
the legacy of Vinko Dvořák (Sažetak: Razvitak hrvatske akustike do 1954.
O ostavštini Vinka Dvořáka), 42/2 (2011) 331-354.

ROGINA, Mladen – MALETIĆ, Mladen – HANŽEK, Branko: Vinko Dvořák Sliding
Tones: Do They Exist? (Sažetak: Postoje li klizni tonovi Vinka Dvořáka), 37/2 (2006) 225-232.

ROMAN, Zoltan: (Musical) Jugendstil Revisited: Interspecific Conceptual
Modelling and the Turn-of-the-Century «Peripheral» Arts (Sažetak:
Ponovno o (glazbenom) Jugendstilu: interspecifično pojmovno modeliranje
i «periferne» umjetnosti na razmeđi stoljeća), 30/2 (1999) 111-149.

ROMAN, Zoltan: The Rainbow at Sunset: The Quest for Renewal, and Musico-Poetic
Exoticism in the Viennese Orbit from the 1890s to the 1920s (Sažetak:
Duga na zalasku: zahtjev za obnovom i glazbeno-pjesnički egzoticizam u bečkom
krugu u godinama 1890-1920.), 39/2 (2008) 165-238.

ROONEY, James F. – FREDERICKSON, Jon: How the Music Occupation Failed to Become
a Profession (Sažetak: Kako je zanimanje glazbom propustilo postati
profesijom), 21/2 (1990) 189-206.

RÖSING, Helmut: Der Musikalitätsbegriff und seine Abhängigkeit von
kulturgeschichtlichen Normen. Zur Geschichte der Musikalitätstests (Summary:
The Concept of Musical Talent and Its Dependence on Cultural-Historical Norms; Sažetak:
Pojam muzikalnosti i njegova ovisnost o kulturno-povijesnim normama), IX/2
(1978) 161-181.

RÖSING, Helmut: Musik und bildende Kunst. Über Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede beider
Medien (Sažetak: Muzika i likovna umjetnost. O zajedničkom i različitom
obih medija), II/1 (1971) 65-76.

RÖSING, Helmut: Musik und ihre Wirkungen auf den Rezipienten. Versuch einer
Standortbestimmung (Summary: Music and Its Effects on the Recipient. An
Attempt at a Definition of the Present State of Research; Sažetak: Glazba
i njezino djelovanje na primaoca. Pokušaj određenja sadašnjeg stanja
istraživanja), 12/1 (1981) 3-20.

RUGGUNAN, Shaun – GOVENDER, Praneschen: An Exploratory Study into African Drumming
as an Intervention in Diversity Training (Sažetak: Istraživačka studija
o afričkom bubnjanju kao intervenciji u izobrazbu raznolikosti), 44/1 (2013)

RUT, Josef: Die Musik ind ihre Perspektive vom Gesichtspunkt der Reletivitätstheorie (Summary:
Music and Its Perspective from the Standpoint of the Theory of Relativity; Sažetak:
Glazba i njezina perspektiva sa stajališta teorije relativiteta), 11/1 (1980)

SABBE, Herman: Musiques Savantes, Musiques Populaires (de Zappa à Zimmermann) (Summary:
Art Musics, Popular Musics (from Zappa to Zimmermann); Sažetak: Umjetničke
glazbe, popularne glazbe (od Zappe do Zimmermanna), 34/2 (2003) 161-172.

SAFFLE, Michael – YANG, Hon-Lun: Aesthetic and Social Aspects of Emerging
Utopian Musical Communities (Sažetak: Estetički i društveni aspekti
nastajućih utopijskih glazbenih zajednica), 41/2 (2010) 319-341.

SAGRILLO, Damien: Joseph Haydns Volksliedbearbeitungen. Stilistische Beobachtungen.
Bedeutung für sein Gesamtwerk (Summary: Joseph Haydn’s Folksong
Arrangements. Stylistic Remarks and Their Meaning within the Totality of His Oeuvre;
Sažetak: Haydnove obradbe narodnih napjeva. Stilske napomene i njihovo
značenje u cjelini njegova opusa), 40/1 (2009) 31-62.

SANGA, Imani: Marimba and the Musical Figuring of Desire and Postcolonial National
Identity in Edwin Semzaba’s Novel Marmba ya Majaliwa (Sažetak:
Marimba i glazbeno shvaćanje žudnje i postkolonijalnog nacionalnog identiteta u
romanu Marimba ya Majaliwa Edwina Semzabe), 46/2 (2015) 401-421.

SANGA, Imani: Musical Figuring of Postcolonial Urban Segmentarity and Marginality in
Selected Bongo Fleva Songs in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (Sažetak:
Glazbeni izgled postkolonijalne urbane segmentiranosti i marginaliziranosti u
odabranim Bongo Fleva pjesmama u Dar es Salaamu, Tanzanija), 44/2 (2013)

SANGA, Imani: Mzungu Kichaa and the Figuring of Identity in Bongo Fleva Music
in Tanzania, (Sažetak: Mzungu Kichaa i oblikovanje identiteta u glazbi Bongo
u Tanzaniji), 42/1 (2011) 189-208.

SAPUNDZIJEV, Mary: Motivation, Function and Value: The Choral Miniature Repertoire of First
Generation Macedonian Composers (Sažetak: Motivacija, funkcija i vrijednost:
repertoar zborskih minijatura prve generacije makedonskih skladatelja), 33/1
(2002) 57-93.

SARKISJAN, Swetlana (vidi SARKISYAN, Svetlana): Die Streichquartette Sofia Gubaidulinas
als Versuch der Erschliessung des sonoristischen Raumes (Summary: String
Quartets by Sofia Gubaidulina as a Attempt of Opening a Sonoric Space; Sažetak:
Gudaći kvarteti Sofije Gubaiduline kao pokušaj otvaranja zvukovnog prostora), 36/2 (2005) 271-286.

SARKISYAN, Svetlana (vidi SARKISJAN, Swetlana): Le phénomène musical des films de
Serguei Paradjanov (Summary: The Musical Phenomenon in the Films of
Sergey Paradianov; Sažetak: Glazbeni fenomen u filmovima Sergeja
Paradjanova), 38/1 (2007) 55-69.

SCHÄFER, Thomas: Anti-Moderne oder Avantgarde-Konzept? Überlegungen zur musikalischen
Postmoderne (Summary: Reflections on Musical Postmodern: An Antimodern
or Avantgarde Concept; Sažetak: Razmišljanja o glazbenoj postmoderni:
nacrt za antimodernu ili avangardu), 26/2 (1995) 211-238.

SCHROEDER, David. P.: Audience Reception and Haydn’s London Symphonies (Sažetak: Prihvaćanje
publike i Haydnove londonske simfonije), 16/1 (1985) 57-72.

SCHUBERT, Giselher: Aspekte der Bekkerschen Musiksoziologie (Sažetak: Gledišta
Bekkerove sociologije glazbe), I/2 (1970) 179-186.

SCHUTTE, Charla – VISAGIE, Johann: „Lieder sind Brüder der Revolution“: An
Ideology-critical Approach to the Use of Song as a Vehicle for Propaganda (Sažetak:
„Pjesme su braća revolucije“: Ideologijsko-kritički pristup uporabi pjesme kao
promidžbenog sredstva), 43/1 (2012) 107-138.

SCHUTTE, Charla: Figurative Semiotics: A Textual Analysis of FAK Songs (Sažetak:
Figurativna semiotika: tekstualna analiza pjesama FAK-a (Federasie van
Afrikaner Kultuurvereniginge), 46/2 (2015) 371-400.

SCHUTTE, Sabine: Kunstmusik und Trivialmusik (Summary: Art Music and «Trivial
Music». A Sketch of the Problem; Sažetak: Umjetnička i «trivijalna»
glazba. Skica jednog problema), IV/1 (1973) 81-94.

SCHVARZER, Alicia: L’industrie du disque en France (Summary: The Gramophone Record
Industry in France; Sažetak: Industrija gramofonskih ploča u
Francuskoj), IV/2 (1973) 257-277.

SEDAK, Eva: Das Zeitgenössische als Episode: zum Begriff des Fortschritts in der Musik am
südlichen Rand Mitteleuropas zwischen den beiden Weltkriegen (Summary:
Contemporary as an Episode: A Contribution to the Idea of Progress in the Music
of the Central-European Southern Edge between Two World Wars; Sažetak:
Suvremenost kao epizoda. prilog za poimanje napretka u međuratnoj glazbi s
južnog ruba Srednje Europe), 24/2 (1993) 143-158.

SEDAK, Eva: Eine Ästhetik im Übergang. Versuch einer hypothetischen Gegenüberstellung: F.
Busoni – J. Š. Slavenski (Summary: Slavenski and the Aesthetics of Music
at the Turn of the Century; Sažetak: Slavenski i glazbena estetika s
početka 20. stoljeća), 18/1 (1987) 97-116.

SEDAK, Eva: Some Problems in Contemporary Musical Criticism (Sažetak: Neki problemi
suvremene muzičke kritike), I/2 (1970) 169-177.

SEDAK, Eva: Zeichen einer kleinen Geschichte. Einige einführende Bemerkungen zur Geschichte
der kroatischen Musik im 20. Jahrhundert (Summary: Signs of «Small
History». Some Introductory Remarks to the History of Croatian Music in the
20th Century; Sažetak: Znakovi male povijesti. Neke uvodne napomene uz
povijest hrvatske glazbe 20. stoljeća), 31/2 (2000) 127-151.

SEGOND-GENOVESI, Charlotte: La question du sens dans les passacailles de
Chostakovitch: vers une interprétation sociopolitique (Summary: The
Problem of Sense in the Passacaglias by Shostakovich: Towards a Socio-Political
Interpretation; Sažetak: Pitanje smisla u passacagliama Dmitrija D.
Šostakoviča: prema jednoj društveno-političkoj interpretaciji), 40/2 (2009)

SEIDEL, Wilhelm: Moritz Hauptmanns organische Lehre. Tradition, Inhalt und Geltung
ihrer Prämisse (Summary: Moritz Hauptmann’s Organic Learning. The
Tradition, Content and Value of its Premise; Sažetak: Organsko učenje
Moritza Hauptmanna. Tradicija, sadržaj i vrijednosti njegove perspektive), II/2
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SELFRIDGE-FIELD, Eleanor: Canzona and Sonata: Some Differences in Social Identity (Sažetak:
Canzona i sonata), IX/1 (1978) 111-119.

SELVIK, Randi Margrete – DIESEN, Rolf – HOLEN, Arne: Das Musikleben in einer Landgemeinde (Summary: Musical Culture in a Norwegian Rural District; Sažetak: Glazbena kultura u jednom seoskom predjelu Norveške), V/1 (1974) 191-207. semioloških doktrina), VIII/2 (1977) 264-272.

SHELDON, David A.: The Fugue as an Expression of Rationalist Values (Sažetak: Fuga kao izraz racionalističkih vrijednosti), 17/1 (1986) 29-51.

SHEPHERD, Gregory: «Nihonjinron»: Challenge to Academia (Sažetak: «Nihonjinron»: izazov akademskoj misli), 22/2 (1991) 187-192.

SHEPHERD, John: Un modèle théorique pour une analyse socio-musicologique des
musiques populaires (Summary: A Sociological Theory for the Analysis of
Afro-American Musics; Sažetak: Sociološka teorija za analizu
afro-američkih glazbi), 15/2 (1984) 203-214.

SINGER, Deborah – HEISTER, Hanns-Werner: Mimetische Zeremonien und andere
gewaltarme Herschaftsmethoden. Zur Rolle der Musik in den Guaraní-Reduktionen
der Jesuiten in Paraguay im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert (Summary: Mimetic
Ceremonies and Other Non-violent Methods of Ruling. On the Role of Music in the
Guarani-Reducciones of Jesuits in 17th- and 18th-century Paraguay, Sažetak:
Mimetičke ceremonije i druge nenasilne metode vladanja. O ulozi glazbe u
isusovačkim misijama (reducciones) Guaraní naroda u Paragvaju u 17. i
18. stoljeću), 44/2 (2013) 213-238.

SIOPSI, Anastasia: The Notion of ‘Community’: A Comparative Study of the Political
Issues in the Theories of the Early Romantics and of Richard Wagner (Sažetak:
Pojam ‘zajednice’: poredbena studija političkih tema u teorijama ranih
romantičara i Richarda Wagnera), 42/2 (2011) 285-315.

SMITH, David: Colonial Encounters Through the Prism of Music: A Southern African
Perspective (Sažetak: Kolonijalni susreti kroz prizmu glazbe: pogled iz
Južne Afrike), 33/1 (2002) 31-55.

SPIETH-WEISSENBACHER, Christiane: Prosodes et symboles mélodiques dans le récitatif de Pelléas
et Mélisande
ou place du figuralisme dans l’écriture vocale de Debussy (Summary:
Melodic Prosodes and Symbols in the Recitative of Pelleas et Melisande
or the Place of Figuralism in Debussy’s Vocal Writing; Sažetak:
Melodijski prozodi i simboli u recitativu Pelleasa i Melisande ili
mjesto figuralizma u Debussyjevu

STAUBMANN, Helmut: The Concept of Norm in Sociological Theory and Its Application to Music
(Sažetak: Pojam norme u sociološkoj teoriji i njezina primjena u
glazbi), 22/2 (1991) 119-125.

Progetto semiotico di una musicologia sistematica (Summary: A Semiotical
Project of Systematic Musicology; Sažetak: Semiološki projekt
sistematske muzikologije), V/2 (1974) 277-289.

STEFANI, Gino: Sur l’approche fonctionnelle des pratiques musicales (Summary: On
the Functional Approach to Musical Practice; Sažetak: O funkcionalnom
pristupu muzičkoj praksi), V/1 (1974) 77-83.

STIPČEVIĆ, Ennio: La cultura musicale in Istria e in Dalmazia nel XVI e XVII secolo.
Principali caratteristiche storiche, geopolitiche e culturali (Summary:
Musical Culture in Istria and Dalmatia during the 16th and 17th Centuries: Its
Basic Historical, Geo-political and Culturological Determinants; Sažetak:
Glazbena kultura u Istri i Dalmaciji tijekom 16. i 17. stoljeća: temeljne povijesne, geopolitičke i kulturološke odrednice), 23/2 (1992) 141-152.

STIPČEVIĆ, Ennio: La serenissime, l’Istra e la Dalmazia – Contatti e interferenze musicali
nel Cinque e Seicento (Summary: The Serenissima, Istria, and
Dalmatia – Musical Contacts and Permeations of the 16th and 17th Centuries; Sažetak:
Serenissima, Istra i Dalmacija – glazbeni kontakti i prožimanja (16-17. st.)), 24/1 (1993) 23-44.

STIPČEVIĆ, Ennio: The Social and Historical Status of Music and Musicians in Croatia in
the Early Baroque Period (Sažetak: Društveno-povijesni položaj glazbe i
glazbenika u Hrvatskoj u vrijeme ranog Baroka), 18/1 (1987) 3-17.

STOCKMANN, Doris: Musik – Sprache – Tierkommunikation (Summary: Music – Language –
Animal Communication; Sažetak: Glazba – jezik – komunikacija u
životinjskom svijetu), X/1 (1979) 5-45.

SUPIČIĆ, Ivan (vidi SUPIČIĆ, Ivo): De la Renaissance au Baroque. Quelques propos
d’histoire sociale (Summary: From Renaissance to Baroque Times. Some
Considerations of Social History; Sažetak: Od renesanse do baroka.
Napomene iz socijale povijesti glazbe), 28/2 (1997) 133-142.

SUPIČIĆ, Ivo (vidi SUPIČIĆ, Ivan): Esthétique et art musical (Summary: Aesthetics and
Musical Art; Sažetak: Estetika i glazbena umjetnost), 19/1 (1988) 3-34.

SUPIČIĆ, Ivo (vidi SUPIČIĆ, Ivan): Expression and Meaning in Music (Sažetak: Izražaj
i značenje u glazbi), II/2 (1971) 193-212.

SUPIČIĆ, Ivo (vidi SUPIČIĆ, Ivan): Instead of an Introductory Word (Sažetak: Umjesto
uvodne riječi), I/1 (1970) 3-14.

SUPIČIĆ, Ivo (vidi SUPIČIĆ, Ivan): Les approches socio-historiques de l’oeuvre musicale
(first published in: / prvi put objavljeno u: International Review of the
Aesthetics and Sociology of Music
, 17/2 (1986) 223-238) (Summary:
Sociohistorical Approach of Musical Work; Sažetak: Socijalnopovijesni
pristup glazbenom djelu), 25/1-2 (1994) 321-335.

SUPIČIĆ, Ivo (vidi SUPIČIĆ, Ivan): Matter and Form in Music (Sažetak: Materija i
forma u muzici), I/2 (1970) 149-158.

SUPIČIĆ, Ivo (vidi SUPIČIĆ, Ivan): Music and Ceremony. Another Aspect (Sažetak: Glazba
i ceremonija. Drugi aspekt), 13/1 (1982) 21-38.

SUPIČIĆ, Ivo (vidi SUPIČIĆ, Ivan): Musique et fête: note sur le sacré et le profane (Summary:
Music and Festivity: a Note on Sacred and Secular; Sažetak: Glazba i
svečanost: bilješka o sakralnom i svjetovnom), 21/2 (1990) 179-187.

SUPIČIĆ, Ivo (vidi SUPIČIĆ, Ivan): Perspectives pluridisciplinaries: difficultés d’approache
(Summary: Plury-Disciplinary Perspectives: Difficulties of Approach; Sažetak:
Pluridisciplinarne perspektive: poteškoće pristupa), 16/2 (1985) 125-151.

SUPIČIĆ, Ivo (vidi SUPIČIĆ, Ivan): Sens et non-sens en musique (Summary: Sense and
Nonsense in Music; Sažetak: Smisao i besmisao u glazbi), III/2 (1972)

ŠEŠKAUSKAITĖ, Daiva: Sutartinės and Balkan Diaphonic Songs (Sažetak: Sutartinės
i balkanske dijafonijske pjesme), 35/1 (2004) 71-92.

ŠIMUNDŽA, Mirjana: Messiaen’s Rhythmical Organisation and Classical Indian Theory of
Rhythm (I) (Sažetak: Organizacija ritma Oliviera Messiaena i klasična
indijska teorija ritma (I)), 18/1 (1987) 117-144.

ŠIMUNDŽA, Mirjana: Messiaen’s Rhythmical Organisation and Classical Indian Theory of
Rhythm (II) (Sažetak: Organizacija ritma Oliviera Messiaena i klasična
indijska teorija ritma (II)), 19/1 (1988) 53-73.

ŠKUNCA, Mirjana: Politische Aspekte des musikalischen Lebens von Split zur Zeit der
kroatischen Wiedergeburt (1860-1882) (Summary: Political Aspect of Split
Music Life in the Period of the National Revival in Dalmatia (1860-1882); Sažetak:
Politički aspekti glazbenog života Splita u preporodno doba u Dalmaciji
(1860-1882)), 20/2 (1989) 141-167.

TÄNZER, Peter: Orientierung in der Musik (Summary: Orientation in Music; Sažetak:
Orijentacija u glazbi), VII/2 (1976) 175-183.

TARASTI, Eero: Music Models trough Ages: A Semiotic Interpretation (Sažetak:
Glazbeni modeli kroz razdoblja: semiotička interpretacija), 17/1 (1986) 3-28.

TARASTI, Eero: Music Models trough Ages: A Semiotic Interpretation (first published in:
/ prvi put objavljeno u: International Review of the Aesthetics and
Sociology of Music
, 17/1 (1986) 3-28) (Sažetak: Glazbeni modeli kroz
razdoblja: semiotička interpretacija), 25/1-2 (1994) 295-320.

TARASTI, Eero: Pour une narratologie de Chopin (Summary: For a Narratology of
Chopin; Sažetak: Za jednu naratologiju Chopina), 15/1 (1984) 53-75.

TARASTI, Eero: Pour une narratologie de Chopin Interpretation (first published in: /
prvi put objavljeno u: International Review of the Aesthetics and Sociology
of Music
, 15/1 (1984) 53-75) (Summary: For a Narratology of Chopin; Sažetak:
Za jednu naratologiju Chopina), 25/1-2 (1994) 295-320.

TAYLOR, Benedict: The Lost Chord: Sentimentality, Sincerity, and the Search for
„Emotional Depth’ in 19th-Century Music (Sažetak: Izgubljeni akord
– Sentimentalnost, iskrenost i potraga za „osjećajnom dubinom“ u glazbi 19.
stoljeća), 40/2 (2009) 207-233.

TESSAROLO, Mariselda: Experiencing Dance (Sažetak: Doživljavanje plesa), 16/2
(1985) 201-210.

THOMPSON, Michael J.: Th. W. Adorno Defended against His Critics, and Admirers: A Defense
of the Critique of Jazz (Sažetak: Th.W. Adorno obranjen pred njegovim
kritičarima i poštovateljima: obrana kritike jazza), 41/1 (2010) 37-49.

TICK, Judith: Musician and Mécène: Some Observations on Patronage in Late
18th-Century France (Sažetak: Muzičar i mecena. Neke napomene uz
patronatstvo u Francuskoj u 18. stoljeću), IV/2 (1973) 245-256.

TISCHLER, Hans: A Proposal for a Multi-Relational Aesthetics (Sažetak: Prijedlog
jedne multirelacione estetike), III/2 (1972) 141-160.

TITLESTAD, Michael – VILJOEN, Martina: Festive Critique and Agency in Felix Laband’s
4/4 Down the Stairs (Sažetak: Svečarska kritika i djelovanje u
djelu 4/4 Down the Stairs Felixa Labanda), 36/1 (2005) 199-220.

TOSCANO, Maria Manuela: Chemins vers une esthétique de l’inquiétude dans la musique de
Gesualdo (Summary: Towards an Aesthetics of Disquietness in the Music of
Gesualdo; Sažetak: Prema estetici nemira u Gesualdovoj glazbi), 30/1
(1999) 27-53.

TRÂN VÂN KHÊ: L’acculturation dans les traditions musicales de l’Asie (Summary:
Acculturation in the Musical Traditions of Asia; Sažetak: Akulturacija u
glazbenim tradicijama Azije), V/1 (1974) 182-190.

TUKSAR, Stanislav: Bedeutungstheorie in der Musik in Irene, ovvero della bellezza (1599) von Miho Monaldi. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der semiologischen Doktrinen in der Musik (Summary: The Theory of Meaning in Music in Irene, ovvero della bellezza (1599) by Miho Monaldi. A Contribution to the History of Semiological Doctrines; Sažetak: Teorija značenja u glazbi u Irene, ovvero della bellezza (1599) Mihe Monaldija. Prilog povijesti

TUKSAR, Stanislav: From Metaphysical Irrationalism to Contemporary Empiricism: An
Aspect of Music (Sažetak: Od metafizičkog iracionalizma do suvremenog
empirizma: jedan glazbeni aspekt), II/1 (1971) 77-87.

TUKSAR, Stanislav: Music Research Libraries, Archives and Collections in Croatia (Sažetak:
Glazbene knjižnice, arhivi i zbirke u Hrvatskoj), 23/2 (1992) 119-140.

TUKSAR, Stanislav: Musico-theoretical Fragments by Two Mediaeval Scholars: Herman
Dalmatinac and Petar Pavao Vergerije, Sr. (Sažetak: Glazbeno-teoretski
fragmenti dvaju autora srednjeg vijeka: Hermana Dalmatinca i Petra Pavla
Vergerija St.), 13/1 (1982) 93-105.

TUKSAR, Stanislav: Musique et politique à Dubrovnik à l’epoque de la
Renaissance (first published in: / prvi put objavljeno u: International Review
of the Aesthetics and Sociology of Music
, X/1 (1979) 99-111) (Summary:
Music and Politics in Dubrovnik during the Renaissance; Sažetak:
Politika i glazba u renesansnom Dubrovniku), 25/1-2 (1994) 191-202.

TURCU, Ioana
Ruxandra CREMADES, Roberto – LORENZO, Oswaldo: Raï
Music as a Generator of Cultural Identity among Young Maghrebies (Sažetak:
Raï glazba kao proizvođač kulturnog identiteta mladih stanovnika Magreba), 46/1 (2015) 175-184.

C.: The Ecological and Social Determinations of the Production of Dixieland
Jazz in New Orleans (Sažetak: Ekološke i društvene odrednice proizvodnje
Dixieland jazza u New Orleansu), 26/1 (1995) 107-121. Umjetnost, kultura i autentičnost u
južnoafričkoj glazbi), 39/1 (2009) 57-71.

VAILLANCOURT, Michael: Brahms and the Historical Sublime (Sažetak: Brahms i povijesno
sublimno), 46/1 (2015) 73-94.

VALIQUET, Patrick: The Spatialisation of Stereophony: Taking Positions in Post-War
Electroacoustic Music (Sažetak: Spacijalizacija stereofonije: zauzimanje
pozicija u poslijeratnoj elektroakustičnoj glazbi), 43/2 (2012) 403-421.

VAN EECKE, Livine: Adorno’s Listening to Stravinsky – Towards a Deconstruction of
Objectivism (Sažetak: Adornovo slušanje Straviskog – Prema
dekonstrukciji objektivizma), 45/2 (2014) 243-260.

VELAYUTHAM, Chandrasekaran – JAYAKRISHNAN, Narayanan: A Study on the Framing of
‘Margazhi’/December Music Festival in the English and Regional Language
Newspapers in Tamil Nadu (Sažetak: Istraživanje o izvještavanju s
prosinačkog (‘Margazhi’) glazbenog festivala u Chennaiju u novinama na
engleskom i regionalnom jeziku u Tamil Nadu), 45/1 (2014) 77-98.

VENDRIX, Philippe: Proportions harmoniques et proportions architecturales dans la
théorie française des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles (Summary: Harmonic
and Architectural Proportions in the 17th and 18th-Century French Theory; Sažetak:
Harmonijske i arhitekturalne proporcije u francuskoj teoriji 17. i 18.
stoljeća), 20/7 (1989) 3-10.

VILLIERS HUMAN, Suzanne de: Explosions in Visual Art, Literature and Music (Sažetak:
Prskanja u likovnim umjetnostima, književnosti i glazbi) 36/1 (2005) 179-197.

VILJOEN, Martina – TITLESTAD, Michael: Festive Critique and Agency in Felix
Laband’s 4/4 Down the Stairs (Sažetak: Svečarska kritika i
djelovanje u djelu 4/4 Down the Stairs Felixa Labanda), 36/1 (2005)

VILJOEN, Martina: Ideology and Interpretation: A Figurative Semiotics of Musical
Discourse (Sažetak: Ideologija i interpretacija: figurativna semiotika
glazbenog diskursa), 36/1 (2005) 83-99.

VILJOEN, Martina: Is Interdisciplinarity Enough? Critical Remarks on Some ‘New
Musicological’ Strategies from the Perspective of the Thought of Christopher
Norris (Sažetak: je li interdisciplinarnost dovoljna? Kritičke primjedbe
o nekim strategijama Nove muzikologije iz perspektive misli Christophera
Norrisa), 43/1 (2012) 71-94.

VILJOEN, Martina: Questions of Musical Meaning: An Ideology-Critical Approach (Sažetak:
Problemi glazbenog značenja: ideološko-kritički pristup), 35/1 (2004) 3-28.

VIRET, Jacques: Mélodie et «Gestalt». Pour une nouvelle approche de l’analyse
mélodique (Summary: Melody and «Gestalt». Towards a New Approach to
Melodic Analysis; Sažetak: Melodija i «Gestalt». Za novi pristup
melodijskoj analizi), 13/1 (1982) 39-53.

VIRET, Jacques: Musique, nombres, cosmos: quelques réflexions «pythagoriciennes» (Summary:
Music, Numbers, Space: Some «Pythagorean» Meditations; Sažetak: Glazba, brojevi, svemir: neka «pitagorejska» razmišljanja), 17/2 (1986) 147-161.

VISAGIE, Johann SCHUTTE, Charla: „Lieder sind Brüder der Revolution“: An
Ideology-critical Approach to the Use of Song as a Vehicle for Propaganda (Sažetak:
„Pjesme su braća revolucije“: Ideologijsko-kritički pristup uporabi pjesme kao
promidžbenog sredstva), 43/1 (2012) 107-138.

VISAGIE, Johann: Applying Critical Tools to Critical Theory – With Some Remarks on the
Implications for Musicology (Sažetak: Primjenjujući kritička sredstva na
kritičku teoriju. Uz nekoliko primjedbi na implikacije u muzikologiji), 36/1
(2005) 11-36.

VOIGT, Boris: Das Scherzo der fünften Symphonie Gustav Mahlers als Reflexion auf die
gesellschaftliche Moderne (Summary: Gustav Mahler’s Fifth Symphony
Scherzo as a Reflection of the Social Modernity; Sažetak: Scherzo Pete
Gustava Mahlera kao odraz društvenog moderniteta), 41/2 (2010)
195-239. vokalizmu), 13/1 (1982) 83-92.

VOLGSTEN, Ulrik: Work, Form and Phonogram. On the Significance of the Concept of Communication
for the Modern Western Concept of Music (Sažetak: Djelo, forma i
fonogram. O značenju pojma komunikacije za moderni zapadni koncept
glazbe), 46/2 (2015) 207-232.

WAGNER, Günther: Exaktwissenschaftliche Musikanalyse und Informationsästhetik (Summary:
Scientific Musical Analysis and Informational Aesthetics; Sažetak:
Egzaktnoznanstvena muzička analiza i informacijska estetika), VII/1 (1976)

WANGERMÉE, Robert: Notes sur l’économie des institutions musicales non-lucratives (Summary:
Notes on the Economy of Non-Commercial Musical Institutions; Sažetak:
Bilješke o ekonomiji nekomercijalnih glazbenih institucija), 13/2 (1982)

WAREN, Warren: Theories of the Singing Revolution: An Historical Analysis of the Role
of Music in the Estonian Independence Movement (Sažetak: Teorije
pjevajuće revolucije: povijesna analiza uloge glazbe u estonskom pokretu za
neovisnost), 43/2 (2012) 439-451.

WEBER, William: Mass Culture and the Reshaping of European Musical Taste, 1770-1870, (first published in: / prvi put objavljeno u: International Review of the Aesthetics and Sociology of Music, VIII/1 (1977) 5-22) (Sažetak: Masovna kultura i preoblikovanje evropskog glazbenog ukusa u razdoblju od 1770. do 1870. godine), 25/1-2 (1994) 175-190.

WELBURN, Ron: Duke Ellington’s Music: The Catalyst for a True Jazz Criticism (Sažetak:
Glazba Dukea Ellingtona: katalizator istinske jazz kritike), 17/1 (1986) 111-122.

WENK, Brian
J.: Speech Patterns in Music: The French (Rythmic) Connection (Sažetak:
Jezični obrasci u glazbi: francuska (ritmička) veza), 13/2 (1982) 191-197.

WHITE, Harry: Art Music and the Question of the Ethnicity: The Slavic Dimension of
Czech Music from an Irish Point of View (Sažetak: Umjetnička glazba i
problem etniciteta: slavenska dimenzija češke glazbe s irskog gledišta), 35/1
(2004) 29-46.

WHITE, Harry: Is This Song about You? Some Reflections on Music and Nationalism in
Germany and Ireland (Sažetak: Je li ova pjesma o tebi? Neka razmišljanja
o glazbi i nacionalizmu u Njemačkoj i Irskoj), 33/2 (2002) 131-147.

WHITE, Harry: The Need for a Sociology of Irish Folk Music. A Review of Writings on
«Traditional» Music in Ireland, with some Responses and Proposals (Sažetak:
Potrebe za sociologijom irske narodne glazbe. Pregled napisa o «tradicionalnoj»
glazbi u Irskoj s nekoliko odgovora i prijedloga), 15/1 (1984) 3-13.

WHITE, Harry: The Preservation of Music and Irish Cultural History (Sažetak: Očuvanje
glazbe i irska kulturna povijest), 27/2 (1996) 123-138.

WIERZBICKI, James: Inventive Listening: The Aesthetics of Parataxis (Sažetak:
Inventivno slušanje: estetika paratakse), 45/1 (2014) 21-46.

WILLGOSS, Richard: Creativity in Contemporary Art Music Composition (Sažetak:
Kreativnost u komponiranju suvremene umjetničke glazbe), 43/2 (2012) 423-437.

WILSON, Dora: Löhlein’s Klavierschule: Toward an Understanding of the Galant
Style (Sažetak: Klavirska škola Georga S. Lohleina: prema razumijevanju
galantnog stila), 12/2 (1981) 103-115.

WILSON, Samuel: After Beethoven, After Hegel: Legacies of Selfhood in Schnittke’s
String Quartet No. 4 (Sažetak: Nakon Beethovena, nakon Hegela: Baština
vlastitosti u Gudačkom kvartetu br. 4 Alfreda Schnittkea), 45/2 (2014)

WIORA, Walter: Der Grundbegriff Kunstwerk. Versuch einer wissenschaftlichen Klärung (Summary:
A Fundamental Notion: The Work of Art. An Attempt of a Scholarly Explanation; Sažetak:
Temeljni pojam umjetničkog djela. Pokušaj znanstvenog objašnjenja), 31/1 (2000)

WIORA, Walter: Der musikalische Ausdruck von Ständen und Klassen in eigenen Stilen
(first published in: / prvi put objavljeno u: International Review of the
Aesthetics and Sociology of Music
, V/1 (1974) 91-112) (Summary: The
Musical Expression of Different Estates and Social Classes in Their Own
Individual Styles; Sažetak: Glazbeni izraz različitih društvenih staleža
i klasa u njihovim individualnim stilovima), 25/1-2 (1994) 93-113.

YAKO, Masato: Possible Worlds in Musical Theory and Practice (Sažetak: Moguću svjetovi
u glazbenoj teoriji i praksi), 33/2 (2002) 181-196.

YAKO, Masato: Recognition of Music and Beauty by the Language Game (Sažetak:
Prepoznavanje glazbe i ljepote jezičnom igrom), 38/1 (2007) 3-21.

YAN, Hektor K. T.: The Jewish Question Revisited: Anti-Semitism and ‘Race’ in Wagner’s Parsifal
(Sažetak: Ponovno o židovskom pitanju: antisemitizam i ‘rasa’ u
Wagnerovom Parsifalu), 43/2 (2012) 343-363.

YAN, Hektor King Tak: On Bruckner and Ideology (Sažetak: O Bruckneru i ideologiji), 47/1 (2016) 87-108.

YANG, Hon-Lun – SAFFLE, Michael: Aesthetic and Social Aspects of Emerging
Utopian Musical Communities (Sažetak: Estetički i društveni aspekti
nastajućih utopijskih glazbenih zajednica), 41/2 (2010) 319-341.

YARUSTOVSKI, Boris: Quelques réflexions sur la musique et la société (Summary: Some
Reflections About Music and Society), VI/2 (1975) 283-287.

YEOLAND, Rosemary – HAFEZ-ERGAUT, Agnès: Camille Mauclair: Critique et
compétences (Summary: Camille Mauclair: Critique and Competences; Sažetak:
Camille Mauclair: kritika i kompetencije), 37/2 (2006) 213-224.

YEOLAND, Rosemary: Camille Mauclair, Ernest Chausson and the Trois Lieder (Sažetak:
Camille Mauclair, Ernest Chausson i Trois Lieder), 47/1 (2016) 109-122.

YEOLAND, Rosemary: Nadia Boulander et Camille Mauclair (Summary: Nadia Boulanger
and Camille Mauclair, Sažetak: Nadia Boulanger i Camille Mauclair), 45/1
(2014) 63-76.

YOFFE, Aron M.: Plotinus’s Theory of Mimesis, and Its Implications for the Actual Composing
of Music (Sažetak: Plotinova teorija Mimezisa i njezine implikaciije za
komponiranje glazbe), 11/1 (1980) 87-91.

YOSHIDA, Hiroshi: Eduard Hanslick and the Idea of «Public» in Musical Culture: Towards a
Socio-Political Context of Formalistic Aesthetics (Sažetak: Eduard
Hanslick i ideja «publike» u glazbenoj kulturi: k društveno-političkom
kontekstu formalističke estetike), 32/2 (2001) 179-199.

YOUNG, James O.: On the Enshrinement of Musical Genius (Sažetak: O posvećenju glazbenoga genija), 45/1 (2014) 47-62.

YOUNG, James O.: Was There a ‘Great Divide’ in Music? (Sažetak: Je li postojala „velika razdjelnica“ u glazbi), 46/2 (2015) 233-244.

ZAGORSKI, Marcus: Hearing Beethoven, Truth, and „New Music“ (Sažetak: Slušanje Beethovena, istina i „Nova glazba“), 44/1 (2013) 49-56.

ZENCK, Martin: Auswirkungen einer «musique informelle» auf die neue Music. Zu Theodor W. Adornos Formvorstellung (Summary: Influences of «musique informelle» on New Music. On Adorno’s Concept of Form; Sažetak: Utjecaji «musique informelle» na novu glazbu. Uz Adornov pojam forme), X/2 (1979) 137-165.

ZVARA, Vladimír: Leoš Janáček and the „Slavic Catharsis“ (Sažetak: Leoš Janáček i „slavenska katarza“), 43/1 (2012) 23-34.



DESCHNÊS, Bruno: Music and the New
Scientific Theories (Sažetak: Glazba i nove znanstvene teorije), 22/2
(1991) 193-202.

DOUBRAVOVÁ, Jarmila: Music and Visual Art –
Their Relation as a Topical Problem of the Contemporary Music in Czechoslovakia
(Sažetak: Glazba i likovne umjetnosti. Njihov odnos kao aktualni problem
suvremene glazbe u Čehoslovačkoj), 11/2 (1980) 219-228.

ESCAL, Françoise: Les «portraits» dans les
quatre Livres de clavecin de Couperin (Summary: The «Portraits»
in the Four Livres de clavecin by Couperin (Sažetak: «Portreti» u
četiri Livres de clavecin F. Couperina), 11/1 (1980) 5-23.

GREEN, Edward: Did Ellington Truly Believe in
an „Afro-Eurasian Eclipse?“ (Sažetak: Je li Duke Ellington stvarno
vjerovao u „afro-azijsku pomrčinu“?
), 43/1 (2012) 227-236.

HALBSCHEFFEL, Bernward: Zur Ontologie der
Rockmusik, 14/1 (1983) 99-105.

HEBERT, David G.: Reflections on Teaching and
Sociology of Music Online, 39/1 (2009) 93-103.

ILLIASIEWICZ, Elżbieta: Polish Composers as a
Social Group (Sažetak: Poljski kompozitori kao društvena grupa), 11/2
(1980) 239-251.

JAUK, Werner: Neue Musik und Musikkritik. Eine
Längsschnittuntersuchung zur empirischen Rezeptionsgeschichte des
Musikprotokolls seit dessen Bestehen (Summary: New Music and Musical
Criticism. A Longitudinal Investigation of the Empirical History of the
Calendar of Musical Events (Musikprotokoll) in Graz; Sažetak: Nova
glazba i glazbena kritika. Uzdužni presjek u istraživanju empirijske povijesti
primalaštva festivala «Musikprotokoll» u Grazu od njegova nastanka), 15/2
(1984) 215-236.

MARK, Desmond: Pop and Folk as a Going Concern
for Sociological Research, 14/1 (1983) 93-98.

PEJOVIĆ, Roksanda: A Historical Survey of
Musical Instruments as Portrayed in Mediaeval Art in Serbia and Macedonia (Sažetak:
Povijesni pregled glazbenih instrumenata prikazan u srednjovjekovnoj umjetnosti
u Srbiji i Makedoniji), 13/2 (1982) 177-182.

PLAVŠA, Dušan: La naissance de la musique de
film avant l’apparition de l’art du film sonore (Summary: The Birth of
Film Music before the Appearance of the Art of Sound Movie; Sažetak:
Rađanje filmske glazbe prije nastanka tonfilmske umjetnosti), 20/2 (1989)

PRINZ, Mario: Wenn ich die 7.
Beethoven-Symphonie nicht mehr Spiele, ist es noch immer zu viel
Kreativität im grossen Orchester (Summary: Wenn ich die 7.
Beethoven-Symphonie nicht mehr Spiele, ist es noch immer zu viel
. Creativity
in the Big Orchestra; Sažetak: Kada više ne sviram Beethovenovu 7.
simfoniju, i tada je još previše
. Kreativitet u velikom orkestru)), 24/1
(1993) 69-76.

SUPIČIĆ, Ivo (vidi SUPIČIĆ, Ivan): L’histoire
sociale de la musique en France: Quelques apsects de base (I) (Summary:
Social History of Music in France: Some Basic Aspects (I); Sažetak:
Socijalna povijest glazbe u Francuskoj: nekoliko temeljnih aspekata (I)), 19/2
(1988) 229-258.

SUPIČIĆ, Ivo (vidi SUPIČIĆ, Ivan): L’histoire
sociale de la musique en France: Quelques apsects de base (II) (Summary:
Social History of Music in France: Some Basic Aspects (II); Sažetak:
Socijalna povijest glazbe u Francuskoj: nekoliko temeljnih aspekata (II)), 20/1
(1989) 61-102.

TESSAROLO, Mariselda: The Musical Experience.
The Semantic Differential as a Research Instrument (Sažetak: Glazbeni
doživljaj), 12/2 (1981) 153-164.


CVETKO, Dragotin: Notes sur la transplantation de la tradition musicale, populaire et atristique, des Slaves du Sud (Summary: Notes Towards the Question of the Transplantation of the South-Slavic Folk and Artistic Music Tradition; Sažetak: Bilješke o pitanju presađivanja južnoslavenske narodne i umjetničke glazbene tradicije), 11/1 (1980) 93-101.

BAES, Jonas: Marayaw and the Changing Context of Power among the Iraya of Mindoro, Philippines (Sažetak: Marayaw i promjenjivi kontekst moći u filipinskoj manjini Iraya u Mindoru), 19/2 (1988) 259-267.

BEN-PERETZ, Miriam – KALEKIN-FISHMAN, Devorah – BRUEN, Hanah: Perception and Interpretation of Vocal Music: Constructions of Social Groups (Sažetak: Percepcija i interpretacija vokalne glazbe: konstrukcije društvenih grupa), 17/1 (1986) 53-72.

BRANDL, Rudolf: Some Aspects of Oral History in the Consideration of Musical Traditions from Africa and Levante, Based on a Neurosemiotical Approach (Sažetak: Neki aspekti oralne povijesti s obzirom na glazbene tradicije Afrike i Levanta temeljeni na neurosemiotičkom pristupu), 16/1 (1985) 3-42.

BRUEN, Hanah – BEN-PERETZ, Miriam – KALEKIN-FISHMAN, Devorah: Perception and Interpretation of Vocal Music: Constructions of Social Groups (Sažetak: Percepcija i interpretacija vokalne glazbe: konstrukcije društvenih grupa), 17/1 (1986) 53-72.

KALEKIN-FISHMAN, Devorah – BRUEN, Hanah – BEN-PERETZ, Miriam: Perception and Interpretation of Vocal Music: Constructions of Social Groups (Sažetak: Percepcija i interpretacija vokalne glazbe: konstrukcije društvenih grupa), 17/1 (1986) 53-72.

KALISCH, Volker: Brauchen Wir Musik? (Summary: Do We Need Music?; Sažetak: Trebamo li glazbu?), 22/2 (1991) 133-145.

KATALINIĆ, Vjera: Croatian Musical Culture between 1750 and 1820: A Central-European and/or Mediterranean Issue? (Sažetak: Hrvatska glazbena kultura između 1750. i 1820. Srednjoeuropski i/ili mediteranski krug), 24/1 (1993) 3-12.

KEMPF, Davorin: What is Symmetry in Music (Sažetak: Simetrija u glazbi), 27/2 (1996) 155-165.

KOLLERITSCH, Otto: Total Quality in Teaching and Its Control – An Interdisciplinary Approach, 32/2 (2001) 201-207.

KOS, Koraljka: Aspekte des Volksmusizierens in der bildenden Kunst des 19. Jahrhunderts (Summary: Views of Folk Music Making in 19th-Century Visual Arts; Sažetak: Prizori narodnog muziciranja u likovnoj umjetnosti 19. stoljeća), 23/2 (1992) 153-169.

LAMBLIN, André: L’analyse tonale selon Schenker (Summary: Tonal Analysis According to Schenker; Sažetak: Tonalna analiza prema Schenkeru), 17/2 (1986) 187-202.

LORTAT-JACOB, Bernard: Méthodes d’analyse en ethnomusicologie (Summary: Methods of Analysis in Ethnomusicology; Sažetak: Metode analize u etnomuzikologiji), 17/2 (1986) 239-257.

MÂCHE, François-Bernard: L’analyse mélodique (Summary: The Melodic Analysis; Sažetak: Melodijska analiza), 17/2 (1986) 259-272.

MÂCHE, François-Bernard: Les procédures d’analyse sémiologique (Summary: Methods in a semiological analysis; Sažetak: Postupci u semiološkoj analizi), 17/2 (1986) 203-214.

MOLES, Abraham A.: Approche informationnelle de la perception et de la création musicale (Summary: Informational Approach of Perception and Creation in Music; Sažetak: Informatički pristup percepciji i stvaranju glazbe), 17/2 (1986) 273-297.

OSBORNE, Nigel: La forme musicale comme processus (Summary: Musical Form as Process; Sažetak: Glazbena forma kao proces), 17/2 (1986) 215-222.

REINECKE, Hans-Peter: Cybernetics and Musical Consciousness (Sažetak: Kibernetika i glazbena svijest), 24/1 (1993)

REINECKE, Hans-Peter: «Musiktherapie» oder «Musiktherapeut»: Versuch einer kulturkritischen Ortsbestimmung, 18/2 (1987) 247-258.

RÖSING, Helmut: Populäre Musik und ihr Publikum (Summary: Popular Music and Its Public; Sažetak: Popularna glazba i njezina publika), 20/1 (1989) 11-42.

SADAĬ, Yizhak: Les aspects systémiques et énigmatiques de la musique tonale (Summary: The Systemic and Enigmatic Aspects of Tonal Music; Sažetak: Sistemički i enigmatski aspekti tonalne glazbe), 17/2 (1986) 299-332.

SUPIČIĆ, Ivo: Les approches socio-historiques de l’oeuvre musicale (Summary: Sociohistorical Approach of Musical Work; Sažetak: Socijalnopovijesni pristup glazbenom djelu), 17/2 (1986) 223-238.

TAYLOR, Timothy D.: Aesthetics and Cultural Issues in Schumann’s Kinderszenen (Sažetak: Estetički i kulturni aspekti Schumannovih Kinderszenen), 21/2 (1990) 161-178.

TUKSAR, Stanislav: Eduard Hanslick, Franjo Ksaver Kuhač et alii and the «National-International» Relationship in the Croatian Fin-de-Siècle Musical Culture (Sažetak: Eduard Hanslick, Franjo Ksaver Kuhač i drugi te odnos «nacionalno-internacionalno» u hrvatskoj glazbenoj kulturi fin-de-sièclea), 29/2 (1998) 155-164.

VEBER, Zdenka (vidi WEBER, Zdenka): The Contemporary Musical Environment as an Impetus for the Development of Musical Creativity, 18/2 (1987) 269-275.

VENDRIX, Philippe: La notion de révolution dans les écrits théoriques concernant la musique avant 1789 (Summary: The Concept of Revolution in the Theoretical Writings on Music before 1789; Sažetak: Pojam revolucije u teorijskim zapisima o glazbi prije 1789. godine), 21/1
(1990) 71-78.

WILLMS, Harm: Vom musikalisch Schönen und seiner Bedeutung für die menschliche Seele, 18/2 (1987) 259-268.


ADAMIČ, Bojan: One of the Problems of Popular Music, II/2 (1971) 290-291.

ALBERSHEIM, Gerhard: Reflexionen über Musikwissenschaft und Soziologie, I/2 (1970) 200-208.

ALBERSHEIM, Gerhard: Zusätzliches zum Begriff des musikalischen Sinnes, III/1 (1972) 97-109.

BEAUD, Paul: Musique, Masses, Minorités, Marginaux, VI/1 (1975) 159-167.

BEAUFILS, Marcel: Questions, I/1 (1970) 101-104.

BENGTSSON, Ingmar: Some Comments and Another Discussion, I/2 (1970) 195-199.

BEZIĆ, Jerko: Die Akkulturation als eine Fortbestandsmöglichkeit der Volksmusik, VI/1 (1975) 172-174.

BROECKX, Jan L.: Music and Langugage. On the Pretended Inadequacy of Music As a Language of Feeling, 27/1 (1996) 87-93.

BROOK, Barry S.: The Symphonie Concertante: Its Musical and Sociological Bases, VI/1 (1975) 114-125.

BROWN, A. Malcolm: Teaching Music in the Twenty-First Century: The Questionable Fourth Ingredient (Sažetak: Glazbeni odgoj u dvadeset i prvom stoljeću), IV/2 (1973) 307-316.

BUJIĆ, Bojan: Letter to the Editor, V/2 (1974) 331.

CIPRA, Milo: Discussion, II/2 (1971) 288-290.

CORRÊA DE AZEVEDO, Luis Heitor: Le national dans la création musicale, I/1 (1970) 99-101.

CUPERS, Jean-Louis: De la nécessité de la sympathie critique ou quelques considérations sur des opinions émises à propos de Félix Mendelssohn (Summary: About the Necessity for Sympathy in Criticism, or Opinions about Felix Mendelssohn; Sažetak: Potreba razumijevanja u kritici ili mišljenja o Felixu Mendelssohnu), V/2 (1974) 311-325.

CVETKO, Dragotin: Die sociologischen und nationalen Bedingungen für die Wandlungen in der musikalischen Situation bei den Südslawen im 19. Jahrhundert, VI/1 (1975) 111-114.

DAHLHAUS, Carl: Das musikalische Kunstwerk als Gegenstand der Soziologie, VI/1 (1975) 67-79.

DE JAGER, Hugo: Some Sociological Remarks on Innovaiton in Musik, III/2 (1972) 252-258.

DELIÈGE, Célestin: Les techniques du rétrospectivisme, VI/1 (1975) 99-100.

DESCHÊNES, Bruno: Un processus d’identification, 21/2 (1990) 219-222.

DETONI, Dubravko: The Value of Artistic Experiment in Modern Times, II/1 (1971) 111-113.

DEVČIĆ, Natko: Some Problems in Developing Young Composers, II/2 (1971) 285-287.

DIESEN, Rolf – HOLEN, Arne – SELVIK, Randi Margrete: Das Musikleben in einer Landgemeinde, VI/1 (1975) 152-159.

DUNSBY, Jonathan: Reply to André Lamblin, 19/1 (1988) 117-119.

ENRIKO, Josif: Music Teaching as the Foundation of the Development of Musical Creativity, II/2 (1971) 287.

ETZKORN, K. Peter: On Music, Social Structure and Sociology, VI/1 (1975) 79-90.

FINSCHER, Ludwig: Die «Entstehung des Komponisten», VI/1 (1975) 135-142.

FIRCA, Clémence-Liliane: La culture et la disponibilité psycho-esthétique. Facteurs de l’accessibilité en musique, V/2 (1974) 325-328.

FIRCA, Gheorghe: Struktur und Strukturalismus in der Musikforschung, III/2 (1972) 247-252.

FUBINI, Enrico: Estetica e sociologia della musica nell’ Università italiana (Summary. Aesthetics and Sociology of Music in the Italian University; Sažetak: Estetika i sociologija glazbe na talijanskom sveučilištu), IV/1 (1973) 95-99.

FUBINI, Enrico: Implicazioni sociologiche nella creazione e nella fruizione della musica d’avanguardia, VI/1 (1975) 142-146.

FUBINI, Enrico: Music Aesthetics and Philosophy, I/1 (1970) 94-97.

GAGNARD, Madeleine: Le discours des compositeurs, 12/2 (1981) 189-198.

HARDMAN, C. B.: «Josquin, Leonardo and the Scala Peccatorum», V/2 (1974) 329-331.

HOLEN, Arne – SELVIK, Randi Margrete – DIESEN, Rolf: Das Musikleben in einer Landgemeinde, VI/1 (1975) 152-159.

JUVARA, Filippe: Interpretazione e storia: un rapporto problematico (Summary: Interpretation and History: A Problematic Relation; Sažetak:
Interpretacija i povijest: problematski odnos), IV/1 (1973) 99-103.

KADEN, Christian: Musikalische Normenbildung und ihre sozialen Grundlagen, VI/1 (1975) 174-181.

KNEIF, Tibor: Some Non-Communicative Aspects in Music, VI/1 (1975) 95-99.

KOSTIĆ, Vojislav: From the Introduction, II/2 (1971) 267-268.

KREK, Uroš: Organization of Work in the Association of Slovene Composer, II/2 (1971) 298.

KREMLEV, Julij A.: A propos de quelques problèmes des «Discussions» exposés dans le 1er No, I/2 (1970) 208-209.

KUČUKALIĆ, Zija: Contemporary Trends in Yugoslav Music, II/2 (1971) 271-273.

LAMBLIN, André: Réplique à Jonathan Dunsby, 19/1 (1988) 119.

LESURE, François: Un moteur pour la musicologie, I/1 (1970) 91-92.

LIPPMAN, Edward A.: The Dilemma of Musical Meaning, 12/2 (1981) 181-189.

MAHLING, Christoph-Hellmut: Soziologie der Musik und musikalische Sozialgeschichte, I/1 (1970) 92-94.

MIHELČIĆ, Pavel: Musical Criticism and Modern Music, II/2 (1971) 280.

MILOŠEVIĆ, Predrag: Music Broadcast on Yugoslav Radio Stations in Figures and Percentages, II/2 (1971) 291-293.

NATTIEZ, Jean-Jacques: Sur les relations entre sociologie et sémiologie musicales, VI/1 (1975) 90-95.

NOSKE, Frits: «Art Music» and «Trivial Music»: Anatomy of a False Argument (Sažetak: «Umjetnička glazba» i «trivijalna glazba». Anatomija jedne krive argumentacije), IV/2 (1973) 287-293.

OSMOND-SMITH, David: Music as Communication: Semiology or Morphology?, II/1 (1971) 108-111.

PAVLOVIĆ, Aleksandar: Composers, Interpreters and Musical Institutions, II/2 (1971) 281-282.

Perspectives in the Sociology of Music, VI/1 (1975) 182-193.

PETRIĆ, Ivo: The Musician and His Role in the Establishment of Yugoslav Music, II/2 (1971) 284-285.

PETROVIĆ, Radmila: Folk Music of Eastern Yugoslavia: A Process of Acculturation, VI/1 (1975) 167-172.

PROŠEV, Toma: Composers, Performers and Musical Institutions, II/2 (1971) 282-284.

RAČIĆ, Ladislav: On the Aesthetics of Rock-Music, 12/2 (1981) 199-202.

RADOVANOVIĆ, Vladan: Theory and Criticism with Reference to Creativity in Music, II/2 (1971) 275-280.

RINGER, Aleksander L.: Musical Taste and the Industrial Syndrome, VI/1 (1975) 125-135.

SAKAČ, Branimir: The Status of a Composer and His Work, II/2 (1971) 268-271.

SELVIK, Randi Margrete – DIESEN, Rolf – HOLEN, Arne: Das Musikleben in einer Landgemeinde, VI/1 (1975) 152-159.

SOURIAU, Ettiene: La musique est-elle un langage?, I/1 (1970) 97-99.

STEFANOVIĆ, Pavle: Autour de la Tribune musicale yougoslave, II/1 (1971) 107-108

SUPIČIĆ, Ivo: Aesthetic Attitudes in Croatian Music… and a Talk with Milo Cipra, II/1 (1971) 97-107.

ŠIPUŠ, Krešimir: A. D. 1973: Music on the Threshold of Nothingness. Has Music Any Meaning Today? (Sažetak: A: D. 1973: Glazba na pragu ništavila. Ima li glazba danas neki smisao?), IV/2 (1973) 293-307.

TRÂN VÂN KHÊ: L’acculturation dans les traditions musicales de i’Asie, VI/1 (1975) 146-152.

TURKALJ, Nenad: Discussion, II/2 (1971) 274-275.

UKMAR, Vilko: Stylistic and Aesthetic Questions in Modern Music, III/1 (1972) 109-117.

ULRICH, Boris: Organizational Problems of Contemporary Yugoslav Music, II/2 (1971) 294-295.

VULJEVIĆ, Ivo: Some Organizational Problems in Contemporary Yugoslav Music, II/2 (1971) 295-298.

WIORA, Walter: Der musikalische Ausdruck von Ständen und Klassen in eigenen Stilen, VI/1 (1975) 100-111.



Epochen der Musikgeschichte in Einzeldarstellungen, Vorwort F. Blume, Bärenreiter-Verlag – Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, Kassel – München 1974, pp. 468, V/2 (1974) 344-345.

TUKSAR, Stanislav: Croatian Renaissance Music
(originally published under the title Hrvatski renesansni
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Music Information Center, Zagreb 1980, pp. 151, 13/1 (1982) 122-124.


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DUDEQUE, Norton: Music Theory and Analysis in
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HALFYARD, Janet K. (ed.): Berio’s Sequenzas.
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SUPIČIĆ, Ivo (vidi SUPIČIĆ, Ivan): The International Musicological Society’s Symposium on the Sociology of Music, IV/1 (1973) 105-106.

ŠTER, Katarina: Functional and Autonomuos in Music: Patterns and Meanings, Ljubljana, Slovenija, 2006, 40/1 (2009) 161-164.

TUKSAR, Stanislav: 1. Internationale Andreas-Werckmeisterkonferenz: Theorie und Praxis der Musik im Zeitalter von Andreas Werckmeister, Halberstadt, Germany, 1995, 29/2 (1998) 176-178.

TUKSAR, Stanislav: 12th Biennial International Conference on Baroque Music, Warsaw, Poland, 2006, 40/1 (2009) 159-161.

TUKSAR, Stanislav: 26th Annual Congress of the Musicological Society of Southern Africa, Department of Music, University of the Orange Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa, 31/2 (2000) 232-234.

TUKSAR, Stanislav: 300 Years of Academia Philharmonicorum Labacensium 1701-2001, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2001, 33/2 (2002) 232-234.

TUKSAR, Stanislav: Aurora musas nutrit – Die Jesuiten und die Kultur Mitteleuropas im 16.-18. Jahrhundert, Bratislava, Slovakia, 2007, 40/1 (2009) 167-169.

TUKSAR, Stanislav: Austria, 996-1996: Music in a Changing Society, Ottawa, Canada, 1996, 180-182.

TUKSAR, Stanislav: Broadway an der Ruhr: das Musical im neuen Jahrhundert, Dortmund, Germany, 2000, 33/2 (2002) 215-217.

TUKSAR, Stanislav: Civiltà musicali a confronto: tendenze del periodo barocco a Venezia e in Dalmazia, Venezia, Italy, 1999, 31/2 (2000) 228-229.

TUKSAR, Stanislav: Fifteenth International Research Seminar of the ISME (International Society for Music Education) Research Commission, Coral Gables, Floria, U. S. A., 1994, 27/2 (1996) 186-187.

TUKSAR, Stanislav: First International Musicological Symposium «The Present State of Systematic Musicology», Moravany, Slovakia, 1993, 27/2 (1996) 198-200.

TUKSAR, Stanislav: La musica nelle cappelle in area lombardo-padana nel Barocco, Brescia,

TUKSAR, Stanislav: Mediaeval Musical Cultures on the Eastern and Western Shores of the Adriatic Until the Beginning of the 15th Century, Split, Croatia, 1997, 31/2 (2000) 215-217.

TUKSAR, Stanislav: Musica, scienza e idee nella Serenissima del Seicento, Venezia, Italy, 1993, 27/2 (1996) 201-202.

TUKSAR, Stanislav: Musical Cultures in the Adriatic Region During the Age of Classicism: Reflections and Contacts, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2001, 33/2 (2002) 224-225.

TUKSAR, Stanislav: Seminario di studio: La musica delle antiche civiltà mediterranee – Civiltà musicali a confronto. Istria e Dalmazia nella dominazione veneziana del Cinquecento e del Seicento, Venice, Italy, 1995, 29/2 (1998) 167-169.

TUKSAR, Stanislav: VI Convegno internazionale: Relazioni musicali tra Italia e Germania nell’età barocca, Como-Loveno di Menaggio, Italy, 1995, 29/2 (1998) 173-176.

TUKSAR, Stanislav: XV Congreso de la Sociedad Internacional de Musicologia, Madrid, Spain, 1992, 27/2 (1996) 204-206.

TUKSAR, Stanislav: Zagreb and Croatia Lands as a Bridge between Central-European and Mediterranean Musical Cultures, Zagreb, Croatia, 1994, 27/2 (1996) 190-193.

TUKSAR, Stanislav: Zagreb Institute of Musicology in 1971, III/1 (1972) 119-120.

TURKALJ, Nenad: Ein Festival der Neuen Musik in Jugoslawien, I/1 81970) 116-118.

ZEBEC, Tvrtko: 21th Symposium of the Ethnochoreographical Study Group, ICTM, Korčula, Croatia, 2000, 33/2 (2002) 217-219.

ZENKL, Ludek: Das Publikum des Musiktheaters in der ČSSR, III/1 (1972) 129-132.

ZLOKOVIĆ, Nada: Towards Synthesis… (Open Forum of the Institute of Musicology of the Serbian Academy of Arts and Science), VII/2 (1976) 267-270.

ZUBOVIĆ, Alma: 36th World Conference of the ICTM, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2001, 33/2 (2002) 225-228.

ZWEERS, Willem: An Investigation among Dutch Composers, I/1 (1970) 106-107.


ANDREIS, Josip: Un compositeur croate en Alsace et trois musiciens français à Dubrovnik, 13/1 (1982) 107-110.

BLAUKOPF, Kurt: Democratisation of the Musical Theatre of Our Days, 13/2 (1982) 199-200.

BLOOM, Peter: Letter to the Editor, 22/1 (1991) 115-116.

CVETKO, Dragotin: Slovene Musicology 1977-1982. Achievements and Plans, 13/1 (1982) 116-119.

DEMOVIĆ, Miho: Un compositeur croate en Alsace et trois musiciens français à Dubrovnik, 13/1 (1982) 110-116.

Das Organisationskomitee des Symposiums der IGMw: Vorwort, V/1 (1973) 7-8.

Die kroatische Gesellschaft für Musikwissenschaft: Vorwort, 23/1 (1992) 118.

GREEN, Edward: Haydn and Ellington: Parallel Lives?, 40/2 (2009) 349-351.

Hrvatsko muzikološko društvo: Uvodna napomena, 23/1 (1992) 4.

Hrvatsko muzikološko društvo: Uvodna riječ, 23/2 (1992) 118.

La societe Croate de musicologie: Introductory Word, 23/1 (1992) 3-4.

La societe Croate de musicologie: Note liminaire, 23/2 (1992) 117-118.

Le Comité d’Organisation du Colloque de la SIM: Préface, V/1 (9174) 6-7.

Organizacijski odbor Simpozija IMD-a: Predgovor, V/1 (1974) 9.

Organizing Committee of the Symposium of IMS: Foreword, V/1 (1974) 5-6.

SUPIČIĆ, Ivan (vidi SUPIČIĆ, Ivo): Dragotin Cvetko (1911-1993), 24/2 (1993) 186-187.

SUPIČIĆ, Ivan (vidi SUPIČIĆ, Ivo): Introductory Word – Uvodna riječ, 25/1-2 (1994) 3-4.

SUPIČIĆ, Ivo (vidi SUPIČIĆ, Ivan): Foreword – Preface – Vorwort, 13/1 (1982) 3-4.

SUPIČIĆ, Ivo (vidi SUPIČIĆ, Ivan): Foreword – Préface – Vorwort – Predgovor, VI/1 (1975) 7-8.

The Croatian Musicological Society: Introductory Note, 23/1 (1992) 3.

The Croatian Musicological Society: Introductory Word, 23/2 (1992) 115-116.

TUKSAR, Stanislav: Editor’s Note, 31/1 (2000) 3-4.

TUKSAR, Stanislav:Uvodna riječ, 31/1 (2000) 5-6.

VILJOEN, Martina: Introduction: Critical Theories and Musicology, 36/1 (2005) 3-6.

VILJOEN, Martina: Uvod: Kritičke teorije i muzikologija, 36/1 (2005) 7-10.


SUPIČIĆ, Ivo (vidi SUPIČIĆ, Ivan): Sociology of Music – Selected Bibliography 1950-1970, I/2 (1970) 229-240.
Editorship: Index nominorum IRASM 31/1 & 31/2 – 2000, 31/2 (2000) 239-259.
Editorship: Index nominorum IRASM 32/1 & 32/2 – 2001, 32/2 (2001) 213-223.
Editorship: Index nominorum IRASM 33/1 & 33/2 – 2002, 33/2 (2002) 239-256.
Editorship: Index nominorum IRASM 34/1 & 34/2 – 2003, 34/2 (2003) 197-207.
Editorship: Index – Indeks 1970-1979, offprint, pp. 16.
Editorship: Publications Received, VII/1 (1976) 118.
Editorship: Publications Received – Bibliography, II/2 (1971) 299-302.
Editorship: Publications Received – Bibliography, III/2 (1972) 273-277.
Editorship: Publications Received – Bibliography, IV/2 (1973) 331-334.
Editorship: Publications Received – Bibliography, V/2 (1974) 351-352.
Editorship: The Sociology of Music – A Selected Bibliography (A to F), VII/2 (1976) 284-342.
Editorship: The Sociology of Music – A Selected Bibliography (G to M), VIII/1 (1977) 97-154.
Editorship: The Sociology of Music – A Selected Bibliography (N to Z), VIII/2 (1977) 273-325.
Editorship: The Sociology of Music – A Supplement, IX/1 (1978) 131-146.
Editorship: The Sociology of Music – A Supplement II, X/2 (1979) 249-268.
Editorship: The Sociology of Music – A Supplement III, 14/1 (1983) 107-115.
Editorship: Bibliography and Publications Received, 15/1 (1984) 85-87.
Editorship: Bibliography and Publications Received, 12/2 (1981) 203-211.

Sastavila Zrinka Vitković (1969.-2010.);
Lucija Konfic (od 2011.-)
