Arhiva kategorije: Skupovi i predstavljanja

Skupovi i predstavljanja

Skupovi i predstavljanja

U sklopu MusMig projekta predviđena su tri znanstvena simpozija:

  • Mainz, Sveučilište Johannes Gutenberg, 24.-25. travnja 2014.
    Music Migrations: From Source Research to Cultural Studies
  • Zagreb, HAZU, 13.-14. listopada 2014.
    Music Migrations: People, Markets, Patterns, Styles
  • Varšava, 6.-7. svibnja 2016.
    Centres and Peripheries – People, Works, Styles, Paths of Dissemination and Influence

Osim toga, projekt je predstavljen u više prilika:

  • HERA launch meeting (Dubrovnik, 30. rujna-1. listopada 2013.)
  • Dani otvorenih vrata HAZU (Zagreb, 19.-20. studenog 2013.)
  • Godišnji susret HMD-a (Zagreb, 23.-24. svibnja 2014.)
  • Godišnji susret HMD-a (Zagreb, 15.-16. svibnja 2015.)
  • Godišnji susret HMD-a (Zagreb, 3.-4. lipnja 2016.)
  • HERA meeting of project leaders and researchers with reports of projects „Cultural encounters“ and lounch meeting for „Uses of the past“ (Prag, 15.-16. rujna 2016.)

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acrord32Music migrations in the early modern age


acrord32HERA Joint Research Programme



Music Migrations: From Source Research to Cultural Studies

Music Migrations: People, Markets, Patterns, Styles

Centres and Peripheries – People, Works, Styles, Paths of Dissemination and Influence

HERA launch meeting 2013

Dani otvorenih vrata HAZU 2013

HERA meeting of project leaders and researchers 2016

Music Migrations: from Source Research to Cultural Studies

Mainz, Johannes Gutenberg University, 24-25 April 2014

Music Migrations: from Source Research to Cultural Studies

Workshop of the HERA-project Music Migrations in the Early Modern Age: the Meeting of the European East, West and South (MusMig)

musmigmainz2014In early modern times music migrations have considerably contributed to the dynamics and synergy of the European cultural scene at large, stimulating innovations, changes of styles and patterns of musical and social behaviour, and contributing to the cohesive forces in the common Euro-pean cultural identity. In order to offer insight into musico-cultural encounters in spatial (European East, West and South), and in temporal terms (17th-18th centuries, i.e. Baroque and Classicism) the first workshop of the HERA-MusMig project will discuss the different types of sources as well as the theoretical and technical framework within which it will be possible to form a network of migratory musicians and to reconstruct their routes and goals; secular and sacred centres with centripetal attractiveness; the cultural transfer of certain musical forms and styles; individual and social migratory motives. In addition to panels on methodological approaches and on music migration between Eastern and Western Europe special attention will be given to the potential of Digital Humanities as a tool to study biographies and networks of migratory musicians.


Music Migrations: People, Markets, Patterns, Styles

Zagreb, Library of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, 13-14 October 2014

Music Migrations: People, Markets, Patterns, Styles

International Musicological Symposium of the HERA-Project: Music Migrations in the Early Modern Age: The Meeting of the European East, West and South (MusMig)

musmigzagreb2014-2Impulses for the migration of musicians (composers, performers, teachers, instrument builders/makers, etc.) during the 17th and 18th centuries were often economic in nature, either positive – searching for a new/better place to work – or negative – poor conditions in staying in one place – and supply and demand often regulated their (voluntary) circulation. The market was actually reduced to a few fields: the Church, the town, the nobility, or the theatre, and they were often interwoven (for example, the Church or court musician found extra money as a private teacher, and also as performer in a theatre orchestra). The migrants were the soloist virtuosi, as well as their benefactors/Maecenas.

How did they present themselves to the new environment/audience? What type of contracts did they sign? Were they invited, or did they impose themselves? Did they simply migrate for schooling, and then return? Where were they educated? Did they bring music material with them (scores, books, tutorials/manuals)? Did they adopt and implement/disseminate new musical forms, new patterns of music-making, and new styles? Did they follow the original models or modify them? How did their audiences react? Did their guest performances influence the creation of new frames/spaces of music-making? Did they leave notes on their sojourns in foreign countries and how did they assess them? How did they travel? How does the musicologist approach these questions? And researchers from sister disciplines? What methodologies and sourced do they use?

The answers to these and many other questions will be sought after within this meeting.


* * *

Zagreb, Knjižnica Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti, 13-14. listopada 2014.

Glazbene migracije u rano moderno doba: ljudi, tržišta, modeli, stilovi

Međunarodni muzikološki skup u okviru HERA projekta

Poticaji za migracije glazbenika (skladatelja, interpreta, učitelja, graditelja glazbala i sl.) u 17. i 18. stoljeću često su bili ekonomske prirode, bilo pozitivne (traženje novog/boljeg radnog mjesta), bilo negativne (nemogućnost ostanka), a ponuda i potražnja regulirale su njihovu (dobrovoljnu) cirkulaciju. Tržište se uglavnom svodilo na nekoliko područja: crkveno, gradsko, plemićko ili kazališno, a često su se područja i poklapala (crkveni je ili dvorski glazbenik dodatno zarađivao privatnom podukom, a uz to svirao u kazališnom orkestru). Migrirali su i solisti-virtuozi, ali i mecene.

Kako su se svi oni predstavili novoj sredini? Kakve su ugovore sklapali? Jesu li bili pozvani, ili su se nametnuli? Jesu li odlazili na školovanje, pa se vraćali? Gdje su se obrazovali? Jesu li sa sobom donijeli i muzikalije? Jesu li usvojili i implementirali nove glazbene vrste, novi stil? U izvornom ili promijenjenom načinu? Kako je publika na to reagirala? Je li njihovo gostovanje utjecalo na stvaranje novih okvira/prostora muziciranja? Jesu li ostavili bilješke o svojim boravcima u drugim sredinama i kako su ih procjenjivali? Na koji su način putovali? Kako muzikolog pristupa tim pitanjima? A kako znanstvenici iz srodnih disciplina? Koju metodologiju i izvore rabe?

Sve je to samo dio pitanja na koja će se pokušati odgovoriti u okviru ovoga skupa.






Music Migrations in the Early Modern Age: Centres and Peripheries

Warsaw, University of Warsaw; Institute of Musicology, 6-7 May 2016

Music Migrations in the Early Modern Age: Centres and Peripheries – People, Works, Styles, Paths of Dissemination and Influence

International Musicological Conference within the HERA project Music Migrations in the Early Modern Age: The Meeting of the European East, West and South (MusMig)

musmigvarsava2016Migration of musicians and transmission of repertoire across Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries contributed to the emergence of a network of music and cultural connections, in which major European centres of music life were linked to less well researched and mostly smaller centres situated at some distance.

In order to investigate the transmission of music in the context of the evolving styles, performance practices, instruments, forms of transmission, music education, music-related institutions and forms of music life and their adaptation in various milieus, it is vital not only to establish how peripheries were linked to the centres, but also how particular peripheral centres were linked to each other.

It is our objective to investigate the directions of migration and repertoire transmission, the routes along which musicians travelled and music was disseminated between the East, the West and the South of Europe, as well as about how the routes and directions changed and the factors that favoured or inhibited the exchange of musicians and music. We intend to find out which centres and in what period functioned as hubs of music life and which were peripheral, although each of them possessed an originality of its own. Among the issues related to the spreading of repertoire and knowledge about music, we consider their transformation through transmission and adaptation to be an important development which led to the emergence of the universally acknowledged classical style in music.

In summary of the research conducted within the framework of the MusMig project, it is our intention to address the fundamental question concerning the significance of the encounters between the East, the West and the South of Europe for music culture, both broadly defined and local in the places where the encounters occurred.



Concert At the Polish Royal Court in the 17th Century, May 6, 2016

Program koncerta


HERA launch meeting

HERA launch meeting

(Dubrovnik, 30. rujna-1. listopada 2013.)

HERA JRP Cultural Encounters Conference

Dubrovnik Palace Hotel, Croatia, 30 September–1 October 2013


The HERA (Humanities in the European Research Area) Joint Research Programme (JRP) Cultural Encounters Conference brings together consortiums of project Leaders, principal Investigators and associated (non-academic) partners to meet with members of the HERA network, evaluation panel members,previously funded HERA project leaders and humanities research policy makers. The event features networking opportunities and will include presentations from all eighteen projects awarded funding under the HERA JRP Cultural Encounters programme and knowledge exchange with previously funded HERA project leaders.



HERA konferencija i predstavljanje projekta MusMig

HERA Conference & Presentation of the MusMig project

Utorak, 1. listopada 2013. / Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Hotel Palace, Dubrovnik




Dani otvorenih vrata HAZU

Dani otvorenih vrata HAZU (Zagreb, 19.-20. studenog 2013.)

Odsjek za povijest hrvatske glazbe Zavoda za povijest hrvatske književnosti, kazališta i glazbe HAZU

dov2013-pozivOpatička 18, Zagreb

19.-20. studenog 2013.

„Hrvatska muzikologija u europskom znanstvenom prostoru“

Na Danima otvorenih vrata Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti 2013. projekt MusMig uključen je u okviru predstavljanja Odsjeka za povijest hrvatske glazbe HAZU pod nazivom „Hrvatska muzikologija u europskom znanstvenom prostoru“.



Vidi više na: Odsjek_za_povijest_hrvatske_glazbe

Meeting of project leaders and researchers

Prague, 15-16 September 2016: Meeting of project leaders and researchers with reports of projects „Cultural encounters“ and lounch meeting for „Uses of the past“

Within report panels, exhibitions and concerts in the Brevnov Monastery, the achievments  of the HERA project „Music Migrations in the Early Modern Age: the Meeting of the European East, West and South“ (MusMig) was presented by:

  • the poster with reports on the places of research, disseminations and knowledge exchange made by Lucija Konfic (poster enclosed)
  • exhibition of publications: 7 scores (Stratico, Giornovichi, Bajamonti, Dussik), 2 proceedings (from Mainz and Zagreb MusMig conferences), a DVD with performance of pieces published by the MusMig (Stratico, Giornovichi and Bajamonti)
  • the presentation of the DVD
  • the presentation of the Database
  • the concert by Musica cubicularis ensemble, with introduction and comments.

The publications were left for HERA and the DVD was distributed to the participants. It was presented by the PL Vjera Katalinic, and PIs Martin Albrecht-Hohmayer from Berlin and Metoda Kokole from Ljubljana. Aneta Markuszewska, a project member from Warsaw represented two Polish groups.


Program koncerta

