Music Migrations: People, Markets, Patterns, Styles

Zagreb, Library of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, 13-14 October 2014

Music Migrations: People, Markets, Patterns, Styles

International Musicological Symposium of the HERA-Project: Music Migrations in the Early Modern Age: The Meeting of the European East, West and South (MusMig)

musmigzagreb2014-2Impulses for the migration of musicians (composers, performers, teachers, instrument builders/makers, etc.) during the 17th and 18th centuries were often economic in nature, either positive – searching for a new/better place to work – or negative – poor conditions in staying in one place – and supply and demand often regulated their (voluntary) circulation. The market was actually reduced to a few fields: the Church, the town, the nobility, or the theatre, and they were often interwoven (for example, the Church or court musician found extra money as a private teacher, and also as performer in a theatre orchestra). The migrants were the soloist virtuosi, as well as their benefactors/Maecenas.

How did they present themselves to the new environment/audience? What type of contracts did they sign? Were they invited, or did they impose themselves? Did they simply migrate for schooling, and then return? Where were they educated? Did they bring music material with them (scores, books, tutorials/manuals)? Did they adopt and implement/disseminate new musical forms, new patterns of music-making, and new styles? Did they follow the original models or modify them? How did their audiences react? Did their guest performances influence the creation of new frames/spaces of music-making? Did they leave notes on their sojourns in foreign countries and how did they assess them? How did they travel? How does the musicologist approach these questions? And researchers from sister disciplines? What methodologies and sourced do they use?

The answers to these and many other questions will be sought after within this meeting.


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Zagreb, Knjižnica Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti, 13-14. listopada 2014.

Glazbene migracije u rano moderno doba: ljudi, tržišta, modeli, stilovi

Međunarodni muzikološki skup u okviru HERA projekta

Poticaji za migracije glazbenika (skladatelja, interpreta, učitelja, graditelja glazbala i sl.) u 17. i 18. stoljeću često su bili ekonomske prirode, bilo pozitivne (traženje novog/boljeg radnog mjesta), bilo negativne (nemogućnost ostanka), a ponuda i potražnja regulirale su njihovu (dobrovoljnu) cirkulaciju. Tržište se uglavnom svodilo na nekoliko područja: crkveno, gradsko, plemićko ili kazališno, a često su se područja i poklapala (crkveni je ili dvorski glazbenik dodatno zarađivao privatnom podukom, a uz to svirao u kazališnom orkestru). Migrirali su i solisti-virtuozi, ali i mecene.

Kako su se svi oni predstavili novoj sredini? Kakve su ugovore sklapali? Jesu li bili pozvani, ili su se nametnuli? Jesu li odlazili na školovanje, pa se vraćali? Gdje su se obrazovali? Jesu li sa sobom donijeli i muzikalije? Jesu li usvojili i implementirali nove glazbene vrste, novi stil? U izvornom ili promijenjenom načinu? Kako je publika na to reagirala? Je li njihovo gostovanje utjecalo na stvaranje novih okvira/prostora muziciranja? Jesu li ostavili bilješke o svojim boravcima u drugim sredinama i kako su ih procjenjivali? Na koji su način putovali? Kako muzikolog pristupa tim pitanjima? A kako znanstvenici iz srodnih disciplina? Koju metodologiju i izvore rabe?

Sve je to samo dio pitanja na koja će se pokušati odgovoriti u okviru ovoga skupa.




