MusMig in the Croatian Musicological Review Arti musices

MusMig in the Croatian Musicological Review Arti musices

Zagreb, September 2015

am_h200An article (in Croatian, with English summary) “Useful Liaisons: Luka Sorgo – Ruggiero Boscovich – Pietro Metastasio” has been published in the Croatian Musicological Review Arti musices, Vol. 46, No. 1. Online version can be found here: The text by Vjera Katalinić, leader of the HERA MusMig project, describes the letter of the Viennese court poet and librettist Pietro Metastasio to the scientist from Dubrovnik Ruggiero Boscovich (Ruđer Bošković), at that time in Paris. The letter gives some new insights into the Viennese sojourn of Luka Sorgo (Sorkočević), a nobleman and composer from Dubrovnik, who was sent on a diplomatic mission to the court of Joseph II. Luka Sorgo obviously arrived in Vienna in August 1781, hired his first headquarters rather far away from the centre, possibly near the Prater, so that the old poet was not able to meet him regularly. On the other hand, Metastasio gave information on the fine and noble character and personality of the Dubrovnik nobleman that attracted the majority of the local nobility at the Court.

An article (in Croatian, with English summary) “The Early-Baroque Composer Vinko Komnen (Vincenzo Comneno; 1590-1667) and the Network of his Predecessors and Contemporaries” has also been published in the Croatian Musicological Review Arti musices, Vol. 46, No. 1. Online version can be found here: The text by Stanislav Tuksar, member of the Croatian group, explores the biographical sources, identity, bibliography and music output of the early-Baroque composer, erudite and Dominican monk Vincenzo Comneno (Vinko Komnen; 1590-1667), who lived and worked in Dubrovnik, Rome, Naples, and Spain. The research is based on the new insights and interpretations of the complex publication (a kind of Miscellanea Proceedings) entitled “Le glorie cadute dell’Antichissima, ed Augustissima Famiglia Comnena”, edited by Lorenzo Miniati and published in Venice in 1663, as its second edition.


MusMig again in the Croatian Musicological Review Arti musices

Zagreb, January 2016

am2_w450An article (in Croatian, with English summary) “The Inventory of Music Materials of the Cathedral Chapter in Hvar, 1646/1647” has been published in the Croatian Musicological Review Arti musices, Vol. 46, No. 2. Online version can be found here:

The text by Maja Milošević, member of the Croatian group, researches a manuscript kept in the Cathedral Chapter Archives in Hvar, which contains a list of books and music material owned by the Cathedral Chapter back in 1646/47. Although lost nowdays, recorded music titles are witness to the quantity and quality of music in the town of Hvar (and generally in Dalmatia) during the 1st half of the 17th century. This (music) inventory testifies not only the presence of the contemporary Italian (mostly Venetian early-Baroque) music literature on the island. It also reveals four titles of Tomaso Cecchini’s to date unknown compositions, joined here to the revisited list of Cecchini’s works. Considering the importance of the source in the context of Croatian music historiography and (early) Baroque culture, a focal point of this article is an overview of the inventory’s musical content. It is presented here by way of a table containing transcripted titles and extra details on authors and printed editions, which were formerly a part of the Cathedral Chapter’s music collection.