IRASM – MembersEditorial Board

International Review of the Aesthetics and Sociology of Music

Zagreb, Croatia

Publishers: Croatian Musicological Society – Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts – Academy of Music of the Zagreb University

Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Stanislav Tuksar, University of Zagreb, Croatian Academy of

Sciences and Arts, Croatia


Members of the academic Editorial Bord and their affiliation


Alessandro Arbo, Strasbourg;
Barbara Barry, London/Jerusalem;
Philip Bohlman, Chicago;
Bojan Bujić, Oxford;
James A. Deaville, Hamilton (Ontario);
Enrico Fubini, Torino;
Edward Green, New York City;
Andreas Haug, Würzburg;
Hanns Werner Heister, Hamburg;
Koraljka Kos, Zagreb;
George H. Lewis, Stockton;
Andrej Rijavec, Ljubljana;
Antonio Seravezza, Bologna;
Ivan Supičić, Zagreb;
Philipp Ther, Vienna;
Stanislav Tuksar, Zagreb;
Martina Viljoen,
Harry White, Dublin;
Alexander Wilfing, Vienna.