Music Migrations in the Early Modern Age: the Meeting of the European East, West and South (MusMig)

Music Migrations in the Early Modern Age: the Meeting of the European East, West and South (MusMig)
O projektu
Trogodišnji projekt „Music Migrations in the Early Modern Age: the Meeting of the European East, West and South“, koji se vodi iz Hrvatske (HAZU, Odsjek za povijest hrvatske glazbe), obuhvaća istraživače i iz Slovenije, Njemačke i Poljske. Četrnaest znanstvenika sa 6 instituta i sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Ljubljani, Mainzu, Berlinu i Varšavi istražuje mobilnost glazbenika u 17. i 18. stoljeću, njihove susrete i utjecaje te diseminaciju ideja, muzikalija i glazbala. Načinjena je baza podataka u kojoj je sakupljeno preko 2800 imena skladatelja, interpreta, graditelja glazbala, učitelja, prepisivača i mecena, te svjedoči o kronologijama njihovih kretanja i mjestima susreta. Održana su tri znanstvena skupa (Mainz, Zagreb, Varšava), a do lipnja 2016. znanstvenici s projekta sudjelovali su ili organizirali ukupno 150 nastupa: predavanja, izlaganja na simpozijima, koncerte, izložbe i radionice. Objavili su 90 znanstvenih i stručnih radova (knjige, članke, izvješća) te notna izdanja. Važan aspekt vidljivosti projektnog djelovanja je i objavljivanje notnog materijala. Hrvatska grupa dosad je objavila 5 notnih svezaka: 2 Jarnovićeva i 2 Straticova koncerta, jednu Bajamontijevu ariju dok je druga u pripremi. Projekt se odvija od 2013. do 2016. godine, a voditeljica je dr. sc. Vjera Katalinić. Hrvatsko muzikološko društvo pridruženi je partner projekta.
About the project
The three-year project “Music Migrations and the Early Modern Age: The Meeting of the European East, West and South”, which is coordinated from Croatia (Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Department for History of Croatian Music), includes also researchers from Slovenia, Germany, and Poland. Fourteen scientists from six institutes and universities in Zagreb, Ljubljana, Mainz, Berlin, and Warsaw are investigating the mobility of musicians in the 17th and 18th century, their meetings and influences, dissemination of ideas, music material and musical instruments. The database created in the project, which contains over 2800 names of composers, interpreters, instrument makers, teachers, scribes, and patrons, testifies about the chronologies of their migrations as well as their meeting points. Three scholarly meetings were held: in Mainz, Zagreb, and Warsaw. As of June 2016, scientists from the project participated or organized a total of 150 outputs: lectures, papers at the symposiums, concerts, exhibitions, and workshops. A total of 90 scientific and professional papers were published: books, articles, reports, and musical scores. A significant aspect of the project visibility is the publication of music material. So far, the Croatian group published five music scores: 2 violin concertos by Giovanni Giornovichi/Ivan Jarnović, 2 concertos for two violins by Giuseppe Michele Stratico, 1 aria by Julije Bajamonti, and another is forthcoming. Project runs from 2013 until 2016 under the leadership of Professor Vjera Katalinić. Croatian Musicological Society is the associate partner of the project.
Web: http://musmig.eu/home/
Blog: http://musmig.hypotheses.org/
HERA: http://heranet.info/musmig/index