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2023. god. 24. godišnji susret – Zoom

24. godišnji susret Hrvatskog muzikološkog društva – poveznice za Zoom

Četvrtak, 1. 6. 2023, 10.00-14.20

Topic: HMD godišnji susret 2023
Time: June 1, 2023
Join Zoom meeting

Meeting ID: 870 0896 8032
Passcode: 483294

Petak, 2. 6. 2023, 9.15-10.45

Topic: HMD godišnji susret 2023 petak
Time: June 20, 2023
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 824 3859 1981
Passcode: 724442

Skupština HMD-a neće se prenositi putem Zoom-a.

2023. god. 24. godišnji susret

24. godišnji susret Hrvatskog muzikološkog društva

1. i 2. lipnja 2023. godine

Preporodna dvorana palače Narodnog doma, Opatička 18, Zagreb

Svim članovima HMD-a!

Ovime Vas pozivamo na

24. godišnji susret članova
Hrvatskog muzikološkog društva

ČETVRTAK, 1. 6. 2023, 10.00-14.20

10.00-10.10 Stanislav Tuksar: Organizacija, institucija i institucionalizacija u glazbenoj kulturi – određenja i razlike među temeljnim pojmovima muzikološkog projekta MusInst19 (uživo)
10.15-10.25 Vjera Katalinić: Zaduženja i obaveze vojnih glazbenika u 79. pješačkoj pukovniji grofa Jelačića iz 1903. godine (uživo)
10.30-10.40 Petra Babić: Recepcija hrvatskih, mađarskih i čeških nacionalno-povijesnih opera u 19. stoljeću (uživo)
10.45-10.55 Lucija Konfic: Glazba i svakodnevni život u Križevcima 1861. (uživo)
11.00-11.10 Katica Burić Ćenan: Baza podataka TEATROZAD kao izvor za istraživanje operne baštine Zadra krajem 19. i početkom 20. stoljeća (uživo)

11.15-11.30 Stanka

11.30-11.50 Tatjana Čunko (mentorica), Lorena Dragomanović, Sarah Kraljić, Mia Reba, Goran Ružić, Sara Vrdoljak: Glazbeni život u Zagrebu između dvaju svjetskih ratova (1918. – 1941.) – preliminarni popis (uživo)
11.55-12.05 Goran Ružić: Članci iz periodike u fondu Natko i Beata Devčić (uživo)
12.25-12.35 Elena Miličević: Analiza Izvješća Narodnoga zemaljskoga glasbenoga zavoda u Zagrebu iz 1891. i koncem školske godine 1891/2. (online)
12.10-12.20 Luka Pekas: Analiza Izvješća Narodnoga zemaljskoga glasbenoga zavoda u Zagrebu za školske godine 1892/3. i 1893/4. (online)

12.40-12.50 Stanka

12.50-13.00 Tina Cota: Susret dviju umjetnica: Beata Devčić-Domić u pastelima Anke Krizmanić (uživo)
13.05-13.15 Josip Bažant: Ivan Padovec (1800-1873), novine – otkrića nakon dvjestogodišnjice rođenja i ususret stopedeset godišnjici smrti (uživo)
13.20-13.30 Brankica Ban: Vukovarsko vlastelinstvo obitelji Eltz i jedna grofica Sofija (odnosno s. Monika) (online)
13.35-13.45 Vilena Vrbanić: O stotoj obljetnici smrti: uspomene na Doru Pejačević u toponimiji i likovnosti (uživo)
13.50-14.00 Domagoj Marić: Knjiga o Dori, knjiga o Široli. Metodološki i koncepcijski pristupi biografija u nastajanju (online)
14.05-14.15 Ana Jazbec Kuric: Profesionalno tamburaštvo u Hrvata – stanje istraživanja (online)

PETAK, 2. 6. 2023, 9.15-10.45

9.15-9.25 Dora Dunatov – Tanja Halužan – Jelka Vukobratović: Projekt Diskograf u prve tri godine – rezultati i realizacija (uživo)
9.30-9.40 Dora Dunatov: Na razmeđu disciplina: diskografija pod akademskim povećalom (uživo)
9.45-9.55 Jelka Vukobratović: Važnost istraživanja diskografije za razvoj studija popularne glazbe (uživo)
10.00-10.10 Tanja Halužan: Značaj rane hrvatske diskografije u formiranju jezgre (standardiziranih) lokalnih repertoara (uživo)
10.15-10.25 Helena Novak Penga: Recentna istraživanja glagoljaškog pjevanja Zadarske nadbiskupije (uživo)
10.30-10.40 Lada Duraković: Iz rada Muzičke omladine Pule, u povodu šezdesete obljetnice osnutka (online)

U 11.00 počinje skupština Hrvatskog muzikološkog društva (uživo)

32. redovita godišnja skupština HMD-a 2023.


PETAK, 2. LIPNJA 2023. U 11 SATI

Promocija novih izdanja HMD-a

Dnevni red:

1) Izbor radnog predsjedništva, zapisničara i ovjerovitelja
2) Zapisnik s godišnje skupštine HMD za 2022. godinu
3) Izvješće o djelatnostima i ostvarenim akcijama HMD u 2022. godini
4) Izvješće o prihodima i rashodima HMD u 2022. godini
5) Plan i proračun za 2023. godinu (rekapitulacija)
6) Program rada HMD za 2024. godinu
7) Proračun HMD-a za 2024. godinu
8) Izvješće Nadzornog odbora HMD-a
9) Izvješće Pedagoške sekcije HMD-a
10) Izvješće Povjerenstva za dodjelu »Nagrade Dragan Plamenac« HMD-a u 2023.
11) Razno

Skupština s uvodnim dijelom održat će se:

  • u petak 2. lipnja 2023.
  • s početkom u 11:00 sati
  • u Preporodnoj dvorani Narodnog doma (Palača Drašković), Opatička 18, u Zagrebu

Besplatni glazbeni antikvarijat

U sklopu manifestacije Noć knjige 2023., Hrvatska udruga muzičkih knjižnica, arhiva i dokumentacijskih centara (HUMKAD) u suradnji s Komisijom za glazbene knjižnice i zbirke Hrvatskog knjižničarskog društva organizira Besplatni glazbeni antikvarijat.

Antikvarijat će se održati u petak, 21. travnja 2023. na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu (Trg Republike Hrvatske 12), od 10 do 19 sati.

Besplatni glazbeni antikvarijat priređuje se s ciljem besplatne razmjene nota, časopisa i knjiga na temu glazbe te zvučne i audiovizualne glazbene građe, pri čemu svi posjetioci mogu donijeti i vlastite viškove koje bi željeli pokloniti.


Ove 2023. godine obilježavamo 100 godina od smrti Dore Pejačević, skladateljice čiji se opus smatra jednim od najznačajnijih glazbenih opusa u povijesti hrvatske glazbe i čija je europska prepoznatljivost danas neupitna. Koncertnim projektom DORISSIMO POSSIBILE, koji će prirediti učenici osnovnoškolci i srednjoškolci te njihovi mentori iz spomenutih triju glazbenih škola, programski ćemo se usredotočiti na život i glazbeni opus jedne od najznačajnijih hrvatskih skladateljica.

Potaknuti uspješno provedenim i izvrsno prihvaćenim koncertnim projektom BERSIANA, koji je tijekom 2018. i 2019. godine izveden u trima hrvatskim gradovima (Slavonski Brod, Zagreb i Zadar), tri glazbene škole iz Republike Hrvatske, Glazbena škola Slavonski Brod, Glazbena škola Blagoje Bersa iz Zadra, koje su sukreirale projekt Bersiana, te Osnovna glazbena škola Kontesa Dora iz Našica, pripremile su novi glazbeni projekt kojim će nastaviti upoznavati i promovirati bogatstvo hrvatskoga glazbenog stvaralaštva.

Glavna ideja projekta je izvoditi djela Dore Pejačević, kako u izvornom obliku, tako i u raznovrsnim obradama i aranžmanima za druge instrumentalne i vokalno-instrumentalne sastave. Učenici triju škola združit će se u zajedničkim izvedbama kroz formiranje mješovitog zbora i tamburaškog orkestra, nastupat će u različitim komornim sastavima te solistički. Na taj način oživjet ćemo glazbu Dore Pejačević te učenike upoznati s opusom koji stoji u temeljima povijesti hrvatske glazbe i kulture.

Dorissimo possibile proći će svim trima gradovima, počevši u Slavonskom Brodu 10. ožujka, zatim u Našicama 11. ožujka, te zaokružiti svoje putovanje u Zadru 18. ožujka. No, putovanje neće biti završeno jer tek tada glazba Dore Pejačević ostat će trajno upisana u nutarnji svijet svakoga mladog čovjeka koji je sudjelovao u sukreiranju ovoga jedinstvenog glazbenog doživljaja.

Glazbena škola Slavonski Brod

Natječaj za dodjelu «Nagrade Dragan Plamenac» u 2023. (za 2020-22 god.)

Svim članovima HMD-a!

Odlukom Upravnog odbora Hrvatskog muzikološkog društva od 23. veljače 2023., temeljem članka 3. Pravilnika o godišnjoj «Nagradi Dragan Plamenac» HMD-a, raspisuje se

Natječaj za dodjelu
«Nagrade Dragan Plamenac»
u 2023. godini

Prema članku 2. navedenog Pravilnika:

«Nagradu dodjeljuje HMD najboljem znanstvenom dostignuću, ponajprije vezanom uz hrvatsku glazbenu kulturu, hrvatskog ili inozemnog znanstvenika na području muzikologije, ostvarenom tijekom tri prethodne godine. Nagrada se dodjeljuje pojedincu ili skupini znanstvenika za osobito vrijedan objavljeni znanstveni rad, relevantno primijenjeno muzikološko postignuće (muzikološko notno izdanje, nosač zvuka, organizacija simpozija, uredništvo knjige, očuvanje građe i dr.) ili za životno djelo.»

Uvjeti za dodjelu Nagrade:
  • Prema čl. 4: Prijedloge za Nagradu ne može davati autor za vlastito ostvarenje.
  • Prema čl. 7: Prijedlozi za dodjelu Nagrade moraju biti pismeno obrazloženi.
  • Prema čl. 8: Prijedlog za dodjelu Nagrade mora sadržavati: područje djelatnosti za koje se predlaže Nagrada, opis i obrazloženje znanstvenog (muzikološkog) ostvarenja te ostalu raspoloživu dokumentaciju (knjige, muzikološka notna izdanja, nosače zvuka i druge objavljene materijale).

Rok za podnošenje prijava: 15. ožujka 2023. na adresu HMD-a, Opatička 18, 10000 Zagreb. Prijave za godišnju nagradu moraju sadržavati djelo za koje se predlaže nagrada te obrazloženje.

Druge obavijesti:
Prema čl. 5: Odluka o Nagradi objavit će se na 32. redovitoj Godišnjoj skupštini HMD-a početkom lipnja 2023., o čemu ćete biti posebno obaviješteni.

Prema čl. 9: Nagrada se dodjeljuje u obliku povelje i novčanog iznosa.

Napomena: Nagrada se može dodijeliti postignućima ostvarenim tijekom tri prethodne godine (u ovom slučaju 2020, 2021. i 2022).

Poziva se članstvo da podnese svoje prijedloge u predviđenom roku i u skladu s iznesenim uvjetima.

dr. sc. Vjera Katalinić, predsjednica
(vrijedi kao potpis)

Franjo Ksaver Kuhač: Korespondencija II/1

Franjo Ksaver Kuhač: Korespondencija II/1 (1864-1866)

Pripremile / Edited by: Vjera Katalinić – Sara Ries

Izvori i dokumenti o glazbi / Sources and documents on music, br./no. 4
Odsjek za povijest hrvatske glazbe HAZU – Hrvatsko muzikološko društvo / Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Department for History of Croatian Music – Croatian Musicological Society, 2022.

386 str./p.

Franjo Ks. Kuhač (Osijek, 1834. – Zagreb, 1911.), hrvatski muzikolog i etnomuzikolog, ostavio je snažne autobiografske tragove u 13 knjiga svoje korespondencije s oko 3.000 pisama. Međutim, njegova su pisma i neobično bogat i vrijedan izvor podataka o nekim tekućim političkim i kulturnim zbivanjima njegova doba. Prva knjiga njegove korespondencije (1860.-1863., s 59 pisama) objavljena je u dva dijela 1989. i 1992. godine.

Prvi dio druge knjige nastao je između 1864. i 1866. godine te uključuje 88 pisama / jedinica s pismima na njemačkom (na gotici) i nekoliko na hrvatskom jeziku (na latinici). Artikulacija materijala u ovom izdanju slijedi model uspostavljen u prvoj knjizi: na početak su postavljeni originali pisama, bilo onih njemačkih, transliteriranih iz gotičkog u latinsko pismo, ili pak nekolicina hrvatskih. Slijede prijevodi njemačkih pisama na hrvatski (u ovome svesku nije bilo mađarskih pisama za razliku od nekolicine u prvoj knjizi), a na kraju su komentari redom po pismima, koji se odnose na osobe spomenute u pismu, djela i pojmove koji obuhvaćaju važnije događaje u Kuhačevu životu, glazbeno-kulturna zbivanja ili slično. Dodatni se podatci mogu naći u bazi podataka <>, posebno kreiranoj za potrebe projekta NETMUS19, u okviru kojeg je nastavljen rad na Kuhačevoj korespondenciji.

Franjo Ks. Kuhač (Osijek, 1834 – Zagreb, 1911), Croatian musicologist and ethnomusicologist, left many autobiographical traces in 13 books of his correspondence, with some 3,000 letters. However, his letters are also an unusually rich and valuable source of information about some current political and cultural events of his time. The first book of his correspondence (1860-1863, with 59 letters) was published in two volumes in 1989 and 1992.

The first part of the second book, written between 1864 and 1866, includes 88 letters / items with those written in German (Gothic script), and only a few in Croatian (in Latin script). The articulation of the material in this publication follows the model established in the first book. At the beginning are the original letters, either in German, transcribed from Gothic into Latin script, and a few Croatian ones, followed by translations of German letters into Croatian (there were no Hungarian letters in this volume, in contrast to the first book). At the end there are commentaries on the letters, which refer to the persons mentioned, various works and notions that encompass the most important events in Kuhač’s life, musical-cultural events or similar. Additional data can be found in the database <>, specially designed for the needs of the NETMUS19 project, within which the work on Kuhač’s correspondence was continued.

ISBN 978-953-6090-66-2 (HMD)
ISBN 978-953-347-494-6 (HAZU)
150,69 kn / 20 € + poštarina


Koncert uglazbljenih pjesama Vesne Parun i Dragutina Tadijanovića

Kada je prije dvije i pol godine Glazbena škola Slavonski Brod započela pripremu projekta koncertnog izvođenja uglazbljenih pjesama Dragutina Tadijanovića, okolnosti nisu bile sasvim naklonjene ovom projektu. Koncerti U tišini bez kraja (2020.) i A duga još jače zasja u meni (2021.) odvijali su se u virtualnom okružju, bez izravnog dodira s publikom bez koje istinski glazbeni doživljaj ne postoji. Ove jeseni, 7. studenoga 2022. godine, koncert na Tadijinim jesenima po prvi put će biti otvoren javnosti u prekrasnoj koncertnoj dvorani Glazbene škole Slavonski Brod.

Sudjelovanjem u književno-kulturnoj manifestaciji Tadijine jeseni, ideja je bila spojiti pjesništvo Dragutina Tadijanovića i glazbu hrvatskih suvremenih skladatelja koji su u Tadijanoviću našli nadahnuće, s posebnim naglaskom na poticanje nastanka novih djela koja će glazbom ispričati Tadijine priče. Na prošlim dvama koncertima praizvedeno je osam novih skladbi iz pera troje autorskih imena – Linde Uran, Siniše Leopolda i mladog brodskoga glazbenika, tada maturanta glazbene škole, Mislava Dokuzovića. Ove godine pozivu Glazbene škole Slavonski Brod na ostvarenje novoga glazbenog djela odazvao se Tomislav Fačini koji je za ženski zbor, flautu i klavir skladao Lutanje.

Tadijanovićevo pjesništvo nije jedino koje je ove godine u središtu pažnje. S obzirom da se u 2022. godini obilježava 100 godina od rođenja Vesne Parun, najistaknutije pjesnikinje u suvremenoj hrvatskoj književnosti, odabir njezinih uglazbljenih pjesama ravnopravno ispunjava ovogodišnju programsku koncepciju koncerta.

Ovogodišnji koncertni program donosi popijevke na Tadijine i Vesnine stihove iz pera Linde Uran, Siniše Leopolda, Hrvoja Hegedušića i Zorana Novačića, instrumentalnu verziju poznate šansone Ivice Stamaća te glazbene izvedbe oba zborska ansambla Glazbene škole Slavonski Brod – Dječjega zbora, koji će otpjevati Bijeli leptir Dragutina Stahuljaka, i Srednjoškolskoga zbora, koji će praizvesti Lutanje.

Parafrazirajući stih iz Tadijanovićeva Lutanja – stotinu uglova, stotinu svjetiljaka – podsjećamo na stotine i stotine stihova koje su tijekom svojih pjesničkih života iznjedrili Tadija i Vesna, ukazujemo na stotine i stotine melodija koje čekaju da oplemene njihove stihove, darujemo svojih stotinu učeničkih i nastavničkih glasova kako bi njihovo pjesništvo nastavilo živjeti među nama. Zahvaljujemo Hrvatskom društvu skladatelja i Hrvatskom muzikološkom društvu na podršci koju svih ovih godina pružaju ideji i projektu Glazbene škole Slavonski Brod

Workshop: Institutionalization of Modern Bourgeois Musical Culture in the 19th Century

Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti
Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts
Projekt / Project MusInst19 (PL: Stanislav Tuksar)

U suradnji s Hrvatskim muzikološkim društvom / In collaboration with the Croatian Musicological Society

Radionica: Institucionalizacija moderne građanske glazbene kulture u 19. stoljeću
Workshop: Institutionalization of Modern Bourgeois Musical Culture in the 19th Century

Petak, 7. listopada 2022. / Friday, 7 October 2022, 9:30 – 17:30
Preporodna dvorana / Revival Hall, Opatička 18, Zagreb
(Gornji Grad / Upper Town)

Program / Programme

I. 9:30 – 12:30
9:30 – 9:40 Uvodne napomene / Introductory Notes
9:40 – 10:10 Stanislav Tuksar (Zagreb)
Institutionalization of Modern Bourgeois Music Culture in the 19th-Century Civil Croatia – Introductory Considerations
Institucionalizacija moderne građanske glazbene kulture u 19. stoljeću u Banskoj Hrvatskoj – Uvodna razmatranja
10:10 – 10:40 Željko Holjevac (Zagreb)
Military Frontier and the Illyrian Occasional Songs Vojna krajina i ilirske prigodnice
10:40 – 11:10 Tomáš Slavický (Prag / Prague)
From the Patrimonial to the Civic Model of Music for All – The Transformation of Music Institutions in the Czech Kingdom and the Problems of Their Documentation
Od patrimonijalnog do građanskog modela glazbe za sve – transformacija glazbenih institucija u Češkom Kraljevstvu i problemi njihove dokumentacije
11:10 – 11:30 Pauza – Coffee break
11:30 – 12:00 Maruša Zupančič (Ljubljana)
Institutionalization of Modern Bourgeois Musical Culture in the 19th-Century Ljubljana
Institucionalizacija moderne građanske glazbene kulture u 19. stoljeću u Ljubljani
12:00 – 12:30 Lucija Konfic (Zagreb)
Discussions on Music Institutions in the Karlovac Press of the 19th Century Rasprave o glazbenim institucijama u karlovačkom tisku 19. stoljeća
12:30 – 14:00 Pauza za ručak – Lunch Break

II. 14:30 – 17:30
14:00 – 14:30 Ivano Cavallini (Palermo – Trst/Trieste)
What Kind of Music for a Multi-Cultural Bourgeoisie? Three Sketches of Trieste in the Whirlpool of Cosmopolitanism and Nationalism
Koja vrsta glazbe za multikulturno građanstvo? Tri skice Trsta u vrtlogu kozmopolitizma i nacionalizma
14:30 – 15:00 Fatima Hadžić (Sarajevo)
Institutionalization of Music Culture in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Identification of Key Figures and Processes Institucionalizacija muzičke kulture u Bosni i Hercegovini: identifikacija ključnih aktera i procesa
15:00 – 15:30 Petra Babić (Zagreb)
Musical Life in the Military Frontier: The Case-study of the Militär-kommunität Petrinja Glazbeni život u Vojnoj krajini. Studija slučaja vojnog komuniteta Petrinje
15:30 – 16:00 Pauza – Coffee break
16:00 – 16:30 Lili Veronika Békéssy (Budimpešta / Budapest)
Military Bands, Reunions. Popular Concerts in Pest-Buda during the 1850s
Vojni sastavi, proslave. Popularni koncerti u Pešti-Budimu tijekom 1850-ih
16:30 – 17:00 Vjera Katalinić (Zagreb)
How to Establish a Public (Music) Library: The Case of Nikola Udina/Algarotti and His Music Collection
Kako osnovati javnu (glazbenu) knjižnicu: slučaj Nikole Udine/Algarottija i njegove glazbene zbirke
17:00 Završna rasprava / Final Discussion


(in order of appearance in the Workshop Programme)

Stanislav Tuksar
Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Zagreb

Institutionalization of Modern Bourgeois Music Culture in 19th-Century Civil Croatia – Introductory Considerations

The process of institutionalization of modern bourgeois music culture in 19th-century Civil Croatia (the provinces of stricter Croatia and Slavonia) went hand in hand with broader contemporaneous developments in education and social modernization. In this, questions arise of when bourgeois society in Civil Croatia, as distinct from that of the ‘ancien régime’, came into being and of what “bourgeois music culture” means. The liberalization of social practices was one of the important elements of the ideological background which enabled the emergence and developments of these processes. In it participated not only the members of the otherwise thin social stratum of bourgeoisie, but also some members from the aristocratic and high ecclesiastical circles. Another important element was the rise of national consciousness and the proclaimed supreme interests of the nascent modern Croatian nation, in which participated people from various ethnic origins (Croatians, Serbs, Germans, Jews).
The paper follows free gatherings, societies and associations from the late 1820s on: Musikvereins, music schools, salons, singing societies, music theatres and instrumental ensembles. When discussing the issue of institutions in the areas and periods under consideration it should be pointed out that some among them emerged as new acquisitions, i.e. innovations of the new post-feudal era, while others had a prehistory of a kind, where new components or specific activities replaced or modified the already existing ones.

Željko Holjevac Institute for Social Sciences Pilar, Zagreb

Military Frontier and the Illyrian Occasional Songs

The Military Frontier was a defence area in Croatian and other Habsburg lands which bordered the Ottoman Empire from the sixteenth century to 1881. Military service was compulsory for every adult and able-bodied man between the ages of 16 (raised to 20 after 1850) and 60. The Illyrian movement established the common Croatian literary language and literature, and initiated the first public newspapers in the Croatian language. The movement also inspired the founding of libraries, reading rooms and national societies so that during the Romantic era, in the spirit of European ‘Zeitgeist’, musical and other cultural activities in north-western Croatia prevalently served the Revival Movement, which gave its attention also to the Military Frontier. “As a rock in the midst of the sea / he fearlessly stands at guard, / neither rain nor snow disturbs him, / neither winds which waver the woods / he is getting warm by the fire of his heart”. These were the verses by Franjo Turić from Gospić in July 1843 from his poem Graničari (The Frontier Men), published in the Illyrian newspaper Danica in November of the same year. There is no need to additionally point out its importance of the place and role of Illyrian occasional songs about the Military Frontier and other topics in the process of institutionalization of modern bourgeois musical and culture at large during the nineteenth century.

Tomáš Slavický
Czech Museum of Music, Prague

From the Patrimonial to the Civic Model of Music for All – The Transformation of Music Institutions in the Czech Kingdom and the Problems of Their Documentation

The topic of the establishment of modern music institutions is a challenge for a new perspective on the transformation processes in multinational Austria. The Kingdom of Bohemia (Czechia) is an example of a bilingual country where a modernization of music education was quite successfully implemented together with infrastructure to support military bands, and at the same time the development of the Czech national movement, including the building of civic associations and efforts to create a national theatre. These processes took place in principle in a peaceful way without revolutions. A long-lasting effort for a consensus between Czechs and Germans, aristocracy and bourgeoisie, Czech national representation and the Austrian state was typical. However, this consensus was later denied and the interpretation of the national movement as a struggle of revolution against reaction was firmly established in Czech musical historiography. The paper will try to describe the main problems of competing concepts of the Czech national revival and the later rewriting of history. The subject of interest will be the synergistic processes of establishing national and transnational musical institutions, their interaction models, and the effort for mutual communication between emerging national cultures in Austria.

Maruša Zupančič
Musicological Institute ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana

Institutionalization of Modern Bourgeois Musical Culture in 19th-Century Ljubljana

At the end of the seventeenth century, various humanistic associations were founded in Ljubljana. At the beginning of the eighteenth century, the aristocratic association Academia Philharmonicorum Labacensium (1701) began its work, but ceased its activity in the middle of the century. A revival of organized musical activity took place in Ljubljana in 1794 under the name Philharmonische Gesellschaft (Philharmonic Society), when four citizens formed a string quartet and, after a month of activity, invited other music lovers to join them. Soon merchants, teachers, priests and craftsmen signed up as members. The core of the society initially consisted of fifteen members and four quartet members. Although the Philharmonic Society was the first to institutionalize Ljubljana’s musical life, the social background of its members was diverse, yet it was not fully accessible to the general public in every aspect. Its academies, as the concerts were called until 1836, were initially intended only for a closed circle of its members and represented a kind of transitional form between private and public concerts. Nonetheless, the Philharmonic Society strove for social equality since its founding, and its 1794 charter allowed membership to anyone, regardless of status or class, whether musical dilettante or mere listener, who was willing to contribute to the society’s progress. Although in the first half of the nineteenth century provincial consciousness still prevailed and the number of nationally conscious people was extremely small, in the second half of the century the peaceful coexistence of Germans and Slovenes began to deteriorate more and more, and from 1861 the cultural tensions between them began to rise. During this shift in acceptance, Slovene patriots developed reading societies as a form of strengthening national consciousness and cultural and political position in the Monarchy. In 1872, the Glasbena Matica (Music Society) was founded in Ljubljana, which became not only a musical, but also a cultural and national centre for the Slovenes, and after the dissolution of the Monarchy, it took a central role in the field of music in the entire Slovenian territory at that time.

Lucija Konfic
Department for History of Croatian Music HAZU, Zagreb

Discussions on Music Institutions in the Karlovac Press of the 19th Century

In the presentation, existing knowledge about the musical life of Karlovac will be complemented by a more detailed reading of newspaper articles about music in the “long” nineteenth century. The importance of the local press, which was very rich in Karlovac, especially comes to the fore for news about musical life and musical occasions. In the framework of this research, the following newspapers in the Croatian language were taken into account: Karlovački viestnik (1861), Glasonoša (1861-1865), Karlovački viestnik (1866), Svjetlo (1884-1905), Sloga (1886-1888) and Karlovački glasnik (1899-1903). The following questions were asked: What news about music came to the public and in what way was it presented? How important was music as a cultural and social factor in the city? Who initiated and encouraged discussions about the musical life of the city? Special attention was paid to discussions about the musical institutions of Karlovac, which can be divided into several thematic groups: 1) the Croatian singing society “Zora” and other musical societies; 2) he music school in Karlovac and music activities in other schools; 3) The issue of city music and the attitude towards military music.

Ivano Cavallini
University of Palermo, Palermo

What Kind of Music for a Multi-Cultural Bourgeoisie? Three Sketches of Trieste in the Whirlpool of Cosmopolitanism and Nationalism

During the reign of Maria Theresia, and her son, Emperor Joseph II, Trieste was completely rebuilt and became an attractive free-tax port of the Habsburg Empire. From the end of the seventeenth century to the first decade of the twentieth century, the population increased from 5000 to 230,000 inhabitants with an incredible amount of human beings coming from Central Europe and the Mediterranean coastal areas. The multi-ethnic ‘middle class’ obtained a series of privileges never before granted to the nobility, and its status is recognisable through the passion for the chamber music and symphonies of Wiener Klassik, played both in private and public concerts.
With the help of Czech intellectuals and musicians, during the 1860s the native Slovenes established a group of societies in which Romantic music and national anthems or Lieder were played. This trend culminated in the foundation of the Narodni dom (National House) and the Glasbena Matica (School of Music). At the same time, the Italian nationalists held the control of the Opera house, and the German minority reacted with the Schiller Verein, in which Julius Heller spent his energies in spreading the music of Romantic and neoromantic composers. Despite the political clash, the three groups gave significant impulse to instrumental music, which has marked the story of Trieste.

Fatima Hadžić
Academy of Music, Sarajevo

Institutionalization of Music Culture in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Identification of Key Figures and Processes

In the history of music in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Austro-Hungarian period (1878-1918) is considered the period of the establishment of the Western European model of musical life. Furthermore, the period between the two world wars (1918-1941) is marked as the period of the institutionalization of musical life on the musical infrastructure created in the previous period. Since Bosnia and Herzegovina was under centuries-old Ottoman rule until joining the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, the process of institutionalization began much later than is the case with Bosnia’s neighbouring countries. With the very rapid transition from the Oriental-Islamic to the Western European cultural circle, the complex relationship of the ethno-national communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina towards the new administration, and the role of foreigners (primarily the Austro-Hungarian administration), this process of institutionalization of musical life is specific and particularly complex. The goal of the presentation is to identify the key figures in this process, i.e. to describe the models of private and public initiatives in the field of musical culture that “prepared the ground” for the establishment of musical institutions, bases of modern civic musical culture in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Petra Babić
Project MusInst19 HAZU, Zagreb

Musical Life in the Military Frontier: The Case-study of the Militär-kommunität Petrinja

Militär-kommunitäten were towns in the territory of the Military Frontier that were granted special privileges. Sometimes defined as civil areas surrounded by completely militarized environment, in militär-kommunitäten trades, crafts and cultural life were more developed than in the other parts of the Military frontier. In the nineteenth century eight towns held this status: Petrinja, Kostajnica, Senj, Karlobag, Bjelovar, Zemun, Petrovaradin and Karlowitz.
For this research, Petrinja was selected as a case study primarily due to the fact that it had Musikverein, a singing society and three different orchestras. In this paper, the main aspects of both the civilian and military music life of Petrinja will be presented. Also discussed will be the foundation of the Musikverein and the importance it held for the town’s cultural life, and how the military Regimental orchestra and semi-military Town guard’s band both contributed to the diversity of Petrinja’s musical life.

Lili Veronika Békéssy
Institute of Musicology, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest

Military Bands, Reunions. Popular Concerts in Pest-Buda during the 1850s

Military bands played an essential role in the system of the Habsburg Empire’s musical institutions. The large number of the military bands also deserves attention: during the 1850s more than 150 military bands operated between the borders of the Habsburg Empire. The leaders of the military bands were mostly educated musicians. Therefore the quality of the played repertoire and the performance itself was high in the context of the contemporary circumstances. One can have a closer look at the repertoire played and venues of music through the contemporary press and archival research.
The daily newspaper Pesth-Ofner Lokalblatt und Landbote offers a high number of detailed advertisements of musical events which were unknown. The aforementioned newspaper and the city council minutes provides a clearer picture of Pest-Buda’s musical life. These sources, examined together with a day-by-day investigation of the local newspaper material enables us to see in detail what the real function of military orchestras in Pest-Buda’s institutional musical life was.
In my paper I will provide an insight into the daily operation, especially the popular concerts of the military bands in Pest-Buda.

Vjera Katalinić
Department for History of Croatian Music HAZU, Zagreb

How to Establish a Public (Music) Library: The Case of Nikola Udina/Algarotti and His Music Collection

The thesis of the paper is that Nikola Udina/Algarotti (Krk, 1791 – Vienna, 1838) started to collect his music material (and books, as well as musical instruments, but the focus will be put on sheet music) with the intention to create a public library. The arguments can be found in various documents that will be presented here as well as some presumptions and speculations that gave him the impulse for such a large and demanding action. Further, some characteristics of the music collection itself can reveal both the intention and the way of realizing his project that resulted with the huge donation/bequest of almost 3500 music items (along with a few thousand books) to his native city of Krk that enabled the foundation of Biblioteca Algarotti, opened in a specially adapted building. That was an immense benefit for a small town with less than 1000 inhabitants, but with urban infrastructure within rural places in its vicinity. However, only two generations of locals used it during the second half of the nineteenth century, because the lack of finances caused its closure in 1894.

Godišnja „Nagrada Dragan Plamenac“ u 2022. godini

Godišnja „Nagrada Dragan Plamenac“ u 2022. dodijeljena je prof. dr. sc. Katji Radoš-Perković

Dodijeljena je nagrada Plamenac u 2022. god. Dobitnica je Katja Radoš-Perković za pripremu (transliteracija, prijevod, komentari i uvodna studija) knjige Luca Sorgo: Memoriae / Dnevnik Luke Sorkočevića (1781-1782) u izdanju HMD-a 2021. godine.

Iz obrazloženja:

„Objavljivanjem djela Luca Sorgo: Memoriae / Dnevnik Luke Sorkočevića (1781-1782) ne samo hrvatska muzikologija nego i šira kulturologija te opća historiografija dobili su na uvid jedinstveno djelo dubrovačke i hrvatske baštine

Znanstveni rad Katje Radoš-Perković sastojao se u navedenom djelu od:
1) transliteracije, odnosno doslovne diplomatske transkripcije izvornog dokumenta na talijanskom jeziku u rukopisnom obliku;
2) prijevoda sa (Sorkočevićeva) talijanskog izvornika na hrvatski jezik u verziji suvremenog jezičnog standarda;
3) komentara u obliku 579 bilježaka. K. Radoš-Perković je osim glavnog posla transliteracije i prijevoda napisala i Uvodnu studiju u kojoj je minuciozno i suvereno predstavila glavna obilježja sadržaja Sorkočevićeva Dnevnika i uredničke kriterije za transliteraciju rukopisa. Među komentare se također može uvrstiti i osobito vrijedan i koristan Popis osoba s tumačenjima s ukupno 431 natuknicom. (…)

Ovo uzorno izdanje dnevničkih zapisa, inače drugo u povijesti hrvatske muzikologije nakon objavljenih takvih zapisa Blagoja Berse, posebno je značajno zbog svojeg višedimenzionalnog karaktera. Naime, osim što je važan za povijest diplomatike, te kao jedinstvena putopisna proza s bilješkama o Sorkočevićevu boravku u Beču, Grazu, Celju, Ljubljani i Rijeci, za hrvatsku muzikologiju to je posebno važan tekst jer se u njemu na jedinstven način donose podatci o izravnim kontaktima jednog pripadnika dubrovačke/hrvatske društvene elite s prvim imenima ondašnje bečke glazbene kulture – P. Metastasijem, Ch. W. Gluckom, J. Haydnom i drugima. A Katja Radoš-Perković je znalačkim, upravo eruditskim, minucioznim i savjesnim priređivanjem ovoga izdanja napravila veliku i neprolaznu uslugu ne samo našoj znanosti o glazbi nego i hrvatskoj i europskoj humanistici u cjelini.“